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¤ THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK ¤ The "OPTIMUM EDITION" Score Reconstruction, Remixing & Restoration Version 3 (Released) — Page 12


satanika said:

Leonardo said:

satanika said:

Just a quick note regarding the clipping...
Well, there really shouldn't be any clipping/digital distortion, what you usually do if there are some 'outrageous' peaks is put a brickwall limiter at the end of your filter chain, it will catch anything over 0db (digital 0db) and avoid digital distortion.
Feel free to PM me if you need help with this or something.

I disagree satanika. if you just cut away stuff or compress with limiters and compressors, you're modifying that audio's dynamic range, and that's not good for an audiophile. I think that in order to avoid distortions of any kind, you should work with your data at a lower volume in the first place, by setting your filters (in this case the equalizers ABC's using) at the right volume so that we avoid clipping but just loud enough to be powerful. I've done this  several times trying to enhance some old cassette tapes.

No. I am talking about peaks that are out of the 'normal' dynamic range. And since there is already clipping, a brickwall limiter would have been the ideal way to handle it.

 Mmmmhh, I was crossing that old thread with curiosity... And this post has always left me doubtful.

You seem to know a lot about all kind of tools for sound and video, and I personnaly don't.

Thanks for your advises Satanika, but it appears the best way to restore a score is to REALLY understand what is wrong with it before thinking about any trick you may be able to use. One should also consider how it has been recorded and transfered before deciding of any kind of processing.

In addition to EQ's, the balances were the main problem on the ESB recordings. My new edit, the "Audiophile Edition" has an average peak between 80 to 96 % for the louder cues, with a maximum at 98,8%, and sounds superior to the previous sets I made. The only thing I used to mesure the peaks were my ears (again!), helped with some good experience now with sound amplitude.

It didn't need any brickwall limiter. Besides it wouldn't make sense with recordings of such nature ;) .




The EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Score: "All-Sourced" Restoration & Sonic Achievement.