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Wish Me Luck, Wish Me Something - Tomorrow Is An Important Date. — Page 3


Possessed said:

Yeah man

Frink, your minions certainly back you up in just about every crap you post. Impressive love.

Possessed said:

I don’t know…

The only thing you need to know here is that it is none of your business to know something that had nothing to do with you.



Did you even read the god damn post I was referring to? I would have posted that regardless if Frink had posted anything. Just fuck off, but congratulations you’re missing everybody off as you like to do. I’m sure this makes for great success in your real life.


Let’s stay civil here, shall we?

Possessed said:

I would have posted that regardless

Refer to the second part of my post.



Anything for attention these days huh. Quit being an ass pimple.


Just trying to cheer her up sorry

Jar-Jar is the Emperor in the extra special edition of ROTJ (scenes 1, 3, and then 6 to the end).


imperialscum said:

Let’s stay civil here, shall we?

Possessed said:

I would have posted that regardless

Refer to the second part of my post.

lawl. Don’t you have groundbreaking scientific research to attend to?

The Person in Question


What in the actual fuck is all I have to say.

I am not lost. I know exactly where I am, I am in some shitty fucking hell, which is exactly what I deserve. But you… YOU are lost. All my life I thought that I needed you, that I couldn’t survive without you, fuck! Fuck! It was the other fucking way around. It was the other way around.


Allow me to explain.

“Scientific research” = masturbating.


Maybe we shouldn’t pollute poor KQs thread any more than we already have.


You guys are fine, I was just having a weird morning or whenever I posted that. I either feel nothing at all or just anger. It’s weird for me because I’m not normally an angry person I guess.

Side note: I went to the market today and saw this guy just vaping up in one of the aisles. Fair enough it’s more healthy than cigarettes, but I still don’t want your second hand nicotine rush.

I am not lost. I know exactly where I am, I am in some shitty fucking hell, which is exactly what I deserve. But you… YOU are lost. All my life I thought that I needed you, that I couldn’t survive without you, fuck! Fuck! It was the other fucking way around. It was the other way around.


Puggo - Jar Jar’s Yoda said:

If there’s just one thing I’ve learned in my 55-year trip so far through the ups and downs, is that time heals. It really does. Unfortunately, it refuses to be rushed.

That’s true wisdom.

The Person in Question


Puggo - Jar Jar’s Yoda said:

If there’s just one thing I’ve learned in my 55-year trip so far through the ups and downs, is that time heals. It really does. Unfortunately, it refuses to be rushed.

I think that’s true to an extent, but also that, I may never fully rid myself of those “feelings” I don’t even really want to discuss. EVER. EVER AGAIN.

I thought I was actually doing better, but I was just really tired today and took a nap, for some reason when I woke up I felt really sad and just didn’t want to deal with those lingering thoughts. I attribute it to being reminded of something about the situation. If I don’t really talk about it or say that name, I’m “okay” in the sense that I don’t really feel anything.

Time. Be on my side please.

I am not lost. I know exactly where I am, I am in some shitty fucking hell, which is exactly what I deserve. But you… YOU are lost. All my life I thought that I needed you, that I couldn’t survive without you, fuck! Fuck! It was the other fucking way around. It was the other way around.


I somewhat know the feeling. I’m going through a heartbreak too and we work together so I have to see her all the time. It really sucks and every day is miserable.


Possessed said:

I somewhat know the feeling. I’m going through a heartbreak too and we work together so I have to see her all the time. It really sucks and every day is miserable.

Ooh, I had that happen too a few years ago. But in my case, not only did my ex and I work together, but my ex left me for someone else we worked with. So I got to see the whoooole thing. Fantastic.

There is no lingerie in space…

C3PX said: Gaffer is like that hot girl in high school that you think you have a chance with even though she is way out of your league because she is sweet and not a stuck up bitch who pretends you don’t exist… then one day you spot her making out with some skinny twerp, only on second glance you realize it is the goth girl who always sits in the back of class; at that moment it dawns on you why she is never seen hanging off the arm of any of the jocks… and you realize, damn, she really is unobtainable after all. Not that that is going to stop you from dreaming… Only in this case, Gaffer is actually a guy.


Update: My debate went over pretty well, wasn’t even nervous. I guess that’s good atleast.

I am not lost. I know exactly where I am, I am in some shitty fucking hell, which is exactly what I deserve. But you… YOU are lost. All my life I thought that I needed you, that I couldn’t survive without you, fuck! Fuck! It was the other fucking way around. It was the other way around.


Thanks man, it was like this

I stood in the back of the room and just read my intro, did my counter points, no big deal. I even answered a few questions.

Although a friend of mine commented to me like I looked pretty stoned.
Don’t know why, I wasn’t.

I am not lost. I know exactly where I am, I am in some shitty fucking hell, which is exactly what I deserve. But you… YOU are lost. All my life I thought that I needed you, that I couldn’t survive without you, fuck! Fuck! It was the other fucking way around. It was the other way around.


Yeah. Glad that’s done with hey?

K. Let’s have this ride.


More than you would think

I am not lost. I know exactly where I am, I am in some shitty fucking hell, which is exactly what I deserve. But you… YOU are lost. All my life I thought that I needed you, that I couldn’t survive without you, fuck! Fuck! It was the other fucking way around. It was the other way around.


So what’s the next big push? Anything left?

K. Let’s have this ride.