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What is your personal Star Trek canon? — Page 3


This is my personal literary Star Trek canon list.

This is stuff I have read, and I continue to re-read.

If it's not on the list, I did not read it, or I did not consider it worthy

of considering cannon.

This is where it all ends for me!

“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison


FanFiltration said:

This is my personal literary Star Trek canon list.

This is stuff I have read, and I continue to re-read.

If it's not on the list, I did not read it, or I did not consider it worthy

of considering cannon.

This is where it all ends for me!



timdiggerm said:

That could have been a text list.

retail shops
retail shops


TV's Frink said:

FanFiltration said:

This is my personal literary Star Trek canon list.

This is stuff I have read, and I continue to re-read.

If it's not on the list, I did not read it, or I did not consider it worthy

of considering cannon.

This is where it all ends for me!


 Remember the last time that image was posted? Here's something to refresh your memory...



...I couldn't resist.

edit: I dare you to make a text list of everything in here :P

Nobody sang The Bunny Song in years…


TV's Frink said:

timdiggerm said:

That could have been a text list.

retail shops
retail shops

 *slow clap*


timdiggerm said:

quoted posts


ugly, poorly made image

stretched Heather



“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison


TOS + movies except 5, TNG + VII & VIII. I haven't seen enough DS9 and will not watch Voyager or Enterprise because they don't interest me.


TOS is great, except of 99% of the third season episodes.

TAS - a couple of great episodes, a couple of horrible episodes.

The Motion Picture - a very long episode pretending to be a Star Trek version of A Space Odyssey

The Wrath of Khan - excellent movie

The Search For Spock - only good segments are the comedy scenes on Earth and the destruction of the Enterprise, the rest is shit

The Voyage Home - brilliant movie

The Shatner One (I can't remember the name right now which clearly shows the impact it had on me ) - a few good scenes, a lot of really bad scenes horribly edited together

The Undiscovered Country - another brilliant movie

TNG - slow start (in these days it would be canceled during the middle of the first season), but it gets better and better, the last 3 seasons are just brilliant

DS9 - unfortunately I started to like the show only after they came up with the Dominion war, which is kind of sad

VOY - crap. I never liked it. I mean 7of9's boobs are nice to watch, but the rest? A bunch of shitty stories about uninteresting (and a lot of times annoying) characters

ST Generations - crap which makes absolutely no sense. I don't know why people claim the Shatner One is the worst Trek movie, this one is much worse.

ST First Contact - a great fun sci fi action flick

ST Insurrection - a very long episode. Not bad, but not exceptionally good either

ST Nemesis - horrible piece of shit which makes absolutely no sense at all

Enterprise - I liked the first season, a couple of second season episodes, and the third season. Season 4 was absolutely horrible, and I was shocked to find out how many people claim that it's the best one.

Star Trek : The Star Trek - horrible piece of shit which makes no sense at all. The only thing I liked was the main music theme

Star Trek Into Darkness - a much worse rip-off of Wrath Of Khan. But at least it's better than JJTrek, I could enjoy it as an action movie (but not as a Star Trek movie)


Well, here it is -- my personal canon:


Obviously, this is my own personal Trek universe with its own distinctive history, so nothing from the Prime Universe is 100% canon within it. However, there are works set in the Prime Universe which I consider spiritually canon. Those spiritually canon works are:



"The Cage"

"Where No Man Has Gone Before"

"The Corbomite Maneuver"

"Mudd's Women"

"The Enemy Within"

"The Man Trap"

"The Naked Time"

"Balance of Terror"

"What Are Little Girls Made Of?"


"The Conscience of the King"

"Shore Leave"

"The Squire of Gothos"


"The Alternative Factor"

"The Return of the Archons"

"Space Seed"

"This Side of Paradise"

"The City on the Edge of Forever"

"Operation: Annihilate!"


