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my thoughts on originals vs SE... — Page 3

It was clearly a rushjob, cause even back in 1997 this was no "state of the art" GC imagery. This scene should never had gone in the Special Edition in the first place. I liked the mystery surrounding "this Jabba character" originally and he ofcourse had his time in the Return Of The Jedi full and proper IMO. This is one thing Lucas knew back in the late 70´s and early 80´s that it´s often much more effective NOT to show things. Like for example I also liked much better when we didn´t see the Wampa creature in ESB. Was more suspensful and better moviemaking than the "you HAVE to see and know everything right away" method he seems to adopt these days. It´s ofcourse because the geezer is getting old and gives in to his belief that the "kids" have to be able to figure "everything" out. No mystery!


Still no bloody reason to have Boba Fett in the scene though!

no shit...
whats even worse is that glare he gives to the camera...
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."
I don't mind Boba Fett being in that scene I must say. For me, its the best thing about that scene!

And speaking of Jabba, someone posted a msg on here in another forum with screen captures, comparing the 3 different versions of Jabba (OT, SE and 2004 EE). The new 2004 edition still looks completely different and CG wise, CRAPPY compared to TPM version!!!

WTF is going on? I mean they've redone it to look better than the SE but it doesn't! He looks different not better! Man, its so frustrating! You just want to smack GL and his animators upside the head and say, if you're going to do something, do it properly!

You watch, when the entire 6 DVD box set is re-released, they'll mess with him again, I can feel it, the force is strong in this one.

And speaking of Jabba, someone posted a msg on here in another forum with screen captures, comparing the 3 different versions of Jabba (OT, SE and 2004 EE). The new 2004 edition still looks completely different and CG wise, CRAPPY compared to TPM version!!!

ya i still think TPM Jabba looked the best...
out of those 3 anyway...
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."
Anyway, I know it's a bit EU, but herea an intersting snippet from the Boba Fett book, which kinda explains why he does hang around with the Fat Man Jabba!!

And probably also why he never takes his helmet off! Maybe!! Well it's all bollox so who really cares!!
It's too hot for this shit today!

Another key ingredient is that Elizabeth Hand has Boba Fett continue to grow as a character. He takes a major step from being the boy we saw in Episode II towards the man we saw in the classic trilogy. He starts using his father’s armor, continues to wrestle with the fact that the Republic’s clones look like his father, and maintains his hatred of the Jedi. Boba even starts to form a surrogate family in Jabba’s Palace, thus explaining why he’d continue to hang out in such a dump.


very cool...
i hope we see them explain Boba in the third one... along with the millions of other things Lucas hit to fit into that movie...
i really do see him leaving things out though...
theres just way too much to cover
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."

Originally posted by: Rebelscum
It was clearly a rushjob, cause even back in 1997 this was no "state of the art" GC imagery.

Not really true. Jurassic Park and T2 had some of the greatest CG work ever done; even today it's hard to top them. The only difference was with these is that it wasn't so much the systems they had were state of the art, it's that the artists took their time to slowly craft the work, unlike sticking it in there (which is still done today).


I used to believe Return of the Jedi was best as a little kid but I grew up unlike many.

I think that happened to everyone. ROTJ used to be my favorite because of all the action. I thought ESB was long and boring and used to fast forward through all the Yoda scenes, except for the X-Wing scene. Man, I don't know what was wrong with me!

Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here, this is the war room!

but the CG isn't why it T2 is one of favorite movies of all time
The CG and the performance of Robert Patrick are the only redeeming factors in T2. You mean you actually found something else to love in there, Sean?
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic

Originally posted by: Bossk
The CG and the performance of Robert Patrick are the only redeeming factors in T2. You mean you actually found something else to love in there, Sean?

You are so going on my hate list . Seriously, I loved T2, it's one of the best sequels made and a very intelligent and thought out sci-fi movie.

Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here, this is the war room!


