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[fill in the blank] Just Died! — Page 18


Two days after being inducted into the Wrestler Hall of Fame, the Ultimate Warrior shuffles off this mortal coil.


Wow,I only know him through Linkara and Spoony's videos but it still strikes me as sad since he can't of been that old.  I feel sorry for his family.

I guess this means we will never get the gritty reboot of the Warrior comics.



Sue Townsend 68.

The first two Adrian Mole books were almost as popular as Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone's Fighting Fantasy books in our school.

So many laughs it's hard to believe Mole wasn't a real human being.

I've never measured my thing though.


That's very touching and very sad. As much as we old geezers kvetch over certain things, that a little boy loved Star Wars that much, makes realize the good stuff still outweighs the bad.

We all should be glad if we're still around to see the new films, however they turn out.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Ah, that's a shame! :( I think we all know how impressive he was in Who Framed Roger Rabbit?.

Ol’ George has the GOUT, I see.


NNNNOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooo :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(


just this once, I peeked at bingos post.  Bob Hoskins died, that is too bad.  : (


Chris Hemblade 42.

I met him a couple of times. The first time we had both entered a writing competition when I lived in Brighton and it was obvious at the award ceremony that the whole thing was stitched up.

The boy who won was the son of one of the judges and got to swap places with a girl from Boise for a couple of weeks (who was probably in some capacity connected to Dirk Kempthorne who gave out the prizes).

Chris got the second prize which was a weekend 'just outside Paris' which was apparently an utter shambles.

I got the third prize (which was £70 worth of books) all of which I still have and have been of practical use through out my life.

Chris struck me as being sort of like me but done better, it's a real shame he isn't alive and it really just inspires me to be a bit better and to get on with the washing up.


The renowned Swiss artist H.R. Giger has died at the age of 74, as a result of injuries sustained in a fall.



Oh damn. :(

He was to Alien what Ralph McQuarrie was to Star Wars.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


not to belittle McQuarrie but i'd say Giger's work was far more influential.

sad news.


My first exposure to Mr Giger's work was walking around a bank holiday market probably in 1980 and seeing a jigsaw for sale with a picture of the Alien on it.

I couldn't quite make out what I was seeing, was it male, female, dead, alive,machine, reptile, clothing, skin. It seemed to give off a vibration of something I should be looking at (like the newsagents top shelf).

I became obsessed.

I began to teach myself to draw by getting magazines with Giger's work in and annoyed my teachers who thought I should have better things to do with my time by doing poor pastiches like this one :

Thanks to my obsession I got onto a degree course, met a lot of greater artists and friends around the world and had an interesting life.

Thanks Hans x


*Sigh* Giger was one of the reasons why I asked for an airbrush and set of inks for my 12th birthday. This...

...is still one of my favourite artbooks. FYI He didn't just draw the Alien creatures and props...

It's a shame he didn't have that same level in involvement in the rest of the franchise because they would have been much improved IMO.

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


A young Cameroonian priest in a nearby diocese was shot and killed the other day. Some guy knocked on his door and shot him through the chest when he answered. The priest's parents had both already died, as had his sister, and his other sister, who had been killed in a car crash on the way back from the first sister's funeral. Craziness.


That's mortality in a nutshell.

No matter how we go we go eventually, I am naturally exempt.


Gordon Willis, 'Godfather' cinematographer, dead at 82


“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison


Well that is just sad. Everyone who works on movies should watch his films to see how movies should be lit to create tension and mood while still allowing the viewers to see what is going on.

Please could someone show his work to JJ Abrams and whoever gave him the idea that shining spotlights directly into the camera is a good idea so that they know what a mistake they have made before they start shooting the next Star Wars movie and ruin it?


My expectations for any JJ Abrams feature have been lowered so much, I don't expect to see anything great. If it's mediocre, It'll be a surprise.

"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

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