"Amok Time"

"The Doomsday Machine"

"Wolf in the Fold"

"The Apple"

"Mirror, Mirror"

"I, Mudd"

"The Trouble with Tribbles"

"Journey to Babel"

"A Private Little War"

"The Gamesters of Triskelion"

"The Immunity Syndrome"

"A Piece of the Action"

"By Any Other Name"

"Return to Tomorrow"

"The Ultimate Computer"

"Spectre of the Gun"

"The Enterprise Incident"

"For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky"

"Day of the Dove"

"Plato's Stepchildren"

"That Which Survives"

"Whom Gods Destroy"

"The Lights of Zetar"

"Requiem for Methuselah"

"The Savage Curtain"

"All Our Yesterdays"

"Turnabout Intruder"



"The Infinite Vulcan"

"The Time Trap"

"The Pirates of Orion"


"The Counter-Clock Incident"


"Where No One Has Gone Before"

"The Big Goodbye"



"The Arsenal of Freedom"

"Where Silence Has Lease"

"Elementary, Dear Data"

"The Measure of a Man"

"The Royale"

"Q Who"

"The Ensigns of Command"

"Booby Trap"

"The Vengeance Factor"

"Deja Q"

"A Matter of Perspective"

"Yesterday's Enterprise"

"The Offspring"


"Captain's Holiday"

"Hollow Pursuits"

"The Most Toys"

"The Best of Both Worlds, Part I"

"The Best of Both Worlds, Part II"

"Remember Me"


"Future Imperfect"

"Final Mission"

"Data's Day"

"The Wounded"


"Galaxy's Child"

"Night Terrors"

"Ensign Ro"

"Silicon Avatar"

"The Game"

"Power Play"


"Cause and Effect"

"The Next Phase"

"The Inner Light"



"True Q"

"A Fistful of Datas"

"Chain of Command, Part I"

"Chain of Command, Part II"

"Face of the Enemy"



"Frame of Mind"

"Descent, Part I"

"Descent, Part II"

"Gambit, Part I"

"Gambit, Part II"


"Dark Page"



"Lower Decks"

"Eye of the Beholder"

"Preemptive Strike"

"All Good Things ..."


Due to how so many of the episodes are interconnected, I accept most of DS9 as canon. There are exceptions though, and they are:

  • The Worf/Jadzia romance and marriage
  • The Klingon/Worf-centric episodes
  • Possibly the O'Brien/Keiko marriage (simply put, I don't like her character very much and always thought O'Brien could have done better)
  • The Mirror Universe episodes (the first one being a possible exception)
  • Odo turning back into a full Changeling
  • Jadzia's death
  • the last episode of Season 6 and all of Season 7 (as I haven't watched them, due to the aforementioned death of Jadzia)


Haven't seen the show, never will, thus nothing of it is canon.


Same as above.


The films are where things get wonky timeline and content wise.

I consider most of TMP canon, but not only have I've combined it with "The Changeling", I've placed it at the end of the five-year mission instead of four years after it. Furthermore, neither Decker nor Ilia are part of the Enterprise crew, so their roles are filled by completely different characters (I won't say whom at this point; that's a part of my canon I wish to reveal at a later date).

I also accept TFF as mostly canon -- the stupider aspects eliminated, of course -- but I place it directly before the events of TMP instead of years after it.

TVH is semi-canonical. I place it before the events of TWOK, and instead of having Kirk & co. travel back to 20th century Earth to rescue humpback whales, they travel to the past of an alien planet to rescue -- for lack of a better term -- alien whales.

In my canon, Spock stays dead after the events of TWOK and the Genesis Planet never goes kablooie. That renders TSFS largely non-canon and places TUC in a hazy gray area.

None of the TNG films are canon.

That leaves TWOK as the only Trek film largely intact as it is within my canon.



These gray landing party uniforms that appear in the first issue are definitely part of my personal canon.

Star Trek #15: "Museum at the End of Time"

Star Trek #22: "Siege in Superspace"

Star Trek #26: "The Perfect Dream"

Star Trek #28: "The Mimicking Menace"

Star Trek #30: "Death of a Star"


Most of Marvel's first series

The first fifteen issues of Early Voyages

Untold Voyages

Star Trek Unlimited #4: "Inheritance"

Star Trek Unlimited #9: "Trekkers"


Most of DC's first series

Issues 1-12, 34, 42-43, 65-68, 73-75, and Annuals 2 & 3 of DC's second series

Debt of Honor


Thus far, I haven't finished any Trek novels. I'm currently reading Spock Must Die!, my first Trek novel, and suffice it to say, I doubt I'll be adding it to my personal canon.


"A Private Anecdote"


pittrek said:

Star Trek Into Darkness - a much worse rip-off of Wrath Of Khan. But at least it's better than JJTrek

 Wait, what?


TV's Frink said:

pittrek said:

Star Trek Into Darkness - a much worse rip-off of Wrath Of Khan. But at least it's better than JJTrek

 Wait, what?

