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$36 pre-order (AR) for all 3 titles...anyone found it cheaper?? — Page 4

Originally posted by: boba feta
Perhaps, but resolution aint everything.

I think some people would disagree with that.

I do have an issue with paying Luca$hFilm for a DVD produced from a transfer, digital or otherwise, that's more than 10 years old. Luca$hFilm have the technology and the resources to produce new transfers using up-to-date techniques.

And there's not even a question over whether these DVDs will sell. They know they will. They wouldn't be releasing them at all otherwise.

What with Luca$hFilm's track record and the upcoming 30th Anniversary, I do not believe that they will stick to the "last time ever" plan. I will not be blackmailed by their ridiculous plans to withdraw these editions on the 31st December either. Maybe these editions will be out for the "last time ever" but they know that they can milk the OOT just as much as they have the SEs (2 releases in as many years?!!).

I have not purchased any SW DVDs so far, SE or PT. I see no reason to change my mind yet. I have 4:3 letterbox copies of the OOT on VHS. They still work. I still have a VHS player. Luca$hFilm can fuck off if they think I'm going to buy these releases just because they're DVDs.

I think I have a right to expect more from a company that has prided itself since 1977 on having the most cutting-edge technology.
Don't you call me a mindless philosopher...!
Originally posted by: Mielr
Originally posted by: Mike O
As stated before though, I don't think this is the last we'll see of these movies on DVD.

A quote from George Lucas himself" "Now we'll find out where people really wanted the original or whether they wanted the improved version. It will all come out in the end." Plus, this is George Lucas we're talking about here. The man seems to have a genetic inability to release only one version of his films. Remaster OOT discs with 5.1/2.0/mono=more money. I highly, highly, highly doubt that we won't see a high quality release of the films in the future, probably the near future with the 30th anniversary so close at hand. Then, maybe, one Lucas sees that there is a market for the version of his films which the majority of fans actually like, then maybe, at some point before the end of time, we can see a high-quality release of the original release of THX 1138 so that I can finally see the movie.

I agree- I've said before that this DVD release is a sign that he's starting to soften. Remember 1995- "ONE LAST TIME!" Well, that wasn't 100% true, now was it? I think eventually the OOT will be PROPERLY released- but probably not for the 30th anniversary. I'm betting it will get a blu-ray or hd-dvd release several years down the line, when one of the formats has caught on.

I think this September DVD release will be HUGE! It's going to blow Fox/Lucas away as to how many people still love and want the OOT. It will just give that much more reason for the OOT to be presented properly in a few years.

I hope so. But I want to see it on standard DVD as well as HD.

“What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one.”

Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death

The success of releases like the 'Alien Quadrilogy' box set and the anticipation surrounding the 'Blade Runner Ultimate Edition' will not have gone unnoticed at Luca$hFilm.

They know there's a market for special releases of DVDs containing the original cuts and revised cuts. Prestige packages sell well and with a higher price tag. They will want a piece of that.

This will not be the last official Luca$hFilm release of the OOT on SD DVD.
Don't you call me a mindless philosopher...!
I agree i have the 'Alien Quadrilogy' and the same treatment should be given to star wars !! A 7 disk trilogy with T. cut and directors cut of star wars with lots of extres ....

and a bones disk .... We wish ...
May the force be wth you .........
Originally posted by: auraloffalwaffle
The success of releases like the 'Alien Quadrilogy' box set and the anticipation surrounding the 'Blade Runner Ultimate Edition' will not have gone unnoticed at Luca$hFilm.

They know there's a market for special releases of DVDs containing the original cuts and revised cuts. Prestige packages sell well and with a higher price tag. They will want a piece of that.

This will not be the last official Luca$hFilm release of the OOT on SD DVD.

As I have said many times, I wholeheartedly agree. And where does the "h" come from? I understand the $. Isn't it amazing how quality release which give customers what they want in high quality tend to sell well? Hint, hint George.

“What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one.”

Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death

No one seems to have mentioned that, since LFL is using laserdisc masters as the source for these DVD's, there will be those fade ins and fade outs that were added to the laserdisc versions as transitions between disc changes. For me, this alone would make the DVD's unwatchable and not worth buying; I could have almost tolerated a cheap letterboxed release if not for that. At least when fans make versions of the films from laserdisc sources, they eliminate the fades, although it is at the cost of a few frames, but those frames were ruined by the fades anyway. I have lived without Star Wars since my Faces tapes died and I can continue to do so. What I will not do is pay George Lucas for authorized bootlegs that can only claim to be better than fan-made versions in terms of resolution. I agree with those that have said that buying these DVD's will only send the message that we'll pay for any garbage LFL is willing to toss out there. LFL knows from countless emails, letters, petitions, etc. that there is a huge market desperate to own the OOT on DVD; that's why they're confident that they can make money on this substandard release. By not putting any effort or resources into them, they will make an even bigger profit from these DVD's. Add to that the frenzy LFL creates by threatening never to release the OOT again, and they get a money-making juggernaut for three months powered by the mania they have created in OOT fans with their unrelenting insistance in the past that the OOT is gone for good. Make no mistake, they have thought this out very well. Not buying the September release won't send the message that demand for the OOT doesn't exist; it will send the message that fans want a release of the OOT that is a transfered from the restored film sources and treated with the respect it deserves.
I never really thought about that before, but if you're right, that's definitely a change I don't want in there. However, I really don't think it's the case. This is just speculation on my part, but I think that the masters are the actual movies. Any editing for the LD format would have come later, when they took the full master and chopped it into sections. I don't think we have to worry about the fades.

There is no lingerie in space…

C3PX said: Gaffer is like that hot girl in high school that you think you have a chance with even though she is way out of your league because she is sweet and not a stuck up bitch who pretends you don’t exist… then one day you spot her making out with some skinny twerp, only on second glance you realize it is the goth girl who always sits in the back of class; at that moment it dawns on you why she is never seen hanging off the arm of any of the jocks… and you realize, damn, she really is unobtainable after all. Not that that is going to stop you from dreaming… Only in this case, Gaffer is actually a guy.

The fades won't be on the DVDs.
Originally posted by: bgx90
Not buying the September release won't send the message that demand for the OOT doesn't exist; it will send the message that fans want a release of the OOT that is a transfered from the restored film sources and treated with the respect it deserves.
Hmm...or perhaps it'll send a message that the Sultan wishes for a bottle of Tokay.
Originally posted by: Mike O
And where does the "h" come from? I understand the $.

As in "CasH"

Originally posted by: bgx90
No one seems to have mentioned that, since LFL is using laserdisc masters as the source for these DVD's, there will be those fade ins and fade outs that were added to the laserdisc versions as transitions between disc changes. For me, this alone would make the DVD's unwatchable and not worth buying; I could have almost tolerated a cheap letterboxed release if not for that. At least when fans make versions of the films from laserdisc sources, they eliminate the fades, although it is at the cost of a few frames, but those frames were ruined by the fades anyway.

There really aren't any "fades" on the laserdiscs (at least, not on the '93 or '95 discs)- it's just an abrupt black screen at the end of each side. That's why I prefer the "faces" LDs so much over the "definitive" LDs. On the "faces" LDs, there are only 2 side breaks in each film, (that's one break every 45-50 minutes), while with the definitive discs - there are 4 side breaks in each film (one break every 20-30 minutes!)

In any case, the side breaks won't be on the DVDs.

Still, I would expect whatever introduced elements exist on the LD's, even if they are just black screens, will also exist on the DVD's, because they said that they were using the masters for the 1993 laserdiscs. That sounds like they are using the movie as edited for laserdisc to make the DVD's. If that were not the case, I would think that they would say they are using the masters for the 1993 release of the movies, rather than the specifically noting that the sources are from laserdisc masters, but the VHS and LD releases had different masters because of the differences in the two media. Also, as I and LFL have both said before but in different words, they aren't putting any effort into these releases at all, so I still expect there to be introduced artifacts from the laserdiscs that weren't on the original film prints or VHS tapes. I still say that these DVD's are no better than bootlegs and are being used as a gimmick to push more copies of "Special Edition" onto fans. I think Lucasfilms is the worst company I have seen in terms of how they value fans and customers.
Originally posted by: bgx90
Still, I would expect whatever introduced elements exist on the LD's, even if they are just black screens, will also exist on the DVD's, because they said that they were using the masters for the 1993 laserdiscs. That sounds like they are using the movie as edited for laserdisc to make the DVD's. If that were not the case, I would think that they would say they are using the masters for the 1993 release of the movies, rather than the specifically noting that the sources are from laserdisc masters, but the VHS and LD releases had different masters because of the differences in the two media. Also, as I and LFL have both said before but in different words, they aren't putting any effort into these releases at all, so I still expect there to be introduced artifacts from the laserdiscs that weren't on the original film prints or VHS tapes. I still say that these DVD's are no better than bootlegs and are being used as a gimmick to push more copies of "Special Edition" onto fans. I think Lucasfilms is the worst company I have seen in terms of how they value fans and customers.
Well, they'll have to put SOME effort into the DVDs, if the original '77 scroll is going to be on there, (as they're claiming).

I don't know if the black screens exist on the original LD masters or not, but it wouldn't be hard for them to just edit out the black screens and join the footage together seamlessly. Other DVDs have been made from LD masters, and none of them have side breaks in them.

