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Song Of The South - many projects, much info & discussion thread (Released) — Page 6

It's from the BBC broadcast. I posted screencaps here if you want to check them out.
Holy crap in a hat.....me want......

I've got better things to do tonight than die! - Springer, Transformers the Movie

I too would love a copy. Let me know what you would like to trade for it. --Rick
I’m particularly trying to get a hold of these preservations, but feel free to offer anything else that’s not on DVD.

Metropolis - Giorgio Moroder Version
Heart of Darkness
Roger Corman’s The Fantastic Four
THX 1138: The Original Version
Fanfiltration’s Dr. No (The Criterion Collection)
Fanfiltration’s From Russia With Love (The Criterion Collection)
Fanfiltration’s Goldfinger (The Criterion Collection)
The Phantom Menace: The Original 1999 Theatrical Film (laserdisc transfer)
The Turkish Star Wars
mentor-check yer pm box

I've got better things to do tonight than die! - Springer, Transformers the Movie

Is this Song of the South recording PAL or NTSC?

I don't have any of the items you mentioned for trade, but I do have lots of rare dvd's. I have 2,000+ dvd's, most of which are originals that I bought (probably 20% are dvd rips). I haven't updated my list recently, but I'll update it and get you a copy. Maybe there's something on there you want to trade for.

Off the top of my head, the most recent "rare" or hard-to-find dvd's I bought were: Disney's Ducktales: Legends of the Lost Lamp and Disney's Rocketman. Both of these are only available through the Disny DVD Club and have gone for quite a few bucks on ebay. I also have lots of "rare" cuts of horror movies that aren't available in the US.

It's in PAL (from BBC)

I've just ran out of DVD-R's, but I've ordered a box and should be able to post out from Tuesday.

I just pm'ed you as well.
I'd be interested in a dvd copy but would anyone be able to make it play in on NTSC tv's? I do have THX 1138 the original version. It was made on a dvd recorder sourced from the widescreen laserdisc.

Can dvd recorders make direct dvd to dvd copies? Of non copy protected stuff, off course. I've been thinking about getting one but I want it to be really good and I'm unsure how long before blu-ray or HD dvd will be available as blank media.

Take back the trilogy. Execute Order '77


No one has been able to confirm this, but from what has been described of the BBC broadcast, it sounds possible a 24 -> 25 pulldown was used instead of a normal speedup.

Good news for those who hate the pitch shift, bad news for anyone who wants to restore the 24 frames to build a NTSC copy.

Dr. M

Recieved my copy of Mentor's dvd today. Willing to send out copies to people who want it. shoot me an email at drgonzo369 at gmail dot com.

have some requests, but can't think of any at the moment....

I've got better things to do tonight than die! - Springer, Transformers the Movie

it plays fine on my dvd player (that plays pal and ntsc and all regions fine...thank god for phillips dv642s), so if anyone can fix it to play on other ntsc players, I'll supply what Mentor sent me.

I've got better things to do tonight than die! - Springer, Transformers the Movie

NTSC conversion was discussed. For some kookie reason it's interlaced instead of sped up.
It might take some doing, has anyone tinkered with it yet?

Dr. M

I'm not a convertor, but I will supply the copy I got form Mentor to anyone who wants to try converting it.

I've got better things to do tonight than die! - Springer, Transformers the Movie

This for anyone who has the version with the easter egg.

The Hidden Easter Egg Cartoon is hidden pretty well. Here is how you find it. To find the hidden Easter Egg bonus cartoon on the DVD, go to the 1946 Radio Plug and select and play the upper right song "Everybody's Got A Laughing Place". Then once it is playing select play on it again, even though it will already be playing. This will allow you to see the hidden bonus cartoon. Enjoy!
Even if the dvd player is region free and can play Pal & NTSC, that doesn't mean a Pal dvd would play on an NTSC television. Do Amazon or other online sites have a catalog of region free dvd players.

Take back the trilogy. Execute Order '77


I live in an ntsc region (america), and almost every dvd player I've bought (except for console gaming systems) have all had a built in signal convertor (so it plays ntsc or pal with no issues). The only advice I can give you is to check something like dvdhelp and check on dvd players that can do both.

I've got better things to do tonight than die! - Springer, Transformers the Movie

Just checking in to see if there was any luck with converting the recent BBC broadcast from PAL to NTSC. Anyone?
I was wondering this myself. I have the Mentor cap that I've been circulating, but this thread kinda died back in October so I'm not sure if the PAL->NTSC version ever happened.

I've got better things to do tonight than die! - Springer, Transformers the Movie

I'm aware that it'll soon be on rapidshare. I'll be giving an NTSC conversion a whirl once it's posted.

Dr. M

As soon as I have it up (half way now), I'll let ya know.

I've got better things to do tonight than die! - Springer, Transformers the Movie

I'm getting this from the Demon right now. Now sure what the quality or the detils are yet until I finish. But a poster did mention an easter egg.
There's good in the Original Trilogy, and it's worth fighting for.
"People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people."
I know it's not the Mentor edition, unless he reauthored it AFTER I got mine. This one is completely barebones.

Hopefully have it upped on RS by the end of the day.

I've got better things to do tonight than die! - Springer, Transformers the Movie

Stop the presses!
So there's a chance for me to finally retire my Japanese LD?
Just to recap - is there an NTSC version available?
And can I get a copy of the PAL version?
Let me zip off a PM to the esteemed Dr Gonzo...