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Yellow Lightsabers


Something that makes me really confused is the topic of yellow Lightsabers on prequels. We see that in the High Republic, yellow Lightsabers are abundant, but by the time of the prequels, there are no Jedi that use them. Why? Temple guards in TCW appears using double bladed lightsabers for some reason… And apparently the yellow lightsaber don’t come from Illum. This topic really makes me confused frankly, I want to know an in-universe explanation of why they disappear from high republic to prequel era. Also it would be useful to know how the hell Rey got a yellow crystal in the end of the Rise of Skywalker.

“The greatest teacher failure is”


I think the answer (and I am not trying to be mean here) is that they literally don’t care anymore about making sure that things align to everything cannon or otherwise. We’re just going to make stuff.

BTW I am not Disney bashing here or denigrating the quality of what’s come out, I’m down with pretty much all of it as long as the initials JJA aren’t associated with it, just clear to me that worrying about, oh, a yellow lightsaber was only used in one sentence in a book from 1987 that that is now out of print, do you think we should do that? Those days are gone.


If I’m remembering correctly, all Jedi lightsabers in the Prequels were either blue or green. The only exception was Mace Windu’s purple saber. Fans and EU writers later ascribed meaning to these colors, with blue and green denoting positive things like “peace” or “life”. Apart from Star Wars, psychologically speaking, blue and green are associated with feelings of serenity, calm, life, nature, etc - things that reflect the Jedi philosophy.

The Sith used red lightsabers - a color associated with violence, passion, fire or blood. Windu’s purple saber apparently reflected his ability to partially tap into the Dark Side in limited ways - thus his lightsaber is purple, a combination of blue and red. (In reality, I think Sam Jackson just thought it would be cool to have a purple lightsaber. Fans or EU writers derived the lore after the fact.)

Perhaps yellow never appeared in the Prequels because colors like yellow and orange share certain psychological similarities with red, in the sense that they invoke things like “heat”, “fire”, “alert”, “warning”, etc., and thus seem a bit too “Sith-y” perhaps, or at least not sufficiently “serene” to be appropriate for a Jedi. I don’t claim that George Lucas consciously went through such a thought process - it’s just my conjecture.

Later on, Disney probably started depicting yellow lightsabers merely for the novelty factor. They wanted to show some cool new lightsaber colors we hadn’t yet seen, and there simply aren’t that many colors remaining that would work visually. So they went with yellow.


After a brief search, I found at least 15 instances of a yellow lightsaber in legends, from various eras, old republic new jedi order, prequel era, etc. That’s only counting yellow and not green-yellow, like Ahsoka’s in TCW, or orange or any other variant found elsewhere in legends. They didn’t appear in the OT or the prequel films, but they have appeared from time to time in canon comics, high republic stuff and in rebels.

In legends, there were some different meanings, as the post above said, that were assigned to different colors, but in canon, the most robust meaning to the colors from what I remember, is that red sabers are red because the crystal has been ‘bled’, and (correct me if I’m wrong) white sabers are made with red crystals which have been ‘purified’ or healed. As for the other colors, in canon it seems that they are specific to how the crystal responds to the person who uses it to make their saber, but as for specific meanings to blue, green and other colors, I think maybe we just have to use our imagination. I don’t think it’s of particular significance, but colors do tend to shape our perception, hence why the bad guys have red in the first place, so maybe yellow is significant in some other way idk. I think it suits Yord.



The whole bad guys only use red goes against Leia wielding a red lightsaber and even Luke having a shoto short blade that was also red. In the Expanded Universe of course not in Disney’s rebooted Star Wars.

Also the original Marvel comic had Luke and Ben with Red lightsabers on the cover were they Sith.


^ I did not know this, but obviously I said that because it’s not random that they gave Vader and other villains onwards red, and heroes by-and-large blue and green, even before the new canon crystal bleeding thing. It’s symbolism, it doesn’t have to be that way, of course



Nothing about the current explanation really makes sense. It was better when it seemed as though red was a choice by bad guys, but not always. As mentioned Leia had a red blade. Villains in Dark Forces II had different ones, even blue. It was more logical to assume the crystal was simply unique rather then being “changed” by good/evil deeds. Not everything about a character has to be linked to a weapon after all; it’s giving a tool too much importance.

In something like KOTOR the colours were coded to Jedi roles but I don’t like that idea either, it’s like being given a boring job interview instead of finding a crystal yourself. These days it seems like yellow was used to make Rey seem even more unique (until recent TV shows) but in the past it was used in merchandise because the manufacturers didn’t have the right production art or movie stills yet.