The first part of his statement is undeniable, but that last part...


ROTJ Storyboard Reconstruction Project


Well Frink proclaimed many of the threads to be the worst. But this one is actually the worst.



timdiggerm said:

TV's Frink said:

pittrek said:

Star Trek Into Darkness - a much worse rip-off of Wrath Of Khan. But at least it's better than JJTrek

 Wait, what?

The first part of his statement is undeniable, but that last part...


 I left the first part in for context.


DuracellEnergizer said:

Well, here it is -- my personal canon:


Obviously, this is my own personal Trek universe with its own distinctive history, so nothing from the Prime Universe is 100% canon within it. However, there are works set in the Prime Universe which I consider spiritually canon. Those spiritually canon works are:



"The Cage"

"Where No Man Has Gone Before"

"The Corbomite Maneuver"

"Mudd's Women"

"The Enemy Within"

"The Man Trap"

"The Naked Time"

"Balance of Terror"

"What Are Little Girls Made Of?"


"The Conscience of the King"

"Shore Leave"

"The Squire of Gothos"


"The Alternative Factor"

"The Return of the Archons"

"Space Seed"

"This Side of Paradise"

"The City on the Edge of Forever"

"Operation: Annihilate!"


"Amok Time"

"The Doomsday Machine"

"Wolf in the Fold"

"The Apple"

"Mirror, Mirror"

"I, Mudd"

"The Trouble with Tribbles"

"Journey to Babel"

"A Private Little War"

"The Gamesters of Triskelion"

"The Immunity Syndrome"

"A Piece of the Action"

"By Any Other Name"

"Return to Tomorrow"

"The Ultimate Computer"

"Spectre of the Gun"

"The Enterprise Incident"

"For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky"

"Day of the Dove"

"Plato's Stepchildren"

"That Which Survives"

"Whom Gods Destroy"

"The Lights of Zetar"

"Requiem for Methuselah"

"The Savage Curtain"

"All Our Yesterdays"

"Turnabout Intruder"



"The Infinite Vulcan"

"The Time Trap"

"The Pirates of Orion"


"The Counter-Clock Incident"


"Where No One Has Gone Before"

"The Big Goodbye"



"The Arsenal of Freedom"

"Where Silence Has Lease"

"Elementary, Dear Data"

"The Measure of a Man"

"The Royale"

"Q Who"

"The Ensigns of Command"

"Booby Trap"

"The Vengeance Factor"

"Deja Q"

"A Matter of Perspective"

"Yesterday's Enterprise"

"The Offspring"


"Captain's Holiday"

"Hollow Pursuits"

"The Most Toys"

"The Best of Both Worlds, Part I"

"The Best of Both Worlds, Part II"

"Remember Me"


"Future Imperfect"

"Final Mission"

"Data's Day"

"The Wounded"


"Galaxy's Child"

"Night Terrors"

"Ensign Ro"

"Silicon Avatar"

"The Game"

"Power Play"


"Cause and Effect"

"The Next Phase"

"The Inner Light"



"True Q"

"A Fistful of Datas"

"Chain of Command, Part I"

"Chain of Command, Part II"

"Face of the Enemy"



"Frame of Mind"

"Descent, Part I"

"Descent, Part II"

"Gambit, Part I"

"Gambit, Part II"


"Dark Page"



"Lower Decks"

"Eye of the Beholder"

"Preemptive Strike"

"All Good Things ..."


Due to how so many of the episodes are interconnected, I accept most of DS9 as canon. There are exceptions though, and they are:

  • The Worf/Jadzia romance and marriage
  • The Klingon/Worf-centric episodes
  • Possibly the O'Brien/Keiko marriage (simply put, I don't like her character very much and always thought O'Brien could have done better)
  • The Mirror Universe episodes (the first one being a possible exception)
  • Odo turning back into a full Changeling
  • Jadzia's death
  • the last episode of Season 6 and all of Season 7 (as I haven't watched them, due to the aforementioned death of Jadzia)


Haven't seen the show, never will, thus nothing of it is canon.


Same as above.


The films are where things get wonky timeline and content wise.

I consider most of TMP canon, but not only have I've combined it with "The Changeling", I've placed it at the end of the five-year mission instead of four years after it. Furthermore, neither Decker nor Ilia are part of the Enterprise crew, so their roles are filled by completely different characters (I won't say whom at this point; that's a part of my canon I wish to reveal at a later date).

