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When did Star Wars stop being fun? (aka, the Anti-Correct Viewing Order thread) — Page 3


Anchorhead said:

I have to say I'm very surprised at the BR outrage.  Given the way Lucas treats Star Wars, how could anyone not think there were going to be a myriad of unnecessary, lied-about, prequel-tie-in, and just plain weird alterations to the first three films?

I'd say that "NOOOOO" in ROTJ is the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. Does that make sense?

ROTJ Storyboard Reconstruction Project


Anchorhead said:

This isn't really a complaint or vent, but it will get lost in the BR thread since it moves so quickly.

I have to say I'm very surprised at the BR outrage.  Given the way Lucas treats Star Wars, how could anyone not think there were going to be a myriad of unnecessary, lied-about, prequel-tie-in, and just plain weird alterations to the first three films?

I said the exact same thing in the BR thread, and I'm pretty sure it got lost. ;-)


Which ones am I supposed to keep for 100 years? The DVD? The Blu-ray? I'm confused, because they're different now, and neither of them have the right colors or fixes that I'm pretty sure George's vision should include...

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While I'll admit, we're obsessive (it's why we're here) I'm getting tired of the "Star Wars was always for little kids" crap I hear in the media and from GL.

I bet Lucas doesn't say "Hey look at my little kids version of the Oscars!"  In 1977 Star Wars was still escapist fantasy but it was considered the best of it's kind.  

I wonder if Woody Allen went crazy(er) and started mucking with Annie Hall every few years if we'd be hearing this "get a life" thing.

I can accept "Get over it.  It's just a movie."  But instead we get "Get over it.  It's just Star Wars."

In answer to the question?  Star Wars stops being fun every time this nonsense comes up.  It starts being fun again every time I can watch the movies.

– Bill

Never tell me the odds.


TV's Frink said:

I remember the 97 SE fondly, but it had more to do with the experience of seeing it in the theater after all those years.

I agree with ^. It was a great experience at the time, but really the SEs suck.

For me the 1999-2002 time frame killed Star Wars - terrible films and terrible EU at the same time. A partial resurrection followed with the two KOTOR games, but ROTS came along and essentially nuked the franchise from orbit.

These blu-rays are essentially Lucas desecrating Star War's corpse.


“It is only through interaction, through decision and choice, through confrontation, physical or mental, that the Force can grow within you.”
-Kreia, Jedi Master and Sith Lord


theprequelsrule said:

TV's Frink said:

I remember the 97 SE fondly, but it had more to do with the experience of seeing it in the theater after all those years.

I agree with ^. It was a great experience at the time, but really the SEs suck.

For me the 1999-2002 time frame killed Star Wars - terrible films and terrible EU at the same time. A partial resurrection followed with the two KOTOR games, but ROTS came along and essentially nuked the franchise from orbit.

These blu-rays are essentially Lucas desecrating Star War's corpse.


For me the OT died with the SE's. Lucas fucked them up right off the bat. Then along come the PT. TPM started out pretty good (still the best of the PT crap). Take out Midichlorians and Jar Jar then give Maul a litttle backstroy and more screen time you might have a decent film. Then along came Clones the biggest piece of shit to every come down the Star WARS pipeline. We all walked out of the film going what the fuck was that we just saw? It sure was not a SW film! I knew then the ROTS would have to be the best SW film made to pull the trilogy out of the mud. Sadly ROTS was only a little better than Clones (it suffers from the same problems as clones).


Tallguy said:

While I'll admit, we're obsessive (it's why we're here) I'm getting tired of the "Star Wars was always for little kids" crap I hear in the media and from GL.

I bet Lucas doesn't say "Hey look at my little kids version of the Oscars!"  In 1977 Star Wars was still escapist fantasy but it was considered the best of it's kind.  

I wonder if Woody Allen went crazy(er) and started mucking with Annie Hall every few years if we'd be hearing this "get a life" thing.

I can accept "Get over it.  It's just a movie."  But instead we get "Get over it.  It's just Star Wars."

