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What we like about the Prequels — Page 7


Backstroke of the West. Hands down, my favorite thing about the Prequels.

On a more relevant note, I've always been an Obi-Wan fangirl, which is what kept me coming back to the theaters to see the prequels.



I’m just here because I’m driving tonight.



Pity The Third Gathers seems to have vanished after suffering the wrath of Youtube. His dubbed version of Backstroke was sheer genius.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


The Backstroke dub turned my friend into a Star Wars fan. It was beautiful.


Palpatine being behind everything (the concept, not the execution).


He's been mentioned a few times in the thread already, but Morrison's performance  as Jango Fett was what I liked most about the PT. I liked his attitude toward the Jedi.

Liam Neeson played his role pretty good, too. He was like the Bob Ross of that movie. 


The opera/Darth Plagius scene. Great music.

The Anakin/Padme bit where they look across Coruscant. No dialogue, great music.


The bit in TPM when the Battletanks are moving across the Naboo plains.

The start of Sith up until Artoo jumps out of the fighter.

Anakin chopping off Count D's head.

Order 66.


DuracellEnergizer said:

What I liked:


Ewan McGregor

Liam Neeson (for the most part)

Ian McDiarmid (until his transformation scene in ROTS, anyway ...)

John William's score

The idea that the Jedi order isn't an order of perfect, pristine monks but an order of corrupt, dogmatic fools.

Darth Maul

Darth Maul's lightsaber

The duel in TPM (though it does get a bit too flashy after Qui-Gon leaves the fray)

Mace Windu's lightsaber (his purple blade almost makes up for the monotony of the other lightsabers)

That Anakin's lightsaber was blue in his duel with Obi-Wan on Mustafar (this is the only and only thing I expected to see in the prequels that actually came to pass)


Dexter Jettster (bad CG aside, I like his design and personality)

The aesthetic design of the Kaminoans

The aesthetic design of Padmé's silver starship in TPM (the other ones in the other prequels, not so much)

The aesthetic design of Grevious


That's about it, unfortunately.



DuracellEnergizer said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

What I liked:


Ewan McGregor

Liam Neeson (for the most part)

Ian McDiarmid (until his transformation scene in ROTS, anyway ...)

John William's score

The idea that the Jedi order isn't an order of perfect, pristine monks but an order of corrupt, dogmatic fools.

Darth Maul

Darth Maul's lightsaber

The duel in TPM (though it does get a bit too flashy after Qui-Gon leaves the fray)

Mace Windu's lightsaber (his purple blade almost makes up for the monotony of the other lightsabers)

That Anakin's lightsaber was blue in his duel with Obi-Wan on Mustafar (this is the only and only thing I expected to see in the prequels that actually came to pass)


Dexter Jettster (bad CG aside, I like his design and personality)

The aesthetic design of the Kaminoans

The aesthetic design of Padmé's silver starship in TPM (the other ones in the other prequels, not so much)

The aesthetic design of Grevious

That Grevious's sabers are blue and green


That's about it, unfortunately.


 truly fixed


darklordoftech said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

DuracellEnergizer said:


That Grevious's sabers are blue and green


That's about it, unfortunately.


 truly fixed

 Yes, I always loved the idea of someone who kept the lightsabres of Jedi they had killed as trophies.


The problem I have with Grevious weilding blue and green lightsabers is that it only serves to remind me of how those are the only two colours Jedi get to use in these crappy movies.


RicOlie_2 said:

OBI-WAN37 said:

The dialogue. ("Hello There")

I love how you used an example of dialogue that they borrowed from the OT. Name some original dialogue in the PT that is good.

That is hardly dialogue, but Ewan McGregor delivered it well and different to how Alec Guinness had.


Indeed. My favourite tracks:

* TPM: Droid Invasion march when the landing ships land in the Naboo forest
* TPM: Anakin's Theme
* TPM: Qui-Gon's funeral.
* AOTC: Confrontation with Count Dooku
* ROTS: The mashup of the funeral music / Imperial march at the very end.

However, there is a lot of music in ROTS that I don't like very much, mostly because they don't feel very Star Wars-y. I also don't like On the Conveyor belt or the party music at the end of TPM.-


DuracellEnergizer said:

The problem I have with Grevious weilding blue and green lightsabers is that it only serves to remind me of how those are the only two colours Jedi get to use in these crappy movies.

I always laugh when I see your posts about lightsabre colours. :D



The early previews we got of the Phantom Menace. When I didn't know anything about the plot and just saw a few flashing images and the knowledge that Star Wars was coming back to theaters I couldn't be more thrilled. Then the movie actually happened.

Darth Maul up until he got punked by Obi-Wan. Perhaps the most vicious looking character ever created for the Star Wars universe.

Duel of the Fates. A classic John Williams theme.

Backstroke of the West. Absolutely hilarious.

Hmm. That's about it.


imperialscum said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

The problem I have with Grevious weilding blue and green lightsabers is that it only serves to remind me of how those are the only two colours Jedi get to use in these crappy movies.

I always laugh when I see your posts about lightsabre colours. :D

I always laugh at everything.



The very best thing is the fact that, per episode numbering, they had to stop after making three of them.

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


Tack said:


 I partially agree with number eleven. Most people here have strong feelings to the contrary, I have admitted to myself that I don't actually hate watching most of them. There is definitely something lacking in most of them, but even so, they are enjoyable. The battle between Obi-Wan and Darth Vader in ROTS had character interaction as well as fighting, so that was good.

I think Jar Jar was a huge mistake in the first place, but number 10 is very true.

I completely disagree with number nine, number eight is a one of the better scenes, but still not something that stands out as being good, and I only partially agree with number seven.

As for number six, I agree that Hayden had great facial acting. The character he played wasn't good though, unfortunately.

I definitely agree with numbers five, four, three, and two.

I agree with number one, aside from the midichlorian thing (which I didn't used to mind, but I've realized how much it differs from the original idea of the force).


I agree that these are some good things for him to choose. A bad director can crush any good personality or performance. They got some good people for these films, yet somehow were able to fail to elicit any sort of good performance from them.

I’m just here because I’m driving tonight.


Tack said:

I agree that these are some good things for him to choose. A bad director can crush any good personality or performance. They got some good people for these films, yet somehow were able to fail to elicit any sort of good performance from them.

Well if the screenplay is bad then acting and directing cannot prevent film from ending up bad.