I also accept TFF as mostly canon -- the stupider aspects eliminated, of course -- but I place it directly before the events of TMP instead of years after it.

TVH is semi-canonical. I place it before the events of TWOK, and instead of having Kirk & co. travel back to 20th century Earth to rescue humpback whales, they travel to the past of an alien planet to rescue -- for lack of a better term -- alien whales.

In my canon, Spock stays dead after the events of TWOK and the Genesis Planet never goes kablooie. That renders TSFS largely non-canon and places TUC in a hazy gray area.

None of the TNG films are canon.

That leaves TWOK as the only Trek film largely intact as it is within my canon.



These gray landing party uniforms that appear in the first issue are definitely part of my personal canon.

Star Trek #15: "Museum at the End of Time"

Star Trek #22: "Siege in Superspace"

Star Trek #26: "The Perfect Dream"

Star Trek #28: "The Mimicking Menace"

Star Trek #30: "Death of a Star"


Most of Marvel's first series

The first fifteen issues of Early Voyages

Untold Voyages

Star Trek Unlimited #4: "Inheritance"

Star Trek Unlimited #9: "Trekkers"


Most of DC's first series

Issues 1-12, 34, 42-43, 65-68, 73-75, and Annuals 2 & 3 of DC's second series

Debt of Honor


Thus far, I haven't finished any Trek novels. I'm currently reading Spock Must Die!, my first Trek novel, and suffice it to say, I doubt I'll be adding it to my personal canon.


"A Private Anecdote"



TV's Frink said:

pittrek said:

Star Trek Into Darkness - a much worse rip-off of Wrath Of Khan. But at least it's better than JJTrek

 Wait, what?

I just think STID is a better movie than ST. Both are crap, but I can enjoy at least the action bits in STID


TV's Frink said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

Well, here it is -- my personal canon:


Obviously, this is my own personal Trek universe with its own distinctive history, so nothing from the Prime Universe is 100% canon within it. However, there are works set in the Prime Universe which I consider spiritually canon. Those spiritually canon works are:



"The Cage"

"Where No Man Has Gone Before"

"The Corbomite Maneuver"

"Mudd's Women"

"The Enemy Within"

"The Man Trap"

"The Naked Time"

"Balance of Terror"

"What Are Little Girls Made Of?"


"The Conscience of the King"

"Shore Leave"

"The Squire of Gothos"


"The Alternative Factor"

"The Return of the Archons"

"Space Seed"

"This Side of Paradise"

"The City on the Edge of Forever"

"Operation: Annihilate!"


"Amok Time"

"The Doomsday Machine"

"Wolf in the Fold"

"The Apple"

"Mirror, Mirror"

"I, Mudd"

"The Trouble with Tribbles"

"Journey to Babel"

"A Private Little War"

"The Gamesters of Triskelion"

"The Immunity Syndrome"

"A Piece of the Action"

"By Any Other Name"

"Return to Tomorrow"

"The Ultimate Computer"

"Spectre of the Gun"

"The Enterprise Incident"

"For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky"

"Day of the Dove"

"Plato's Stepchildren"

"That Which Survives"

"Whom Gods Destroy"

"The Lights of Zetar"

"Requiem for Methuselah"

"The Savage Curtain"

"All Our Yesterdays"

"Turnabout Intruder"



"The Infinite Vulcan"

"The Time Trap"

"The Pirates of Orion"


"The Counter-Clock Incident"


"Where No One Has Gone Before"

"The Big Goodbye"



"The Arsenal of Freedom"

"Where Silence Has Lease"

"Elementary, Dear Data"

"The Measure of a Man"

"The Royale"

"Q Who"

"The Ensigns of Command"

"Booby Trap"

"The Vengeance Factor"

"Deja Q"

"A Matter of Perspective"

"Yesterday's Enterprise"

"The Offspring"


"Captain's Holiday"

"Hollow Pursuits"

"The Most Toys"

"The Best of Both Worlds, Part I"

"The Best of Both Worlds, Part II"

"Remember Me"


"Future Imperfect"

"Final Mission"

"Data's Day"

"The Wounded"


"Galaxy's Child"

"Night Terrors"

"Ensign Ro"

"Silicon Avatar"

"The Game"

"Power Play"


"Cause and Effect"

"The Next Phase"

"The Inner Light"



"True Q"

"A Fistful of Datas"

"Chain of Command, Part I"

"Chain of Command, Part II"

"Face of the Enemy"



"Frame of Mind"

"Descent, Part I"

"Descent, Part II"

"Gambit, Part I"

"Gambit, Part II"


"Dark Page"



"Lower Decks"

"Eye of the Beholder"

"Preemptive Strike"

"All Good Things ..."


