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Yet ANOTHER DVD boxed set...*sigh* — Page 10

see you auntie said:

Home Theatre Forum?

Yeah, haven't gotten a reply yet, though.


Nanner Split said:

This may very well be the single greatest post ever posted on the interbutt.



Oh yeah, that one was a thing of beauty. When that was first posted I split my gut open laughing.

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape


I'm sure they are the exact same discs from before. This goes for the prequel dvd's as well as the 2006 oot. So this is just a new box. Nothing is new or different. That being said, I think this is still a small victory. It's far from deluxe or even basic standard but think about it, there has been progress.

First, we weren't even going to get the originals ever again. Then Lucas finally caved but only to laserdisc standard. And you would have to buy the '04 versions again and individually. Plus the 2006 gout would be be discontinued at the end of that year after less than 4 months. LFL even said that would be the only time the original versions would be released on dvd. But then for some reason they were kept in print and still are available. Now they for some reason release a slim boxset and keep the originals included with the ot. LFL has caved in a little further.

Now the average person who just buys the set at Christmas because it was on display is going to get the originals. Before, I would think that many who don't know about the different versions would still buy the '04 box set over the individual releases because they would prefer one package. That same Joe the Shopper would now probably buy the new slim sleek set because it has all the movies together and is cheaper than the '04 set. This will get the oot more exposure beyond the people who specifically wanted it. And I think more people will become fans of the originals. It also sets a precedent to have both versions (in some form) in any future release. I think some people at Fox or LFL definitely want the originals restored. So they've gradually creaked the door open slightly more and more as much as Lucas will let them.

I know this is another lame release where they only spent money on a new cover and box. But the more widespread the oot becomes, the more likely demand for the originals restored will increase. This takes momentum out of a possible blu-ray release without the restored oot. Plus more people will probably notice the vast color differences between the 2004 and 1993 versions.

Take back the trilogy. Execute Order '77


Knightmessenger said:

...It also sets a precedent to have both versions (in some form) in any future release. I think some people at Fox or LFL definitely want the originals restored. So they've gradually creaked the door open slightly more and more as much as Lucas will let them......

I totally agree with you and think this is the only good thing to come out of this release.

Though the realist in me knows that in the end Lucas will do and release what ever pleases him precedents and minions be damned.


"Well here's a big bag of rock salt" - Patton Oswalt


So have any of you seen this boxset yet?

Nanner Split said:

This may very well be the single greatest post ever posted on the interbutt.

Hehe, interbutt.

I probably went overboard there with Negative One, but I seriously wanted to point out to him how facile and insulting his logic was. People deserve more respect than that. I don't think he understood what my message was at all, though. :-\

"Now all Lucas has to do is make a cgi version of himself.  It will be better than the original and fit his original vision." - skyjedi2005

C3PX said:

Yeah, I am curious about a number of things.

First off, whether or not the covers are the same as the original PT releases and the 06 release.

Second, if the Lego Star Wars demo is still there, or if they at least bothered to make them more current.

And finally, if the disc art/labels are still the same (for example, the OT release was done kind of oddly, with a "Disc One" followed by a "Bonus Disc". Seems like you'd either do it, "Disc One" and "Disc Two" or something like "Feature" or no extra label at all and a "Bonus Disc". Seemed odd to have a "Disc One" without a "Disc Two"). Wonder if they changed it or not.

Surprised to hear these are slimline, that is pretty lame, feels like a "budget" sort of thing to do, and these things certianly are not being sold at a budget price.


From what I could tell from opening up the box sets in Blockbuster, the PT DVD's are exactly the same as he original release, apart from being slimline. All the covers are the same, as well as all the bonus material. Same goes with the 06 release, same covers, same bonus. Although I'm not too sure on the Lego demo.

Have no idea about the disc art, but I assume it's the same, seeing how pretty much everything else is.




Thanks Hotrod, pretty much what I expected.


Knightmessenger, I get your point about this rerelease of the GOUT setting a precedent, but I still think it was done as a matter of convenience in order to release two six disc trilogies.

Restoring them to some extent that would even be watchable on blu-ray and HD to the equivalent that the GOUT is watchable on a widescreen TV, would not be such a convenience I am afraid. This guy does what he wants, and what the fans think or even his own staff thinks seems to be generally disregarded. This is the guy who, even after four different DVD releases of his masterpieces that have been altered to fit his original vision, has still yet to bother to fix any of the the glaring errors they were originally shipped with. Wouldn't even be surprised if the eventually blu-ray release intentionally ends up with all those same errors, just so they can defend their position that they were in fact "deliberate creative decisions".

Another pessimistic thought I can't help but shake, is that maybe he has figured that since DVD is now already on its way to becoming an obsolete format, he doesn't see releasing them again on it as too big of a deal. I can imagine when it comes to a request for a blu-ray release he will respond with something along the lines of,
[GL voice]I released them on DVD in the highest quality that they still exist in and people complained about how badly they looked on their TV sets. I could put the same thing on a blu-ray, but I can't even imagine how those would look on HD. People would be like, 'What are you doing to us, these look awful! Just restore them in HD already'. What they wouldn't understand is that I can't. This is it. Those films don't exist in any higher quality than what you've already got.[/GL voice].

