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is there any Star Trek Enterprise fans here? — Page 2

Originally posted by: Johnny Ringo
James Dixon is a Dick.

Harsh, and why is that? Also I forgot to mention that I think ST:E should have been more like the new Battlestar Galactica or Firefly series.
"James Dixon is a Dick."

LOL...Hey, I've seen far worse said about SW, especially for the Prequels (though there tends to be an OT backlash now.) That being said, as much as I enjoyed Enterprise, I can see why "Trekkies/Trekkers" might have been disappointed with it (And I only read the first paragraph.)

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: Sadly, I believe the prequels are beyond repair.
<span class=“Bold”>JediRandy: They’re certainly beyond any repair you’re capable of making.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: You aren’t one of us.
<span class=“Bold”>Go-Mer-Tonic: I can’t say I find that very disappointing.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>JediRandy: I won’t suck as much as a fan edit.</span>

"Using some of what was said as a guide I always thought ST:E could do with some major fan editing, unfortunalty editing the whole seires would be a huge undertaking and I doubt anyone would be interested. But I'd most definatly pay someone to do it for me if anyone was willing to take it on."

Is that a full time position? What's the yearly salary? Can I come in for an interview?

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape

TROY- I have way too much fucking time on my hands to read any of that shit. Get a fucking life!!!
All your base are belong to us !!!
Uhm, that wasn't necessary. If you don't like the thread content, get your own life and do something else instead.

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: Sadly, I believe the prequels are beyond repair.
<span class=“Bold”>JediRandy: They’re certainly beyond any repair you’re capable of making.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: You aren’t one of us.
<span class=“Bold”>Go-Mer-Tonic: I can’t say I find that very disappointing.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>JediRandy: I won’t suck as much as a fan edit.</span>

Originally posted by: MeBeJedi
Uhm, that wasn't necessary. If you don't like the thread content, get your own life and do something else instead.

Thank you MeBeJedi, it would appear Evolut!oN has a problem with long posts. I'm sorry it appears longer than it is but it came off a notepad document so it's all stuck to the left-hand side.

For a show he obviously can't stand he's spent a lot of time pouring over every minute detail. And for what purpose? simply to prove a point? Why bother? Either you like the show or you don't. Peoples opinions wont be swayed that easily. And despite it all a lot of the points made could easily be explained away and he's doing not much more than clutching at straws.

Yeah, I like really Enterprise, But a lot of my friends, including some star trek fans just don't dig it. That's fine. I'm not going to cry about it. Stop wasting our time James Dixon.

i'm a huge fan of Enterprise and am Excited at the prospect of a revival via the books telling the real story of what happened to trip. in the book The Good That Men Do.

have not read it yet but supposedly it leads into what would have been season 5 and the first war between Earth and the Romulans and the founding later of starfleet.

I found enterprise refreshing there is only so many times you can watch repeats of tng.

I only don't own them on dvd bacause of evil price gouging at 120.00 a season. they had them for like 85 once at sams club but they all sold out, lame.

Yes i know of places where you can get the bulkpack for over 300.00 of all four seasons still beyond my price range.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.

"For a show he obviously can't stand he's spent a lot of time pouring over every minute detail."

I've heard the same argument used against SW bashers, and to be honest, it really doesn't hold water. It is because of the details that he doesn't like the show.

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: Sadly, I believe the prequels are beyond repair.
<span class=“Bold”>JediRandy: They’re certainly beyond any repair you’re capable of making.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: You aren’t one of us.
<span class=“Bold”>Go-Mer-Tonic: I can’t say I find that very disappointing.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>JediRandy: I won’t suck as much as a fan edit.</span>

No, I mean WHY is he spending so much time on it if he can't stand it. Turn off the tv and go outside. he's obviously decided from the get go that he wasn't going to like it and seems to be trying to justify that to himself.

Or perhaps like us SW fans and the PT, he really, really wanted to like it. He is an ST fan, and it was the newest and last ST series. Anyway the guy talks about the show being an abomination for Star Trek historians. This guy sounds like your ultimate ST nerd. Let him be what he is and stop complaining. He isn't wasting your time, you're wasting your time if you make the decision to read all the way through that even though it did not interest you. I bet Mr. Dixon doesn't feel like going out side. I think he would rather sit in his chair eating cheetos and and playing Birth of the Federation or posting on some star trek message boards someplace. Is he being any different from somebody sitting in their chair at a computer and complaining about him on a star wars message board?

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape

Yeah, Evo, you were wrong for that. I didn't read it, but I am glad Troy posted it if I ever decide to read it.

Moving on, I like Enterprise alright, I saw the Series Premier from a pizza parlor while I was at work one day and thought it was pretty good. The few other episodes I've seen, I've enjoyed. I also like Scott Bakula pretty good and I thought he did a decent job as Captain Archer. However, I LOVE TNG and I would absolutely do anything for Counselor Troi played by Marina Sirtis (that woman is so damn hot!!!) I've already put my wife on notice that if I had a shot at Marina I'd damn sure take it. However, I'll digress on that and state that I also really enjoy the original Star Trek. Voyager is also okay, but I hate DS9, seemed so boring to me never going anywhere and just waiting for someone to visit. It reminded me of Gilligan's Island in space. I was never too big on any of the characters on their except Worf.
Yeah, I could never get much into DS9 either. Everyone says it is the best, but it just doesn't click with me for some reason.