Due to how so many of the episodes are interconnected, I accept most of DS9 as canon. There are exceptions though, and they are:

  • The Worf/Jadzia romance and marriage
  • The Klingon/Worf-centric episodes
  • Possibly the O'Brien/Keiko marriage (simply put, I don't like her character very much and always thought O'Brien could have done better)
  • The Mirror Universe episodes (the first one being a possible exception)
  • Odo turning back into a full Changeling
  • Jadzia's death
  • the last episode of Season 6 and all of Season 7 (as I haven't watched them, due to the aforementioned death of Jadzia)


Haven't seen the show, never will, thus nothing of it is canon.


Same as above.


The films are where things get wonky timeline and content wise.

I consider most of TMP canon, but not only have I've combined it with "The Changeling", I've placed it at the end of the five-year mission instead of four years after it. Furthermore, neither Decker nor Ilia are part of the Enterprise crew, so their roles are filled by completely different characters (I won't say whom at this point; that's a part of my canon I wish to reveal at a later date).

I also accept TFF as mostly canon -- the stupider aspects eliminated, of course -- but I place it directly before the events of TMP instead of years after it.

TVH is semi-canonical. I place it before the events of TWOK, and instead of having Kirk & co. travel back to 20th century Earth to rescue humpback whales, they travel to the past of an alien planet to rescue -- for lack of a better term -- alien whales.

In my canon, Spock stays dead after the events of TWOK and the Genesis Planet never goes kablooie. That renders TSFS largely non-canon and places TUC in a hazy gray area.

None of the TNG films are canon.

That leaves TWOK as the only Trek film largely intact as it is within my canon.



These gray landing party uniforms that appear in the first issue are definitely part of my personal canon.

Star Trek #15: "Museum at the End of Time"

Star Trek #22: "Siege in Superspace"

Star Trek #26: "The Perfect Dream"

Star Trek #28: "The Mimicking Menace"

Star Trek #30: "Death of a Star"


Most of Marvel's first series

The first fifteen issues of Early Voyages

Untold Voyages

Star Trek Unlimited #4: "Inheritance"

Star Trek Unlimited #9: "Trekkers"


Most of DC's first series

Issues 1-12, 34, 42-43, 65-68, 73-75, and Annuals 2 & 3 of DC's second series

Debt of Honor


Thus far, I haven't finished any Trek novels. I'm currently reading Spock Must Die!, my first Trek novel, and suffice it to say, I doubt I'll be adding it to my personal canon.


"A Private Anecdote"


You, your rabbit, and your tower can kiss my asp, Frink.



DuracellEnergizer said:

TV's Frink said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

Well, here it is -- my personal canon:


Obviously, this is my own personal Trek universe with its own distinctive history, so nothing from the Prime Universe is 100% canon within it. However, there are works set in the Prime Universe which I consider spiritually canon. Those spiritually canon works are:



"The Cage"

"Where No Man Has Gone Before"

"The Corbomite Maneuver"

"Mudd's Women"

"The Enemy Within"

"The Man Trap"

"The Naked Time"

"Balance of Terror"

"What Are Little Girls Made Of?"


"The Conscience of the King"

"Shore Leave"

"The Squire of Gothos"


"The Alternative Factor"

"The Return of the Archons"

"Space Seed"

"This Side of Paradise"

"The City on the Edge of Forever"

"Operation: Annihilate!"