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape

Knightmessenger said:

I'm sure they are the exact same discs from before. This goes for the prequel dvd's as well as the 2006 oot. So this is just a new box. Nothing is new or different. That being said, I think this is still a small victory. It's far from deluxe or even basic standard but think about it, there has been progress.

You're probably right, but I'd still like a definite from someone who's bought them and watched them. 

I know most of us here either bought them in '06 or refused to buy them, but I think there are still a few people here who want the GOUT discs but haven't bought them yet.

I also agree that it's a small victory in that it's the OOT released again to store shelves. Such as it is.

Mielr said:

I know most of us here either bought them in '06 or refused to buy them, but I think there are still a few people here who want the GOUT discs but haven't bought them yet.


For anyone that hasn't bought them yet, you're still better off buying them seperately, they'd be cheaper and they won't be the crappy slimline cases. You might not be able to find them in stores anymore, but you can still get them brand new from places like amazon.

I was one of the ones who refused to buy the GOUT. I finally got a set a few weeks ago used for three bucks a piece. Even at $9 for the whole set, I feel like I probably could have found a better use for my money. For anyone who still doesn't have them, their best deal would be to find them at some used DVD store.

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape

C3PX said:
Mielr said:

I know most of us here either bought them in '06 or refused to buy them, but I think there are still a few people here who want the GOUT discs but haven't bought them yet.


For anyone that hasn't bought them yet, you're still better off buying them seperately, they'd be cheaper and they won't be the crappy slimline cases. You might not be able to find them in stores anymore, but you can still get them brand new from places like amazon.

I was one of the ones who refused to buy the GOUT. I finally got a set a few weeks ago used for three bucks a piece. Even at $9 for the whole set, I feel like I probably could have found a better use for my money. For anyone who still doesn't have them, their best deal would be to find them at some used DVD store.

Well i saw the Gout and the PT DVD's on sale at HMV in the UK in their 5 for £30 sale ( to get the 6th you'd have to pay £9 but Woolworths have the saga for £6.99 each), so for the same price as one of these new box sets you can get the complete saga.

The thing is, if these sets are just the 2004 /6 OT sets repackaged then the SE DVD-Rom links will be useless as they have removed all the content from the site.





Was any of the online content interesting or total fluff?

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?

C3PX said:
Mielr said:

I know most of us here either bought them in '06 or refused to buy them, but I think there are still a few people here who want the GOUT discs but haven't bought them yet.


For anyone that hasn't bought them yet, you're still better off buying them seperately, they'd be cheaper and they won't be the crappy slimline cases. You might not be able to find them in stores anymore, but you can still get them brand new from places like amazon.

I was one of the ones who refused to buy the GOUT. I finally got a set a few weeks ago used for three bucks a piece. Even at $9 for the whole set, I feel like I probably could have found a better use for my money. For anyone who still doesn't have them, their best deal would be to find them at some used DVD store.

I think it's important to buy the GOUT to prove there's a demand for the original versions. I bought multiple copies. I even use the revised version disks -when I want to remind myself how bad Lucas's revisions are all I need to do is pop in a disk and find the scene and be revolted. But even I have a hard time going to the scene where they replaced Sebastian Shaw with Hayden Christensen.


Vaderisnothayden said:

I think it's important to buy the GOUT to prove there's a demand for the original versions. I bought multiple copies. I even use the revised version disks -when I want to remind myself how bad Lucas's revisions are all I need to do is pop in a disk and find the scene and be revolted. But even I have a hard time going to the scene where they replaced Sebastian Shaw with Hayden Christensen.


That same argument was made in '06. I bought multiple sets, too (two sets, to be exact).

I can't watch the SE discs at all. I've heard they make good coasters. ;-)


Mielr said:
Vaderisnothayden said:

I think it's important to buy the GOUT to prove there's a demand for the original versions. I bought multiple copies. I even use the revised version disks -when I want to remind myself how bad Lucas's revisions are all I need to do is pop in a disk and find the scene and be revolted. But even I have a hard time going to the scene where they replaced Sebastian Shaw with Hayden Christensen.


That same argument was made in '06. I bought multiple sets, too (two sets, to be exact).

I can't watch the SE discs at all. I've heard they make good coasters. ;-)


Well maybe that argument has been proven right -the GOUT is now released as non-limited-time-only edition. That's progress. We're certainly not going to convince anyone there's a demand for the old versions if nobody buys the dvds of them when they come out.



It would be interesting to see sales numbers of how many units sold of the silver/gold box sets vs the GOUT (both per film and collectively).  If the GOUT outsold the original release, that really says something for what people want as far as content, quality be damned.

My outlook on life - we’re all on the Hindenburg anyway…no point fighting over the window seat.


More boxes of drink coasters. Without a fixed 2004 dvd, and an unwatchable gout. 

Messed up colors, messed up sound, and lack of anamorphic originals in good quality. 

