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What do you LIKE about the Prequels? — Page 8


Father Skywalker said:

Episode 3 kicked some serious ass!!!!!



Father Skywalker said:

...episode 3 is the best of all of the 6 star wars films/movies!!!!!!

Not even close, man.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Tyrphanax said:

Father Skywalker said:

...episode 3 is the best of all of the 6 star wars films/movies!!!!!!

Not even close, man.

Freedom of Speech........


Why does this happen every so often, look it was fun...for a while

I'd say stop responding to the Father.



Puggo - Jar Jar's Yoda said:

Father Skywalker said:

Episode 3 kicked some serious ass!!!!!
                    kiss my

fixed :)

please list at least 10 reasons why U hate star wars episode 3-the revenge of the sith.........


Father Skywalker said:

Puggo - Jar Jar's Yoda said:

Father Skywalker said:

Episode 3 kicked some serious ass!!!!!
                    kiss my

fixed :)

please list at least 10 reasons why U hate star wars episode 3-the revenge of the sith.........

1- It's shit
2- It's Crap
3- It's garbage
4- Hayden Christensen
5- It's still Crap
6- "Noooooooooooooooooooooo"
7- Did i say it's crap?
8- "lost the will to live" (as most people did when they watched it)
9- Hayden's acting, or lack of it
10 - Once again, it's crap




Father Skywalker said:

Puggo - Jar Jar's Yoda said:

Father Skywalker said:

Episode 3 kicked some serious ass!!!!!
                    kiss my

fixed :)

please list at least 10 reasons why U hate star wars episode 3-the revenge of the sith.........

Look who's talking.

I would be willing to list 5 reasons why I hate the movie for every single reason why YOU love it, BESIDES the fact that it has gorgeous topless Hayden Christensen in it.


Wexter said:

Father Skywalker said:

Puggo - Jar Jar's Yoda said:

Father Skywalker said:

Episode 3 kicked some serious ass!!!!!
                    kiss my

fixed :)

please list at least 10 reasons why U hate star wars episode 3-the revenge of the sith.........

Look who's talking.

I would be willing to list 5 reasons why I hate the movie for every single reason why YOU love it, BESIDES the fact that it has gorgeous topless Hayden Christensen in it.

1-it has the "gorgeous, topless, Hayden Christensen" in it, with awesome long-dark brown hair, a beautiful yet evil and young lord darth vader-sounding-ish, voice-all good looks aside, he

Looked and sounded like a young Darth Vader without the james earl jones robotic cybernetic voice, the robot suit, the samurai helmet, the pale, white skinned-disfigured burned egg-shaped/looking ugly face, (like the Obi-Wan Kenobi said, more machine now than man, he started out as a normal looking-person but became disfigured inside of a suit, which was in the novelizations long before the prequels ever came out),

But rather, an evil creepy sounding charimatic devoted determined, young voice, evil-long dark brown hair like a badass medieval knight (or a heavy metal singer) or an ancient Roman Warrior, and long black robes of a dark lord of the sith. He just had that perfect evil-looking face, if not a beautiful handsome evil looking face.

2- Padme Amidala is Force Choked by Darth Vader, not an military imperial admiral/officer, but Luke and Leia skywalker's pregnant mother on a volcano planet being force-choked by young pre-suit Darth Vader, which means that darth vader also indirectly force choked his children too!!!!!

3-Anakin skywalker's turn to the darkside to save luke and leia's pregnant mother from some kinda pregnancy childbirth death. It made Darth Vader more humanlike.

4-The part where darth vader slaughters the entire seperatist council on Mustafar, and how Darth Vader actually cries about it afterwards, showing the good in him, and the conflict with him....

5-the march on the jedi temple was just pure plain epic awesomeness and godlike-style kickass

6-the sad music that played when the jedi were all killed off

7-the homages


darth_ender said:

So I'm among the minority here that finds redemptive value in the prequels despite my disappointment with each of them and their many flaws. I've been considering TPM lately in particular. There are many juvenile moments, bad acting, the lame midichlorian excuse, and a weak story in many regards. However, I'm starting to warm up to the film, even all those things I just mentioned. It has many beautiful shots (particularly with the aristorcratic Naboo), interesting ships designs, and a fun lightsaber fight. Even more significant to me in recent viewings is that to me it does carry a Star Wars feel to it, perhaps better than the faster paced Episodes II and III. It uses real miniatures and one can easily tell the difference. The lightsabers remind me of the originals with their flicker. The Jedi actually seem to be powerful.