In answer to the question?  Star Wars stops being fun every time this nonsense comes up.  It starts being fun again every time I can watch the movies.



To address Frink and Anchorhead: I certainly wasn't surprised by the fact there were changes. The changes were not what I expected and they sucked and I have and will gripe about them, but I knew going into the Blu-Ray hype that we'd be getting yet another dose of the "same-ol', same-ol'" that we've been getting since 1977. Perhaps this expectation of nothing new is why I'm less disappointed than some of the others here.

I still love every minute of my Star Wars fandom, though.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


It's a strange world we live in.


I think for me when it changed from "Star Wars can be this" to "Star Wars must be this". Lucas' introduction of both the special editions and his type of prequel films contributed to an already growing problem in the EU of boxing stories and creativity to the point where things in Star Wars must fit into specific guidelines. 

If Lucas had introduced the Special Editions and as what if concepts or even as an amusing film experiments (while still maintaining the originals in decent quality) I don't there would be such a divisive split as to what's real and what's not. Yes debates about which was better sure, but certainly not the almost existential arguments which ensue about what is "true."

The whole thing with Greedo and Han took away the relative nature of how you interpret Han's character into a more simplistic back and forth about what's absolutely true to his character. Beforehand you could say that Han doesn't care at all, that may not have wanted to do it but had to, that he and Greedo had a personal backstory hence it was out of emotion than reason, all sorts of stuff. Now its been broken down to "Han's a good guy, he wouldn't do that" and "Han's a scoundrel rogue, of course he would" Its a more narrow definition to something that once felt ambiguous.

Problems exist with the EU as well. Because of the sheer influx of stories based on a business model rather than what's ideal for tone and character, a lot was lost. Star Wars isn't a mystery anymore. Its not built on reader/viewer imagination and enjoyment as much as it used to be; its been distilled into the very act of choosing personal canon based on specific stories. Going down the EU feels more like checking a grocery list than being exposed to wondrous other worlds and tales. 

Its ironic because the original Star Wars was hailed by some in the press as working because it was loose and ambiguous enough to be able to project your own meaning onto the movie. It worked for everybody. That's just not the case anymore. 


Maybe if they put out Kotor 3 and Battlefront 3 on the 360 i would have fun, but that makes no sense at Lucashfilm, lucasharts etc.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.


timdiggerm said:

Anchorhead said:

I have to say I'm very surprised at the BR outrage.  Given the way Lucas treats Star Wars, how could anyone not think there were going to be a myriad of unnecessary, lied-about, prequel-tie-in, and just plain weird alterations to the first three films?

I'd say that "NOOOOO" in ROTJ is the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. Does that make sense?

It does.  Maybe I'm just more surprised that it took this long for so many people to feel what we've felt for the last 15 years.  I was beginning to think people didn't have breaking points.

Forum Moderator

skyjedi2005 said:


I think in your zest to use "Lucash" again, you made an unintentionally hilarious comment right there.


I didn't even notice that before. Hilarious.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


I agree with Frink and Anchorhead.  Despite what Lucas had said about the DVD version being the one to last forever, I would have been far more surprised if there had not been any changes to the Blu-rays.  Doesn't make me any less pissed off about them, but they're certainly not surprising.  I am surprised that this is the moment when people are finally starting to care.  I do understand the breaking point, and I'm certainly glad it happened, no matter what the catalyst, but considering some of the crazy shit we've had to put up with up until now, these particular changes seem extremely tame by comparison.  I'm still shocked that Hayden wasn't the straw that broke the camel's back.

There is no lingerie in space…

C3PX said: Gaffer is like that hot girl in high school that you think you have a chance with even though she is way out of your league because she is sweet and not a stuck up bitch who pretends you don’t exist… then one day you spot her making out with some skinny twerp, only on second glance you realize it is the goth girl who always sits in the back of class; at that moment it dawns on you why she is never seen hanging off the arm of any of the jocks… and you realize, damn, she really is unobtainable after all. Not that that is going to stop you from dreaming… Only in this case, Gaffer is actually a guy.