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I had to laugh out loud when negative 1 said lucas releasing the originals on dvd in non anamorphic from a laserdisc master was innovative.

Gone are the days when LFL was about innovation and pushing the envelope.  If you think backwards technology in 2006 that would have been acceptable in 1993 is progress than there is no talking to you.


The original negatives are rotting someplace and may be too late at some point to ever have those versions of the movies again.  Having a 2004 cut in a limited resolution master of 1080p is unaceptable.  When the original should get a real restoration by someone like Richard Harris at 4k.  So the movie can be seen in the cinemas again and get a real dvd and blu ray release.

The Lucas who created the oot and the Lucas who created the Prequels and suppressed and destroyed the original movies are 2 very different people.

The modern Lucas is responsible for the trend of CGi Blockbusters with zero story that are junvenile in nature.  His influence in modern cinema is currently destroying another franchise Star Trek.

Lucas hands people a pile of shit and they eat it up like it is the best thing since sliced bread.

Seriously Keep drinking the Lucas Kool Aid and eating his table crumbs while the original films are buried and may be lost to time.  The cutting up of the negatives was criminal at least imho.

The last decent film he made that was not full of crap cgi was in 1989.  and was Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.  Directed by Spielberg and Executive Prodcuced by him and story credited to him.

Young Indy was a drop in quality but was still a good show in many ways because of the other actors, writers and directors involved.

The ruination started in nov 1 1994 when he put pencil to paper on the first prequel movie.  Then came 1997 special editions which were embraced at the time as a cool alternative edit and not a replacement for the originals.  Had lucas honesly told filmgoers i will bury the old movies they would have boycott the release in 1997. in 1999 Star Wars suffered the worst it could ever suffer up to that point with the Introduction of the Phantom Menace and Jar Jar binks.  Poop and fart jokes and racist characters,lol what a winning combination.

Each movie that proceeded that last got progressively worst.   Return of the Jedi was the weakest of the oot but was still a pretty good movie despite the ewoks and Han Solo standing around for 2 hours with Nothing really to add to the story.   Then Episode 1 came out and was even worse than Return of the Jedi.  Only getting return viewers to see the duel of the fates at the end of the movie.   Episode II was even worse looked like a friggin PS2 game cutscene.  and Episode III  Sith was the worst of all because of the failed believability of Anakin's turn to the dark side and the over acting by ian as palpatine and anakin as wooden as ever.

Then came Indiana Jones IV.  My god this movie was just so bad it was like a sequel to plan 9 from outer space.   The cgi was laughable and took you right out of the movie.  

Oh sure their were parts i liked.  But the film does not stand apart on its own like the old movies do.  This had the same problems as the prequels a phoned in kind of feel to everything.  And the whole selling point was nostalgia.  The prequels and Indy 4 would have failed had they not been riding the coatails of the legendary originals.  At least the scores for the prequels were better than the films.  Not much to recommend on the fourth Indiana jones score even Williams seemed to be generally unispired by the new film.

The clone wars film was even worse than Crystal Numbskulls.  and even the music was worse.

As much as a drop in quality and crap as they were i at least bought the dvds and cds for the prequels.  I refuse to Buy the Dvd and cd's for Indy 4, the Clone Wars movie because they just are a rental at best.  They utterly sucked.  I will probably buy the dvd for the clone wars cartoon series just because the quality is a little better than the film and Indiana Jones 4.  But not by much.  The Jar Jar character and the roger roger robots have got to go however.  I liked the genddy series i wish the third series was like that.

The savior of Star Wars in the 90's was Timothy Zahn.  His trilogy kept the feel of the original movies intact while introducing new characters to the star wars mythos.  Zahn and Bantam books as well as Dark Horse comics resurrected the franchise.   In the End the Destroyer of the franchise was its original creator Lucas.  He even ruined the EU by making the authors rewrite everything to fit his current vision.

Del Rey's Legacy of the Force Novel series ended up Being a very bad retread of the prequels.


I hated episode II and III.  Darth Vader became a Whiny Emo Goth character.  The bad ass that was Vader in my childhood was killed by Lucas.

Very unsurprising since he ruined the coolness of Boba Fett in episode II and also runied the coolness of the Jedi in the prequels by making them a bunch of spineless tools and retards.

Anakin was not even a sympathetic character i wanted him to fall in the Lava and burn, the little asswipe.  He was a prick in epsiode II and III. "  Its all Obi Wan's fault hes holding me back."  "Your with him you brought him here to kill me. liar"

Anakin was sympathetic as a character in Phantom menace but Lucas forgot to tell his story in the next 2 movies.  Unless his aim was to alienate the audience and make them hate anakin and wish for him to die on Mustafar.  Then he succeded brilliantly.

