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Yet ANOTHER DVD boxed set...*sigh* — Page 8

C3PX said:
negative1 said:
calm down, good sir,

why are you in such a rush?

good things come to those that wait.....or you just have to do it yourself (hint hint)



Doing it yourself worked well enough with the jump from laserdisc to DVD, but don't count on LD transfers looking worth much when converted to Blu-ray, and beyond LD, I am not sure what source you are going to use for doing it yourself. No matter how you spin it, unofficial or official releases, LD is currently the top quality OOT we have to work with.



you might want to check the preservation threads with 35mm in them..




[no GOUT in CED?-> GOUT CED]


I could see someone buying the prequel boxset because it is the first time all 3 are available as a trilogy boxset.

That is if you don't already own the other releases that were 2 discs each and released seperately for each film.

I myself won't buy it because there is no new bonus material unless you count the cheap cardboard box as a bonus.

As for the Star Wars Trilogy itself no fucking way in hell am i buying that it is not blu ray, and already was released as a boxset in 2004, 2005, and 2006 if you count the best buy set.  That so called limited set was also sold on the official star wars site.

2 years after that another standard dvd boxset.  Talk about flooding the market with pointless and useless releases.  What people want is the oot restored in anamorphic sadly that is not on this set.

Also special edition fans out there who have HDTV's want that in blu ray, not a fifth standard definition set.

Again thanks for nothing George.


Rofl that the only new dvd to come out for star wars in recent years that is not  a repacking job is Clone Wars, will be out sometime in december.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.

negative1 said:

you might want to check the preservation threads with 35mm in them..





You might want to read said threads yourself, the possibility has never looked too promissing...

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape

skyjedi2005 said:

Rofl that the only new dvd to come out for star wars in recent years that is not  a repacking job is Clone Wars, will be out sometime in december.


You're forgetting about the Star Wars Family Guy DVD and the Star Wars Robot Chicken DVD, two of the most impressive SW DVDs I have seen since... well, since ever (actually, I felt the prequel trilogy DVDs were pretty nice sets, but the OTs have been porly done from 04 on).

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape

C3PX said:
negative1 said:

you might want to check the preservation threads with 35mm in them..





You might want to read said threads yourself, the possibility has never looked too promissing...

well since i started them, i think i would know , don't you think?


if you had read them, you wouldn't be asking about the prospects.





[no GOUT in CED?-> GOUT CED]


LOL! I'm ashamed to admit that I actually still have a subscription to that rag.

negative1 said:

well since i started them, i think i would know , don't you think?


if you had read them, you wouldn't be asking about the prospects.






I have read them, and the prospects look grim.

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape

DarkGryphon2048 said:

The following sums it up.



This pretty much sums up Lucas's real attitude towards the fans and the franchise. I don't even think the guy is motivated by money anymore. He's just being lazy, yet won't give rights of SW to other people who care because, well... because he's George Lucas.

negative1 said:



Dude, you try WAY too hard.

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape


Hilarious parody with that magazine cover. :)

"Now all Lucas has to do is make a cgi version of himself.  It will be better than the original and fit his original vision." - skyjedi2005


Too bad it's our fate to watch Lucas destroy his own creation; that parody is dead on, though.


Too bad it's our fate to watch Lucas destroy his own creation; that parody is dead on, though.

C3PX said:
negative1 said:

well since i started them, i think i would know , don't you think?


if you had read them, you wouldn't be asking about the prospects.






I have read them, and the prospects look grim.


 read them again someday, and maybe you'll see something different, and more hopeful 



[no GOUT in CED?-> GOUT CED]

negative1 said:
C3PX said:

I have read them, and the prospects look grim.


 read them again someday, and maybe you'll see something different, and more hopeful 




Not going to read them again, however, when I see some hype about the new outstanding film to DVD or Blu-ray transfers for download or trade that make any need for an official release nonexistent, then I'll become a believer. Until then, I still feel no hope is to be found in this matter.

If you find some way to make it happen though, I will very impressed and grateful.

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape


This pretty much sums up Lucas's real attitude towards the fans and the franchise. I don't even think the guy is motivated by money anymore. He's just being lazy, yet won't give rights of SW to other people who care because, well... because he's George Lucas.


There's probably an ongoing discussion amongst Lucas, McCallum, and Burtt where they're cooking up ways to alienate every last SW fan. OT fans, PT fans, SAGA fans, Lucas haters, Lucas apologists, etc. And those guys all pitch money into a pot - $1000 per man, every year until SW dies. The idea that kills the franchise for good wins the pot for the man who thought of it.

The one rule is that the idea can't be so bad that the attempt is super obvious. I'll bet George has come within a hair's breadth of breaking that rule hundreds of times.

