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What's up with all the right-wingers on this site? — Page 7

Janskeet said:

I always here how social security isn't going to be around when us echo boomers and generation x's go to retirement. But I read that the system is projected to be fine until 2042 and even then the change need to keep social security working with the income they promise you is not going to be hard to adjust. But I read this back in February or March and that was before the stock market crash and weakening econemy. All these conservatives seem to want to make us think that the system needs to be "changed" but it is just an excuse to put it stock market or something, give it a way to filter back to the rich.


You're to funny.  The point of making Social Security into private accounts, like 401ks, is so the people that pay in get interest on their money and then get to withdraw their money when they retire.


That website explains how Social Security really works.  In short, Social Security now has much higher taxes than what it originally did in order to pay for the same benefits.  Also, when it was first created, the ratio of workers paying in to the ones receiving benefits was much higher than it is now.  http://www.ssa.gov/history/ratios.html  That's why the system is breaking down.  When all the baby boomers retire, you're looking at a broken system.

Janskeet, you would do well to stop assuming that everything is about making "the rich" richer and realize that Conservatives actually want people to be able to keep more of the money they make.  We think people can make a better decision on how to spend their money than the government can.  I'm going to assume you're a pretty young person by the way you post.  It would do you good to stop listening to what other people are saying about everything and do some of your own research.  You might be surprised by what you find out.


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You are disciplined but tolerant; a true American.

Pissing off Rob since August 2007.

The idea that the social security system will be fine until 2042 sounds absolutely ridiculous to me. The government has been purchasing bonds with social security money and it will need to borrow more money to pay that back when baby-boomers start tapping the system. My guess is that such an event will be well before 2042. After that additional borrowing/taxation ends, then the social security system will be really screwed.

What I don't get is why democrats are so afraid of freedom and choice. Nobody would have been given a private investment account of their own unless they asked for it. Everybody else could have stayed in the old system (which I doubt they would have). Unfortunately statements like this perfectly illustrate how Democrats can't think about anything seriously:

Janskeet said:

but it is just an excuse to put it stock market or something, give it a way to filter back to the rich.

Who, in this day and age, honestly thinks Democrats are out to protect them from the rich? What a bunch of bullshit. The Democrat leadership just passed a 700 billion dollar plan of crap to bail out all of their stupid, rich friends who got rich via government spending and regulations (as apposed to honest work). Not only that, they were bailing out themselves: most of our legislators are rich and have a lot of money invested in the firms which stand to lose money (after Democrats encouraged bad investments). What a fucking joke and the American people are the butt.

"Now all Lucas has to do is make a cgi version of himself.  It will be better than the original and fit his original vision." - skyjedi2005

Tiptup said:

Who, in this day and age, honestly thinks Democrats are out to protect them from the rich? What a bunch of bullshit. The Democrat leadership just passed a 700 billion dollar plan of crap to bail out all of their stupid, rich friends who got rich via government spending and regulations (as apposed to honest work). Not only that, they were bailing out themselves: most of our legislators are rich and have a lot of money invested in the firms which stand to lose money (after Democrats encouraged bad investments). What a fucking joke and the American people are the butt.


Couldn't have said it any better. But yet, even when presented with this reality, people like Janskeet will simply shrug it off without giving it a second thought and continue to think the way they do, but only because that is not what they WANT to believe. They want to believe there is somebody looking out for the poor, they want to believe that someone is going to give them a hand out, they want to stick their head in the sand when things in the world they do not like take place (example, 1993 World Trade Center bombing), they don't want to believe other countries or people might have something against them, they'd rather believe other countries have a problem with Bush and crazy religious Americans, but not with avergage Joe Schmoe. They want to think that if it was not for Bush and the damn Jews and Christians, that we would not have to worry about people like Saddam, instead we could just become evil dictators best friends and talk some sense into them over a game of pool.

It is such a fantasy world these people live in where the words "hope" and "change" as standalone concepts without anything in front of them or behind them somehow have very deep and profound meanings too them.

And no, don't take these comments the wrong way, I am not saying that the Republicans are the exact opposite of the Democrats, I have very little good things I can say about the Republicans at this point. I just think that it is amazing that some of you people can be lied to so much that you will believe anything, contrary to real evidence or facts.



"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape