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star wars lucasfilm text editing software?


Hello is there a software where i can edit the lucasfilm ltd text?



Your example isn't showing, but I'm guessing you mean the current Lucasfilm Ltd logo. The most accurate way to make your own logo resemble theirs is to manually create one in a vector art application like Adobe Illustrator. If you simply want to automated solution that is 'good enough' then I recommend Star Wars Title Sequence Generator, an app that creates custom 20th Century Fox and Lucasfilm Ltd logos, Star Wars logos and opening crawls. Here's an example of its output. If you don't have access to a Mac then unfortunately that wont help you.

This topic needs moving to the Requests and How-tos forum.

Ooh, a laserdisc. The Cheat's playin' something on a laserdisc.
Everything is better on a laserdisc. Whatever happened to the laserdisc? Laserdisc!

Gillean said:

....If you don't have access to a Mac then unfortunately that wont help you.


 I've had a forum member with a Mac help me out in the past with this same program, so even if you don't have a Mac, all is not lost.  If you have no friends...

then maybe start with some Tic-Tacs


I do have to admit it is a pretty cool program.  You just have to provide the audio.