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The end has arrived

I hereby declare this site uninteresting. I've already gotten everything I need from here, and now I'm happy. Therefore, I leave you now and go back to where I truly belong!*

Seriously, I am sick of this place. I am tired of the lack of conversation. I am tired of talking to people who sometimes disagree with my political views (my views are the best, why would anybody disagree with me?). Tired of panzies thinking the PT are good movies. Tired of people not giving me much attention (hence the goodbye thread).

Anybody who wishes to follow me to my new forum (with my own new forum software, no wait required) at the url www.originalfaneditedfanedittrilogies.ru (<-- it was just cheaper in Russia).

Any of you crackers who don't follow me to my new thread... you suck and were never a good poster anyway! I have already decided that everybody who moves to my new forum will be labeled "the important people" and the rest of you will just be filler.

So, I guess this is it guys. Fairwell! Smell ya later losers!!!! HA HA HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!

Uh, sorry about that. Zion, please don't club any baby seals.

Actually, for the next couple of months I won't be able to get to a computer very often, so my posts will be limited or possibly non existent during that time. Just thought I would let ever one know, rather than just blink out of existence. Also thought I would have a bit of fun while I was at it . Take care guys, be back before you know it, don't go anywhere without me.

*from the immortal words of Zigfried

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape

You scared me there for a minute. I thought we had lost another one. Glad to see you were only joking. Talk to you later!

Come back soon C3PX...

Why can't you go to a computer often? Are you going on a secret mission behind enemy lines?
Fez: I am so excited about Star Whores.
Hyde: Fezzy, man, it's Star Wars.
Heh. Good luck with whatever's keeping you busy and come back soon, Threepiex.


Good luck in your journeys.

"Now all Lucas has to do is make a cgi version of himself.  It will be better than the original and fit his original vision." - skyjedi2005

Just tell me if I am being too nosy, but I was curious what you are going be doing for a couple months that would keep you from posting? Are you going on a space mission? A journey to Mecca perhaps? Or maybe you are planning on living in a tree to prevent it's inevitable destruction.