"Amok Time"

"The Doomsday Machine"

"Wolf in the Fold"

"The Apple"

"Mirror, Mirror"

"I, Mudd"

"The Trouble with Tribbles"

"Journey to Babel"

"A Private Little War"

"The Gamesters of Triskelion"

"The Immunity Syndrome"

"A Piece of the Action"

"By Any Other Name"

"Return to Tomorrow"

"The Ultimate Computer"

"Spectre of the Gun"

"The Enterprise Incident"

"For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky"

"Day of the Dove"

"Plato's Stepchildren"

"That Which Survives"

"Whom Gods Destroy"

"The Lights of Zetar"

"Requiem for Methuselah"

"The Savage Curtain"

"All Our Yesterdays"

"Turnabout Intruder"



"The Infinite Vulcan"

"The Time Trap"

"The Pirates of Orion"


"The Counter-Clock Incident"


"Where No One Has Gone Before"

"The Big Goodbye"



"The Arsenal of Freedom"

"Where Silence Has Lease"

"Elementary, Dear Data"

"The Measure of a Man"

"The Royale"

"Q Who"

"The Ensigns of Command"

"Booby Trap"

"The Vengeance Factor"

"Deja Q"

"A Matter of Perspective"

"Yesterday's Enterprise"

"The Offspring"


"Captain's Holiday"

"Hollow Pursuits"

"The Most Toys"

"The Best of Both Worlds, Part I"

"The Best of Both Worlds, Part II"

"Remember Me"


"Future Imperfect"

"Final Mission"

"Data's Day"

"The Wounded"


"Galaxy's Child"

"Night Terrors"

"Ensign Ro"

"Silicon Avatar"

"The Game"

"Power Play"


"Cause and Effect"

"The Next Phase"

"The Inner Light"



"True Q"

"A Fistful of Datas"

"Chain of Command, Part I"

"Chain of Command, Part II"

"Face of the Enemy"



"Frame of Mind"

"Descent, Part I"

"Descent, Part II"

"Gambit, Part I"

"Gambit, Part II"


"Dark Page"



"Lower Decks"

"Eye of the Beholder"

"Preemptive Strike"

"All Good Things ..."


Due to how so many of the episodes are interconnected, I accept most of DS9 as canon. There are exceptions though, and they are:

  • The Worf/Jadzia romance and marriage
  • The Klingon/Worf-centric episodes
  • Possibly the O'Brien/Keiko marriage (simply put, I don't like her character very much and always thought O'Brien could have done better)
  • The Mirror Universe episodes (the first one being a possible exception)
  • Odo turning back into a full Changeling
  • Jadzia's death
  • the last episode of Season 6 and all of Season 7 (as I haven't watched them, due to the aforementioned death of Jadzia)


Haven't seen the show, never will, thus nothing of it is canon.


Same as above.


The films are where things get wonky timeline and content wise.

I consider most of TMP canon, but not only have I've combined it with "The Changeling", I've placed it at the end of the five-year mission instead of four years after it. Furthermore, neither Decker nor Ilia are part of the Enterprise crew, so their roles are filled by completely different characters (I won't say whom at this point; that's a part of my canon I wish to reveal at a later date).

I also accept TFF as mostly canon -- the stupider aspects eliminated, of course -- but I place it directly before the events of TMP instead of years after it.

TVH is semi-canonical. I place it before the events of TWOK, and instead of having Kirk & co. travel back to 20th century Earth to rescue humpback whales, they travel to the past of an alien planet to rescue -- for lack of a better term -- alien whales.

In my canon, Spock stays dead after the events of TWOK and the Genesis Planet never goes kablooie. That renders TSFS largely non-canon and places TUC in a hazy gray area.

None of the TNG films are canon.

That leaves TWOK as the only Trek film largely intact as it is within my canon.



These gray landing party uniforms that appear in the first issue are definitely part of my personal canon.

Star Trek #15: "Museum at the End of Time"

Star Trek #22: "Siege in Superspace"

Star Trek #26: "The Perfect Dream"

Star Trek #28: "The Mimicking Menace"

Star Trek #30: "Death of a Star"


Most of Marvel's first series

The first fifteen issues of Early Voyages

Untold Voyages

Star Trek Unlimited #4: "Inheritance"

Star Trek Unlimited #9: "Trekkers"


Most of DC's first series

Issues 1-12, 34, 42-43, 65-68, 73-75, and Annuals 2 & 3 of DC's second series

Debt of Honor


Thus far, I haven't finished any Trek novels. I'm currently reading Spock Must Die!, my first Trek novel, and suffice it to say, I doubt I'll be adding it to my personal canon.


"A Private Anecdote"


You, your rabbit, and your tower can kiss my asp, Frink.


 Technically, they're Greenie's tower and rabbit.


imperialscum said:

Well Frink proclaimed many of the threads to be the worst. But this one is actually the worst.

Ah, go back to General Star Wars Discussion, you meshugganah.