Want to book yourself or a guest on THE VFP Show? PM me!


i don't feel alienated at all..


i'm glad they're just releasing more material, new material,

and continuing the star wars galaxy ..


it's a story that needs to be told, and should not ever die out...


i'm glad there's so much to get, because i've barely scratched

the surface in getting stuff, i feel like i've been missing out on

about 20 years of things, and more and more just adds to it..


the fact that there are more books, videogames, movies, and

2 tv shows coming out, makes me glad to see that the future

generations of star wars fans will have plenty of things to

discuss, read, and play..


the reason i stopped paying attention to star wars in the 90's was because

it nearly died out, and nothing was happening .....   then suddenly

more and more books came out, and then the prequels, and then

a whole ton of things came out, and it has not stopped since..


i think the idea of a universe without star wars would be very boring. 

(especially if you stay stuck in the past with just the few things that

were out in the 70's-90's)..




[no GOUT in CED?-> GOUT CED]


i don't feel alienated at all..

Oh, just you wait. They're comin' for ya. I hope I'm around when you come in posting "What the FUCK was that _______(insert stupid EU bullshit here)_______ crap?!?" I'll nod and smile knowingly.

Want to book yourself or a guest on THE VFP Show? PM me!


I like Classic cinema, being stuck in the past as you call it.  The first 2 star wars films are considered classics.

They are the ones on the afi list not the special editions, that is if you care to note the films released in 1977 and 1980.

Raiders is a classic and so is american graffiti. 


special editions are nothing but a personal fan edit by george lucas to satisfy himself and should never been released or allowed to supercede the classic versions.  Nobody would care if he released the oot in a real restoration. Instead we get 1993 laserdisc bonus discs.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.



this is dead-on about Star Wars right now,

also it is true about allot of thing in the world today, the same s**t over and over again. 

Rehashes, Reboots, Remakes, Revisions, Repackaged, Rip-offs and so on...


that picture of Heyden-Vader shows how wimpy Heyden-Vader is.

thin weak arms that are padded with foam, big over-sized shoulder armor to make him look bigger and did you know Heyden-Vader had to look out the mouth-piece to make him look taller.


Man, I am so bored with GL and his BS.

Well, time to go look up old 1976 to 1986 star wars things and Fan-made things, on-line because that the only way I will see something I had not seen before which are good.


skyjedi2005 said:

special editions are nothing but a personal fan edit by george lucas to satisfy himself and should never been released or allowed to supercede the classic versions.  Nobody would care if he released the oot in a real restoration. Instead we get 1993 laserdisc bonus discs.

Right on!,

     all of this is so true.


skyjedi2005 said:

I like Classic cinema, being stuck in the past as you call it.  The first 2 star wars films are considered classics.

They are the ones on the afi list not the special editions, that is if you care to note the films released in 1977 and 1980.

Raiders is a classic and so is american graffiti. 



i love alfred hitchcock movies, i like classic cinema, i just watched citizen kane for the first

time earlier this year.... don't get me wrong ..... those movies have their place obviously.

(who said empire is a classic?).... anyways.... the AFI list has a lot of hits and misses for

me, but there's a lot of good stuff there......


so you like classic movies, great !

does that mean you will never like anything current? did movies die out for you in 1980?


i the 28 years that has passed, has there NEVER been a single movie that you liked?


i feel so sorry for you that you feel like you can never enjoy a movie again, or feel

there is anything good out there....


it makes me sad as a movie fan, that you feel the industry has declined so much..


honestly, there are so many amazing movies out there that have come out since

then... .you really should let yourself give them a chance..


and i agree with you about 'raiders', but not so much with american graffiti,

i really, really liked the grittiness of thx 1138 from Lucas, if you're only talking

about his films..

special editions are nothing but a personal fan edit by george lucas to satisfy himself and should never been released or allowed to supercede the classic versions.  Nobody would care if he released the oot in a real restoration. Instead we get 1993 laserdisc bonus discs.

so .................you , like  many others, are going to change the past?

going to travel back in time and retcon it?


you're allowing someone else to do something that will 'supercede the classic versions'?


wow, that's a good trick ... my definitive laserdisc editions, THX faces set, and all the other

ones are hiding in the corner away from the dvds..... i still have them, and enjoy them just

as much .....


how many times do you people watch these movies to get so aggravated anyway?


every day, every week, every month????





[no GOUT in CED?-> GOUT CED]

Hunter6 said:
skyjedi2005 said:

special editions are nothing but a personal fan edit by george lucas to satisfy himself and should never been released or allowed to supercede the classic versions.  Nobody would care if he released the oot in a real restoration. Instead we get 1993 laserdisc bonus discs.

Right on!,

     all of this is so true.



 if you're going to speculate,

prove to me you wouldn't care if the OT got restored...

would you quit this board? never complain again ?


no, you would find something else wrong, complain about some other

issue, the soundtracks wouldn't be right, there wouldn't be enough deleted scenes,

it would cost too much etc..


face it, you've gotten into the fact you've hated Lucasfilm, Lucas etc. so much..

that at this point, there is NOTHING THAT would satisfy you..


you would have no reason to come here,

and no reason to care about star wars anymore...

it's ironic isn't it?




[no GOUT in CED?-> GOUT CED]