I don't see why there would be any artifacts that aren't on the VHS tapes- the "faces" VHS tapes and laserdiscs were made from the same transfers, and the LDs are of much higher quality than the VHS tapes.

I do feel that the new DVDs will be higher quality than the bootlegs, since the best source material the bootleggers and preservationists have to work with are laserdiscs, while the DVDs will be made from the LD masters.

I believe that the new DVD's will be more durable than available bootlegs; pressed DVD's always are. I just think that while they were doing all of this editing of the LD masters, they should have removed the most glaring artifact: the letterboxes and made the picture anamorphic. And, while we're on the subject of sources, LD transfers are the kind of thing I would expect from smalltime fly-by-night outfits or someone in a situation where there is nothing better that can be used. I mean, people can do this in their basement for crying out loud. There simply is no excuse Lucasfilms can give with all of the latest technology they claim to employ to treat these films this way. These monumental films are owned by a company that has film sources and the means to restore them; it is the height of insanity that a company in this situation would release such influential masterpieces in the form of LD transfers. Furthermore it is even more ridiculous that people would fall all over themselves to buy said transfers and justify Lucasfilms' view that substandard is good enough.

I read an interview with producer Gary Kurtz who produced ANH and Empire. From comments made in the interview concerning Star Wars and George Lucas, it is glaringly obvious to anyone reading that George Lucas' current philosophy is to make the most money possible while doing the least amount of work on a film. The only exception to this philosophy seems to be the "Special Edition" that has become his obsession. In other words, if George Lucas sees he can make as much money from these bad DVD's, he won't be very inclined to release a set that at least comes up to some sembelance of an industry standard.
Originally posted by: Mielr
Originally posted by: Mike O
And where does the "h" come from? I understand the $.
As in "CasH"

Ah, I see. Thank you.

In other words, if George Lucas sees he can make as much money from these bad DVD's, he won't be very inclined to release a set that at least comes up to some sembelance of an industry standard.

Oh, I don't know about that. The winds seem to be shifting a bit here. Remember, LFL answered the angry mail (with what basically amounted to a big "!@#$ you," but they did answer). He's got a lot of people leaning on him, in Hoolywood, and out, and in his own company. Tyrants create their own enemies. THX's bold slogan doesn't mean squat at the moment. Plus, this seems to really indicate that Lucas is changing his mind. Have you read the MTV interview? The weather is changing. Never say never. Or maybe I'm just foolishly optimistic.

“What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one.”

Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death

It's good that LFL is feeling the pressure, but I still say we shouldn't give them money for garbage. I haven't seen the MTV interview to which you are referring, but it sounds interesting. Can you provide a link?
Here you go.. Yes, but as these discs will probably sell well, it will send a message. We are gaining ground. Let us not surrender now.

“What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one.”

Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death

Interesting, but I wonder if he is bating us to see if there is a market or if it's for some other reason. I saw this in a story linked in the interview:

The original, unedited films will appear in stores on September 12 and, Disney-like, will return to Lucas' "vault" three months later. The startling news of the films' pending release will undoubtedly have diehard fans busting out in Ewok celebration dances and tossing their overtaxed VHS tapes into the trash.

I'm probably being a little paranoid when I say this but it could be that this is part of his plan to eradicate all traces of the OOT. After all, these DVD's will only be sold for three months, so there won't be as many copies of them as there are of old tapes and LD's.

But I would like to believe that Lucas is being sincere when he says he is trying to bate us to see how many people want these films on DVD instead of trying to appease us. It could be that he would re-release a better version later if these sell well. However, it could mean that he's just trying to bate us into buy the SE versions by packaging them with OOT. The fact remains that this is a consumer-provider relationship in a capitalist society which means the provider gets paid for producing a good product, not for testing the water with a low quality product and then deciding based on sales whether or not to give consumers the privilege of paying for a better version of the same product.

After reading that, I am cautiously optimistic that a better version may follow, but I am still discouraged by the fact that LFL is using the "ONE LAST TIME" ploy.
Originally posted by: bgx90
Interesting, but I wonder if he is bating us to see if there is a market or if it's for some other reason. I saw this in a story linked in the interview:

The original, unedited films will appear in stores on September 12 and, Disney-like, will return to Lucas' "vault" three months later. The startling news of the films' pending release will undoubtedly have diehard fans busting out in Ewok celebration dances and tossing their overtaxed VHS tapes into the trash.

I'm probably being a little paranoid when I say this but it could be that this is part of his plan to eradicate all traces of the OOT. After all, these DVD's will only be sold for three months, so there won't be as many copies of them as there are of old tapes and LD's.