Originally posted by: Bossk
The CG and the performance of Robert Patrick are the only redeeming factors in T2. You mean you actually found something else to love in there, Sean?

I agree but bring this to the Terminator thread not here.
I hate to be on your hate list, but I guess I'll dwell there in my anti-T2 sentiments.

And Jimbo's right (OHMIGOD! The skies are falling!!! ), I'll stop this here and let you guys discuss it in the Terminator Thread.
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic
My thoughts on Original - vs- SE

Hello all,
I am a new poster, but have been a lurker for a few weeks now. I have been run off just about every SW fourm I can think of....it seems that my "old ass" and my hard line attitude on the "Original Trilogy" is not welcome on most Star Wars boards. I am not sure how I will be received here, but some things I would like to get off my chest.......

1. Did George Lucas Rape my Childhood?

Yes, what he did to these films is an abomantion. He might as well have thrown a 12 year old boy on the hood of his car and went to town...

2. Han/Greedo Scene

By changing that scene you change the whole character of Han Solo! You turn him from the rotten scoundrel/ Pirate that he was into someone that has a conscious. After that scene is over, we are left with the thought that he can be a cold blooded killer when he needs to be.

3. The Movies are His!

No, I do not agree. Yes he created them, but once they went out into the public then they became apart of film history. I do not see many artists paintings once they go to a museum get sent back to the artist because they should have done this or that...if he wanted to fiddle with them, he should have kept them at home.

4. Updating Special Effects

I am aginst it! Movies are like pieces of time, and Star Wars belongs in the 1970's. The effects were way ahead of their time in 1977,80 and 83. But they belong in the time that they were made. Is George going to update the effects again in say 2020 when the effects from 2004 have long since been outdated? Should we go back and redo the shark in "Jaws" just because we can?

5. You have the Original Trilogy on every format except DVD, get over it!

Why should we be punished and not be able to see the Original Trilogy in the latest medium with the best quality?

6. Go watch it on tape or Laser if you like the originals so much...see it how it was back then with grain etc...

Guess what, just because it looked bad in those older formats it did not look like that back in 1977, 80 and 83 in the theater. So I want it how it looked in the theater with the best possible cleanup and transfer (but kept original).

7."This is how I wanted to make them" but couldn't excuse.

Total horse shit...yeah maybe there were some things he wanted to do like the Jabba scene but he has used this old excuse for everyting now and it has become his crutch...Why not have changed the Han scene in 1977? Certainly he could have done that.....so what that he can make the effect look better now...thats what "NEW" movies are for...this is he license to tinker. He will turn these into the prequels...lots of effects and no heart or magic.


I think it is just sad how he is trying to tie all this together by butchering the OT....look its his own fault for waiting 15 years between making these trilogies. I could care less how he tries to tie them together, just as long as he does not change anything in the originals to do it.

9.Shafting Others

He is totally spitting on the people that made the originals possible including the directors that he hired for ESB and ROTJ. I wonder if Marquand is rolling around in his grave? What about all the people who designed the models, makeup, fx shots..everything? What about the original actors like Sebastian Shaw? What they are just wiped from history?

10.Get a Life!

Yep these are just movies, and in the grand scheme of life not the highest on the importance scale..but they meant something to a 12 year old in 1977....they mean something to the history of film. And we deserve better than having a revisionsist history cramed down out throats. Maybe I am getting old and crotchty...I know that nobody can appreciate these films the same way that those of us did that actually saw them in the theater as they were released...

If only he would give ALL of his fans a choice as to which versions they will watch...

Would you like a little Cheese with your whine?

Yes I love chesse, thank you.

You can add me to your ignore list now

If only they would release a Alien Quadrilogy style SW dvd set. All versions of the films and a Laser Disc Archive on the extra disk.
WELCOME Wet Willy!
your thoughts are welcome here!!

i agree with you on the "they're his films" BS....
if they were just his films then i want all the money i gave Lucas back...
that's a total of.....


ya that sounds about right..
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."