I’m really surprised the writers never allowed Rey to actually use her yellow lightsaber in Episode 9 (except for a brief shot moments before the credits roll). In ROTJ, the final installment of the OT, Luke whips out a cool new lightsaber with a unique color that had never been seen before. It’s uniquely Luke’s weapon, and he uses it for the whole movie. I’m surprised they didn’t do the same for Rey, but instead kept the blue one for all 3 films. (Wasn’t that Anakin’s saber? I try to forget these movies.)

Bizarrely, unless I’m remembering wrong, the previous movie (Last Jedi) even set things up so that Rey would need a new lightsaber in Episode 9. Isn’t there a scene in Episode 8 where her lightsaber is ripped apart? You’d think that would nicely segue into a new, personalized lightsaber for Rey in Episode 9. But I guess not.


Phantom Menace era comics, toys, & games followed the 90s EU’s lead of going all-out with lightsaber colors, then once George established with Attack of the Clones that he wanted (almost) all prequel Jedi confined to blue & green the EU of the era pretty much fell in line. I’m not sure just how explicit the following explanation was established pre- or post-Disney, but I always figured that circle was squared simply by the idea that blue & green crystals were the only ones that naturally occurred on Illum, whereas Jedi from earlier periods were open to a broader range of crystal sources and the New Jedi Order had to look elsewhere for crystals due to its more limited resources & knowledge about the old practices (especially if one takes as canon the Empire/First Order’s transformation of Illum into Starkiller Base). Under that interpretation, the narrower range of lightsaber colors can be considered symbolic of how stagnant the Jedi Order had become by the time Palpatine saw his opportunity to take over.



Channel72 said:

Bizarrely, unless I’m remembering wrong, the previous movie (Last Jedi) even set things up so that Rey would need a new lightsaber in Episode 9. Isn’t there a scene in Episode 8 where her lightsaber is ripped apart? You’d think that would nicely segue into a new, personalized lightsaber for Rey in Episode 9. But I guess not.

Concept art showed it being rebuilt as a dual-bladed staff, which would make far more sense.


In the final version of TRoS, the legacy saber works normally, but there’s a leather band around it now, which implies that Rey did indeed repair it somehow, between the events of TLJ and TRoS. If I were Abrams, I woulda at least made the blade “wavy” or something, to remind audiences of the fact that the crystal got split in half (even if she did repair it, somehow).

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rocknroll41 said:

In the final version of TRoS, the legacy saber works normally, but there’s a leather band around it now, which implies that Rey did indeed repair it somehow, between the events of TLJ and TRoS. If I were Abrams, I woulda at least made the blade “wavy” or something, to remind audiences of the fact that the crystal got split in half (even if she did repair it, somehow).

Correct me if I’m wrong, but there is a fan edit of TROS that edited the saber’s blade to be instable like Kylo’s, right?

“The greatest teacher failure is”


MagMaxx said:

rocknroll41 said:

In the final version of TRoS, the legacy saber works normally, but there’s a leather band around it now, which implies that Rey did indeed repair it somehow, between the events of TLJ and TRoS. If I were Abrams, I woulda at least made the blade “wavy” or something, to remind audiences of the fact that the crystal got split in half (even if she did repair it, somehow).

Correct me if I’m wrong, but there is a fan edit of TROS that edited the saber’s blade to be instable like Kylo’s, right?

I think you’re right, yeah.

My blog: https://henrynsilva.blogspot.com/
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I think you’re right, yeah.

Yes. It is TROS ascendant from Hal 9000s.
As cool as it is a stable lightsaber for Rey, (even cooler when Ben gets it, so it became full circle. The Skywalker saber and stable like Kylo saber, it’s like it was made for him) I still prefer DOTF version of Rey with her wielding a double bladed blue saber. Logical move considering the saber was split in two in TLJ and Rey knows how to fight with a staff. It would be way cooler if it was like dark Rey’s saber. Double, swiss and unstable. I would also make one side of it be normal blue and other cyan blue.

“The greatest teacher failure is”


The colors don’t mean anything and never have, except with the KOTOR classes as Mocata said. The Mace Windu purple/dark/light/gray/purple/blue/red/vaapad/halfgood/halfevil/light/dark complex was always an annoying “fan theory” and the only reason his was purple was Sam Jackson thought it would be cool.


KumoNin said:
red sabers are red because the crystal has been ‘bled’

damn, speaking of, am I right? 😉



Much as I dislike the prequel lightsaber colour symbology, I’m glad Lucas never actually addressed it in the films themselves. Like, it would’ve been so easy for him to have Qui-Gon identify Maul as Sith by his red lightsaber, but this doesn’t happen. But the goddamn EU writers have to overthink everything (and yes, this includes Filoni).

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