In fact, among all the criticisms of the film, my biggest problem with it is not what most people say. Rather than Jar Jar or intracellular symbionts, my biggest complaint is the strange pacing: it cuts from scene to scene far too quickly, yet still feels too slow. I don't mind slow films if they are cut in a similar fashion, but somehow this movie is fast and boring at the same time.

But at the end of the day, I still feel like I'm watching Star Wars when I see Episode I. That's something I like about it.

I love star wars episode 3 the revenge of the sith, it is so godlike and awesome, and it kicks some serious ass, no offense all of you prequel-haters.......

I agree with all of you prequel bashers that star wars episode 1 the phantom menace overall sucked and was so freaking extremley boring!!!!!! There are some redemptive moments though-the revelation that Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader is the product of some kinda virginal conception/birth, like jesus in christianity, the awesome epic john williams music and qui gon's funeral pyre which mirrored the funeral pyre of anakin, and a few other ones too!!!!!!


Father Skywalker said:

Wexter said:

I would be willing to list 5 reasons why I hate the movie for every single reason why YOU love it, BESIDES the fact that it has gorgeous topless Hayden Christensen in it.

1-it has the "gorgeous, topless, Hayden Christensen" in it, with awesome long-dark brown hair, a beautiful yet evil and young lord darth vader-sounding-ish, voice-all good looks aside, he looked and sounded like a young Darth Vader without the james earl jones robotic cybernetic voice, the robot suit, the samurai helmet, the pale, white skinned-disfigured burned egg-shaped/looking ugly face, (like the Obi-Wan Kenobi said, more machine now than man, he started out as a normal looking-person but became disfigured inside of a suit, which was in the novelizations long before the prequels ever came out),

But rather, an evil creepy sounding charimatic devoted determined, young voice, evil-long dark brown hair like a badass medieval knight (or a heavy metal singer) or an ancient Roman Warrior, and long black robes of a dark lord of the sith. He just had that perfect evil-looking face, if not a beautiful handsome evil looking face.

2- Padme Amidala is Force Choked by Darth Vader, not an military imperial admiral/officer, but Luke and Leia skywalker's pregnant mother on a volcano planet being force-choked by young pre-suit Darth Vader, which means that darth vader also indirectly force choked his children too!!!!!

3-Anakin skywalker's turn to the darkside to save luke and leia's pregnant mother from some kinda pregnancy childbirth death. It made Darth Vader more humanlike.

4-The part where darth vader slaughters the entire seperatist council on Mustafar, and how Darth Vader actually cries about it afterwards, showing the good in him, and the conflict with him....

5-the march on the jedi temple was just pure plain epic awesomeness and godlike-style kickass

6-the sad music that played when the jedi were all killed off

7-the homages

Okay, I am going to keep my promise, but then I will follow Jaitea's advice and never ever respond to you again, because now I am sure you must be trolling, until now I was willing to consider the fact that you were dropped on your head as a child. Repeatedly.

1.1 - I think the Anakin character is one of the main reasons the prequels didn't work at all. Of course the character was terribly written, but a showroom dummy would have played the part better than Hayden. He only has 3 faces to put on in episode 2 and learns one more in the next one. Darth Vader was intimidating. I would probably laugh in his face if he was portrayed like this. Tommy Wiseau could have performed the role better. You would like him, he has long dark hair and muscles.

1.2 - The characters are terrible in general. Nobody is acting like an actual human being in this movie.

1.3 - People tend to like episode 3 because it has a lot of stuff going on. That may be true, but thanks to that it all feels rushed.

1.4 - Not only does this movie have way too much story to tell, that can be blamed on the lack of story progress in the previous two, but it actually builds unnecessary subplots (eg. general Grievous, Darth Plagueis), so there is even less space to develop what is actually important for the story.

1.5 - It tries to make up for the bad storytelling by silly action sequences that make no sense and since they were done strictly by CGI, look mostly ridiculous by now.

2.1 - The film tries to be way too epic for a third installment in a six-part saga. Story-wise it sucks, of course, but visually, it attempts to overshadow all the other films, making sure that even a dozen more Special Editions in, the following three filsm from 1970s/80s would never look like they belong to the same series.

2.2 - Since everything happens so fast, the turn to the dark side is abrupt and makes little sense. Anakin comes out really stupid out of this one.

2.3 - The film ends so that at the very last minute everything gets to the exact same spot we find it two decades later. That feels very sloppy.

2.4 - Once Anakin turns to the dark side, there is no conflict in him, he just decides to be a giant asshole and really enjoy it. He even strangles Padme, who has been the reason he went this far and apparently is not even aware of this, because when he gets in the armor, he needs to be reminded of that.