And the black Mattes around the tie fighters are now much more apparent because of Lowrys cleanup and Lucasflims could not use computers to fix those issues.  What about fixing the lightsabers that had poor quality control on the 1997 special editions and were even worse on the 2004.  The 1977 original had prototype Lightsabers not at all consistant with Empire Strikes Back or Return of the Jedi.  whats up with Lukes Greenish white sword on the millenium falcon.  The original was blue white.  In empire it became a more bluer color.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.


The green saber was fixed to white in '06. 

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


Have any confirmation of that?  I think most of us here are under the impression that the movies haven't been touched at all since the 2004 release.

There is no lingerie in space…

C3PX said: Gaffer is like that hot girl in high school that you think you have a chance with even though she is way out of your league because she is sweet and not a stuck up bitch who pretends you don’t exist… then one day you spot her making out with some skinny twerp, only on second glance you realize it is the goth girl who always sits in the back of class; at that moment it dawns on you why she is never seen hanging off the arm of any of the jocks… and you realize, damn, she really is unobtainable after all. Not that that is going to stop you from dreaming… Only in this case, Gaffer is actually a guy.


Where did I hear that it appeared as white on the '06 DVD? o_O.  I do recall reading that for some reason it went back to white, rather than the green that was shown in the '04 DVD.  Perhaps I misread the dvdactive article and confused the picture with the GOUT?

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


In some shots its green, in some its white. Just as it was in 2004.

The new set is nothing out of the ordinary; films are regularly re-packaged at holiday times these days with new artwork. Its just a way to market the films to buyers at the holiday season who haven't yet picked them up, and its also the cheapest the films have ever been, I believe. I mean look at Die Hard, the three movies were in a barebones boxset in 1999, a bulky SE boxset in 2001, then the 199 barebones individual films were re-released at new low prices in 2006, then the SE trilogy was re-packaged in slim-case set in 2007, then a four-film boxset came out in 2007. Movies are always like this. Back in the day the OT came in 1989 (the first purchasable version?), then in 1992, then the DE LD in 1993, then the THX release in 1995, followed by the SE release.


The first full screen/pan and scan trilogy boxset was released in 1992.  The 1989 was just all three films with a cheap carboard band around them.  I have that set.  Neither set features the theatrical audio from the 35mm mix of star wars.  That was released in the 1982 rental tape and 1984 mass market edition. 

I paid about 50 bucks for the rental tape, and 4 bucks for the CAV laserdisc release.  The picture quality difference is staggering the vhs is washed out and flat looking way less resolution.  The 1985 CAV laserdisc Has nice colors i only wish the widescreen versions looked as nice though being zoomed in to the middle of the picture cropped cover up a lot of the problems prevalent in the widescreen transfer.  Sadly before the days of anamorphic  DVD,  full screen and pan and scan offered higher resolution than letterbox.  The image had to be further dumbed down to fit a 4:3 television set.

Despite being a rotter is you can find a non rotted copy of the 1985 it probably is the nicest of the transfers and the only thing it does not have is digital sound or the full uncropped image.  But what do you want this was 1985.  The first letterbox releases came in Japan in the late 1980's as the Japan Special Collection.  The image was shifted higher up on the screen to fit the japanese subtitles which are hardcopied into them.

Lucky enough America got its own widescreen releases directly from the same master as the japanese set but CLV instead of CAV.  The first release for star wars had the incrdible shrinking ratio problem but they released a fixed copy later.  Also Empire strikes Back and Star Wars appear to be properly centered.  Jedi however the picture is shifted to the top of the screen which is dumb because the subtitles were gone from the japan release.  Fox excuse at the time was it was for the Jabba Subtitles. lol.  The only fixed jedi widscreen release would come years later in the definitive boxset and the seperate clv release.  Though it had dvnr done to it and had a brand new sound mix.  It is sad that the closest you can get to the theatrical return of the jedi is the Japan Special collection release.

Star Wars had a pan and scan CAV as i already mentioned in 1985 with analog sound only.  Also the second Installment Empire strikes back was released in CAV in 1986 with its 35mm theatrical sound mix analog only and pan and scan.  No return of the jedi was ever released in 1987.  The Jedi Release is clv Only and is sped up to fit less discs.  I also have the Re-issue in 1992 taken from the same video master only now it had digital sound.

I think Van Ling who created the menus for the 2004 went and corrected the Luke's Saber Color on the menu.  Though in the movie it still remains incorrect.  They had quality control checking on the menus but not on the movie itself,lol.  The explanation the TFn guys came up with always gives me a laugh.  Perhaps Lukes Sword was Silver white, greenish on the Falcon because it was on a training stun only setting.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.


Wow, people actually try to rationalize something so unrationalizable (did I just make up a word)?  Do lightsabers even have "stun" settings?

There is no lingerie in space…

C3PX said: Gaffer is like that hot girl in high school that you think you have a chance with even though she is way out of your league because she is sweet and not a stuck up bitch who pretends you don’t exist… then one day you spot her making out with some skinny twerp, only on second glance you realize it is the goth girl who always sits in the back of class; at that moment it dawns on you why she is never seen hanging off the arm of any of the jocks… and you realize, damn, she really is unobtainable after all. Not that that is going to stop you from dreaming… Only in this case, Gaffer is actually a guy.