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape

Originally posted by: C3PX
Or perhaps like us SW fans and the PT, he really, really wanted to like it. He is an ST fan, and it was the newest and last ST series. Anyway the guy talks about the show being an abomination for Star Trek historians. This guy sounds like your ultimate ST nerd. Let him be what he is and stop complaining. He isn't wasting your time, you're wasting your time if you make the decision to read all the way through that even though it did not interest you. I bet Mr. Dixon doesn't feel like going out side. I think he would rather sit in his chair eating cheetos and and playing Birth of the Federation or posting on some star trek message boards someplace. Is he being any different from somebody sitting in their chair at a computer and complaining about him on a star wars message board?

Maybe I'm wrong, only be a casual fan of Star Trek, who never really was interested in Enterprise, but I've gotten the impression that bringing up Enterprise is about like bringing up the prequels or the SE to Star Wars fans. You'll get some very extreme responses, and people who will go through point by point as to why they aren't good.
Yeah, it really is the PT of the ST universe. I don't consider my self a Trek fan, but I do enjoy it and have seen my fair share. I have had some fun late night discussion with my friends about all the errors and inconsistencies of Enterprise. We really had a lot of fun with that stupid borg episode, we even joke around about how they should explain the smooth headed Kilingon thing. A year later they did and it was almost as bad as the Darth Vader built threepio thing. Yeah, comparing Enterprise to the PT is very valid. Still, being a guy who doesn't consider himself a real Star Trek fan but a huge Star Wars fan, I would still rather watch episodes of Enterprise rather than watch the PT. Enterprise was far better filmed, acted and writen. Even if it did bung up continuity and have some very stupid story ideas from time to time.

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape

Originally posted by: C3PX
"Using some of what was said as a guide I always thought ST:E could do with some major fan editing, unfortunalty editing the whole seires would be a huge undertaking and I doubt anyone would be interested. But I'd most definatly pay someone to do it for me if anyone was willing to take it on."

Is that a full time position? What's the yearly salary? Can I come in for an interview?

Well I am slightly serious; this is a vague idea of what I had in mind

*Change the title of the series to Star Trek: New Frontiers

*Try and add shots of Sputnik and Gagarin to the opening montage.

*Replace all Opening Titles music with “Archers Theme”

*Replace all End Titles with "Faith of the Heart"

NOTE: An opening credits sequence in which Scott Bakula recites a modified version of the famous "Space, the final frontier..." speech (with the phrase "where no human has gone before" in place of "where no man" or "where no one"), accompanied by "Archer's Theme" was shown but I’ve never seen it. So that’s another possibility.

*Ship Phasers (granted, they're called phase cannons, but they, like the hand weapons, emit beams which sound and act just like those in TNG/DS9/V. Lasers should be in use: Lasers, particle-beam weapons, plasma weapons, and heck even simple projectile weapons. So change the beam colour to blue or red and use old-style laser or phaser sound effects.

*NX-01's is retrofitted with photon(ic) torpedoes in "The Expanse," which look and sound JUST LIKE the photon torpedoes used by ships throughout the 24th Century series TNG/DS9/V. Maybe do something with that.

*This ship shouldn't have subspace radio due to power-consumption and the size of the hardware. So I’d cut as many uses of it as possible or dialogue exchanges.

*I’d like to replace a lot of the sound effects with ones from “The Cage” and early original series episodes.

*Cut episodes that does not make sense and don’t get referenced ever again. Such as the Ferengi episode, “Acquisition and the comedy episode "A Night in Sickbay". Possibly get rid of “Extinction” as well.

*Dialogue would be cut and scenes where things like the transporters or virtual reality - aka holodeck – references.

I used to hate Enterprise but, now I think that it's okay...

Originally posted by: Troy

*Replace all Opening Titles music with “Archers Theme”

*Replace all End Titles with "Faith of the Heart"

NOTE: An opening credits sequence in which Scott Bakula recites a modified version of the famous "Space, the final frontier..." speech (with the phrase "where no human has gone before" in place of "where no man" or "where no one"), accompanied by "Archer's Theme" was shown but I’ve never seen it. So that’s another possibility.

I found this on youtube. Apparrently he got it off Startrek.com and, added titles. I like it better then the official opening for the show.

Previous Signature preservation link

Originally posted by: twister111
I used to hate Enterprise but, now I think that it's okay...

Originally posted by: Troy

*Replace all Opening Titles music with “Archers Theme”

*Replace all End Titles with "Faith of the Heart"

NOTE: An opening credits sequence in which Scott Bakula recites a modified version of the famous "Space, the final frontier..." speech (with the phrase "where no human has gone before" in place of "where no man" or "where no one"), accompanied by "Archer's Theme" was shown but I’ve never seen it. So that’s another possibility.

I found this on youtube. Apparrently he got it off Startrek.com and, added titles. I like it better then the official opening for the show.

Ah, thank you, however I dislike the design of the ship so couldnt put up with 90 episodes of watching it in the opening credits as well. I think that opening could be used on the last episode, I mean the proper last episode not the TNG inspired one. Also in that TNG version Scott Bakula actually says "where no man" at the end so that line would be lifted and placed over his "where no human has gone before" version.

I would say to also kick out the Borg episode and plenty of other as well. Night in Sickbay was actually the very first episode of the show I ever saw. Needless to say, I was extremely unimpressed.

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape

Originally posted by: Troy
Originally posted by: twister111
I found this on youtube. Apparrently he got it off Startrek.com and, added titles. I like it better then the official opening for the show.

Ah, thank you, however I dislike the design of the ship so couldnt put up with 90 episodes of watching it in the opening credits as well. I think that opening could be used on the last episode, I mean the proper last episode not the TNG inspired one. Also in that TNG version Scott Bakula actually says "where no man" at the end so that line would be lifted and placed over his "where no human has gone before" version.

Your welcome and, the music in the backround when he says that sound a bit different. You can see for yourself Another youtube link. So it might result in an audio jump but, eh *shrug* whatever you want to do....

Previous Signature preservation link