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so is it..

So is it a 93 master tranfers to dvd widescreen or LD to dvd?


looking for HDTV of the  Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith.  Also HDTV of The Lord of the Rings trilogy

It's not Anamorphic widescreen, that's what it isn't... and it doesn't matter if its a master or LD to DVD, it blows either way when you wont get anamorphic! LFL lost all credibility for me... I'm so angry right now!!

-x- I aim to misbehave -x- www.gamerworld.se -x-

Originally posted by: DarthBoMan
It's not Anamorphic widescreen, that's what it isn't... and it doesn't matter if its a master or LD to DVD, it blows either way when you wont get anamorphic! LFL lost all credibility for me... I'm so angry right now!!

I second that
No joke.

I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.

Someone needs to remove this thread we're just going around in circles in this place at the moment.
Agreed. Keep it in one place guys. At least they're acknowledging their existence. That's what counts. They sure as hell are trying to make the SE version the one to watch for the average viewer though.

Made for IE Forum's Episode III theme month - May 2005.

Originally posted by: DarthBoMan
and it doesn't matter if its a master or LD to DVD, it blows either way when you wont get anamorphic!

It matters to me!

I'd really like to know, because I assume that there are differences between the master and the Laserdisc version (especially regarding the sound).

What I don't get, by the way, is why everyone is so angry about the film not being anamorphic. There IS going to be a Widescreen Edition, so isn't that good enough?
Taylor: Oh H, whatever happened to the way of the warrior??
Harold: The way of the warrior doesn't stand a chance against the way of the wife.
('K2', 1991)
Sadly, plain widescreen is not good enough. Without animorphic, the movie will look bad on a widescreen telivision. You may ask yourself why this matters. Maybe you don't have a widescreen telivision. But if you ever do get a widescreen TV, you'll have to uyse a zoom feature to see the movie fill up the screen, and it'll look awful. Check out the digital bits for a great guide on anamorphic releases.
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