Lucas is such an unbelievably poor writer.  You get a better sense of the Story reading the novelizations from people who can actually write, and listening to Williams Music score.

Even so the audiences vision of the prequels from watching the original trilogy was better and grander than what we finally saw on screen.  Had the movies been made to fit the original trilogy instead of going back and adding unnesscary cgi and changes to the originals it would have been better.

Imagine a Prequel series done in the old style of the original trilogy and fit those movies like a glove.  And if cgi must have had to be used then used effectively to aid in telling the story.  Lucas original belief was that effects were to augment the story not replace.  even he said back in the day all you are doing is showing the amount of money spent and the work achieved if you make the effects overide everything else.


I can imagine in an alternate Universe Lucas followed through with his beliefs in the from star wars to jedi documentary and made a prequel series focused on story and not cgi.lol

Too bad Lucas ceased being a Luke Skywalker type and became more like the Emperor or Darth Vader.  Because not only would the prequels have been better movies but he would have given us a awesome episode 7 with the return of Luke Skywalker to the screen, and Indiana Jones IV would have been great.

But he lost the touch once he was sucessful.  Once he no Longer had to strive for greatness.  In his Youth he had abilties that were rediculous in comparison to those around him and in the industry.  That spark or fire of youth that was alive in his eallier work is missing in his new stuff.  The humanity of his earlier work is missing as well.  The cgi prequels are sterile by comparison.

So Lucas is after all Human and not a god as some have treated him through the years.  Everyone eventually loses it.   It happens to writers and musicians too when they get older or produced their best work early in their careers, and can never catch lighting in a bottle a second time.


I am saddened by the fact that George will be remembered for pioneering technology and not as a storyteller.  He had such gifts in editing and story ideas.  All he needed was to ask people to help him augment those ideas better.  Hire better screenwriters, hire directors who can direct actors.  Character directors.  He is a terrible writer in his own words, yet it is only the difficulty in getting those ideas onto paper as they are fully formed ideas in his mind.   I believe he has the mind of a genius like Thomas Eddison.

Georges biggest fault is he never appreciates his own work, it is never perfected or good enough.  I find it strange that he wants to keep the originals out of peoples hands because he is unhappy with them.  Well how about he can continue to tinker all he wants as long as the originals are preserved in good quality.

His colleagues allow many different cuts of their films to be available side by side and allow audiences the choice to pick the one they want to watch.  This is a very democratic method and i don't understand why Lucas opposes it.  When Someone Like Ridley Scott has five different cuts of Blade Runner put out so every fan is happy and can pick and choose.


Steven Spielberg and George Lucas are largely responsible for the films of today being almost all crap cgi.  The turning point happened in 1993 with Jurassic Park.  Which was mostly traditional effects and animatronics but the cgi became viable on that movie.  The rest is history.  Too bad a pretty good movie and story lead to the obomination that was the Star Wars prequels, Indiana Jones IV and War of the Worlds, and Transformers. 

I cannot think of a movie that has come out in the last decade and a half that has not been full of CGI and a bankrupt lack of creativity or story.  There are some exceptions Being Batman Begins and the Dark Knight minus the rediculous harvey dent two face cgi stuff. I would also put lord of the rings into the same category with some things i found overly done and stupid.

I think bad cgi and think of movies like 1998's godzilla. 

Cgi movies sell large amounts of tickets and make the studios money that is the only reason i can see that the movies are all made that way.


“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.

astromech said:

There is a difference between praising a person for his more wide reaching influences on an industry/area than there is for constantly bashing him for making changes to his creation. This is more a thread congratulating the man on his achievements outside Star Wars - of course it would end up praising him as without Star Wars, we'd still be using sticky tape and wires in our SFX...



Douglas Trumbull would disagree.

astromech said:

By all means express your opinion but have the mind to refine your arguments and be prepared to back them up rather than shoot crap all over the same thing again and again.  

Just because I make general statements here and there doesn't mean I don't also refine and back up my arguments. The general statements have a place, when people seem to want to deny obvious truths. But I've done plenty being more specific too.


Johnboy3434 said:

That article only proves that at least one other person shares your opinion. The same can be said of any given Scientologist. As far as whether Lucas "ruined" Star Wars or not (whatever that means), it doesn't prove a damn thing.

Way more than one other person shares those views, and Scientology is certainly an odd comparison to choose...


@Sky, You make some good points, and I think there are many of us here who agree with what you are saying. The problem is you are saying it again and again, in every single thread, in long winded posts with much the same content each time. I think a lot of these guys are starting to get annoyed at you, and would tend to disagree with what you say, even if they share your sentiments.

Now that I have said all this, wow, Sky's last post was amazingly entertaining to read.

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape