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aspect ratio — Page 2

Uh you do realise that unaltered video footage/stills on a PC screen will look squashed or stretched? - 4:3 NTSC will look squashed, 4:3 PAL will look stretched as will anamorphic PAL and NTSC.

What you have there is a 4:3 NTSC aspect ratio image that hasn't had the aspect ratio corrected for viewing on a PC, for example resize it to 320x240 or 640x480 and it won't look squashed on a PC screen.
http://www.haku.co.uk/pics/LukeCruise.gif http://www.haku.co.uk/pics/dontcare.gif
***Citizen's NTSC DVD/PAL DVD/XviD Info and Feedback Thread***
Actually, it originally was set to show at its normal view. I set it to display in 16x9 format. I have been wondering how to save the video in 16x9.