But I would like to believe that Lucas is being sincere when he says he is trying to bate us to see how many people want these films on DVD instead of trying to appease us. It could be that he would re-release a better version later if these sell well. However, it could mean that he's just trying to bate us into buy the SE versions by packaging them with OOT. The fact remains that this is a consumer-provider relationship in a capitalist society which means the provider gets paid for producing a good product, not for testing the water with a low quality product and then deciding based on sales whether or not to give consumers the privilege of paying for a better version of the same product.

After reading that, I am cautiously optimistic that a better version may follow, but I am still discouraged by the fact that LFL is using the "ONE LAST TIME" ploy.

Yes, but you are applying logical think to George Lucas, which he has not utilized for decades . Lucas seems to take people's preference of the OOT over the SE as a deeply personal attack on his ego for some reason or another. With the 30th anniversary coming up, I wonder what he is testing the waters for... He knows that many people here would pay through the nose for a remastered OOT in a boxed set no matter what it was packaged with. If laymen will buy the OOT (and it seems to be general consensus that these will sell well), then what will diehards pay? They used the "one last time ploy" back in 1995. It wasn't true then, and I highly doubt that it's true now. Robert A. Harris has offered several times to restore the originals. The saga is over. LFL is running out of proucts to milk DVD buyers with. The "vault" comment came before the "baiting" one. Lucas is stubborn, but not stupid. He can only run from reason for so long before it comes back and hits him in the face. He wants to see if OOT fans will put their money where their mouths are. As we know, many will.

“What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one.”

Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death

Originally posted by: bgx90
I believe that the new DVD's will be more durable than available bootlegs; pressed DVD's always are. I've heard that's true. I guess it has to do with the relatively fragile nature of the dye in the DVD-Rs (same goes for CD-Rs).

Originally posted by: bgx90

After reading that, I am cautiously optimistic that a better version may follow, but I am still discouraged by the fact that LFL is using the "ONE LAST TIME" ploy.

I guess this time it can be called "ONE LAST TIME...NO, REALLY! I MEAN IT THIS TIME!!"

Originally posted by: bgx90 I just think that while they were doing all of this editing of the LD masters, they should have removed the most glaring artifact: the letterboxes and made the picture anamorphic..
But that would require a new transfer. Apparently, they're not willing to do that this time around.

But that would require a new transfer. Apparently, they're not willing to do that this time around.

Not yet anyways.

“What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one.”

Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death

But that would require a new transfer. Apparently, they're not willing to do that this time around.

Not yet anyways.

They may never decide to do it. Remember that email from Lucasfilms saying that they have no plan to ever do restore the OOT because it's not *sarcastic whiny artist voice* "George's artistic vision." Every time I go over this whole mess in my head, I keep coming back to that line that LFL has drawn in the sand. Sure it may not last, but who knows.
Originally posted by: bgx90
But that would require a new transfer. Apparently, they're not willing to do that this time around.

Not yet anyways.

They may never decide to do it. Remember that email from Lucasfilms saying that they have no plan to ever do restore the OOT because it's not *sarcastic whiny artist voice* "George's artistic vision." Every time I go over this whole mess in my head, I keep coming back to that line that LFL has drawn in the sand. Sure it may not last, but who knows?

Remember when Lucas said that Star Wars would never be released on video or shown on T.V? How about the 1995 release beng "one last time?" Or the fact that the original versions would never be released on DVD. The e-mail was merely a form response. Lucas's comments are far more revealing, in my ever so humble opinion. The reckoning is coming. Don't give up hope .

“What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one.”

Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death

Okay, guys, seriously: it's not necessary to quote the whole of a post that is directly above your post.
Luca$h would go on a stadium tour where he pisses all over the SEs if he thought he could make enough money that way.

Luca$hFilm consistently milks the Star Wars movies for all they are worth and they are not above lying to create buying frenzies. Saying that they will not release the OOT again is a lie. They know there is a market for it and they are led by the market.

Luca$h is not an artist slaving over his 'vision', he is a businessman who has one really popular product and will repackage and rerelease it as often as is possible in order for it to generate the maximum amount of profit it will support.

Just look at his proposed rerelease of the PT and SEs in 3D! Are we supposed to think that that was his 'original vision' in 1976?! Bollocks! It's just yet another repackaging, designed to generate more money from the same product. Will it make the movies better? No. Will the 3D imagery distract people from the poor storytelling? Well, since Luca$h seems to have decided to target his franchise at pre-teens, then I'm afraid it probably will.

The Disney reference is spot on. It infuriates me the way they keep withdrawing their DVDs, particularly classics like 'The Jungle Book', and then rereleasing them a few months or years down the line. Luca$hFilm clearly want a piece of that action. If they keep withdrawing the films and then rereleasing them it should mean that the sales never peak. There will always be demand.

Don't you call me a mindless philosopher...!