2.5 - Pretty much all the characters are unlikable, I know nothing is black and white but everyone behaves like a complete idiot, especially the Jedi who are supposed to be the heroes in this move!

3.1 - The obligatory space battle is confusing. Neither side is trying to win it, they are just showing off their weaponry. Also, what was Grevous' plan? Take Palpatine to the orbit and sit there? I suppose so, since he makes no effort to flee and he cannot seriously consider to take over the Republic's capital (which barely notices there is a war going on!).

3.2 - The lightsaber duels, especially the one on Mustafar, are terrible! Again, they are not fighting to defeat the opponent, but to show off!

3.3 - The transition from Republic to Empire was laughably smooth.

3.4 - Padme loosing will to live was just a stupid tool of removing a character that fulfiled her purpose of giving birth to the characters of the good trilogy.

3.5 -This may be partly because we know the story of the original trilogy already, but the movie fails to build a tension. The characters and even nations are so unlikable that I really don't care about what will happen to them.

4 - No way I am going to acknowledge your point no. 4, since you just made that up. Anakin never ever doubts his decision. He doesn't cry, he just looks to the cammera to look good in the trailer and make weirdos like you dripping wet.

5.1 - While John Williams is a true master of his craft and i cannot blame him for the failure that these movies were, I can hardly recall any piece of music that was specific to episode 3 that really got my attention. This surely cannot be said for the original trilogy or even The Phantom Menace.

5.2 - Why exactly did Yoda need to go to exile? I can think of number of things he may have been doing to sabotage the empire, without risking his life (supporting the rebellion groups for example).

5.3 - The only group of scenes that showed that there actually was an opposition to the completely stupid policy of Palpatine eventually ended on the cutting room floor. But perhaps they thought that it is no big harm, since besides the three scenes, this subplot really goes nowhere (unless is even more material I am not aware of).

5.4 - "He is too dangerous to be kept alive!" - I know this was a plot device, but it is SO out of character for a high ranking Jedi Knight.

5.5 - "There are heroes on both sides." - Ermm... what? Is Dooku a hero? Surely not. Girevous? Or the battledroids?

6.1 - The movie had an opportunity to show the demise of the Jedi order. Instead we get like three short death scenes of some of the characters that were fortunate enough to get a name and a shot of sir psycho sexy leading an army of man-robots to beat up some kids in a temple.

6.2 - Obi-Wan riding a large lizard. Just because he can.

6.3 - The suggested reference to Anakin's midichlorian origins are never resolved and it is not ambiguous in a good way, it just seems like an unfinished plot point.

6.4 - Why did Yoda give up the fight? Because he fell of a platform once? Overall, he had the upper hand....

6.5 - Qui-Gon is referenced, but it seems like a way to make sure his character was not completely redundant to begin with, but also to explain (or rather suggest) the force-ghost thing, which they forgot about during the last two movies.

7.1 - Comparing this movie to the original trilogy makes me angry. It is hardly even the same genre. The cinematography is like a day and night.

7.2 - I mentioned stupid and lazy writing but it doesn't even attempt to keep the secret of Vader's identity or even the twins twist, both of which were mind-blowers back in the day.

7.3 - The cult status of this movie annoys me. Just because it is tad better than the last one (small achievement, considering that one was one of the worst movies of all times), everyone seems to think of it as "the good prequel". It isn't, for reasons to support this I would refer you to the previous paragraphs or to an opinion of pretty much any person with at least half a brain.

7.4 - If it didn't have "Star Wars" in its title, I would never be interested in watching such a terrible mess of a movie.

7.5 - I wish it didn't have "Star Wars" in its title.


Wexter said:

Father Skywalker said:

Wexter said:

I would be willing to list 5 reasons why I hate the movie for every single reason why YOU love it, BESIDES the fact that it has gorgeous topless Hayden Christensen in it.

1-it has the "gorgeous, topless, Hayden Christensen" in it, with awesome long-dark brown hair, a beautiful yet evil and young lord darth vader-sounding-ish, voice-all good looks aside, he looked and sounded like a young Darth Vader without the james earl jones robotic cybernetic voice, the robot suit, the samurai helmet, the pale, white skinned-disfigured burned egg-shaped/looking ugly face, (like the Obi-Wan Kenobi said, more machine now than man, he started out as a normal looking-person but became disfigured inside of a suit, which was in the novelizations long before the prequels ever came out),

But rather, an evil creepy sounding charimatic devoted determined, young voice, evil-long dark brown hair like a badass medieval knight (or a heavy metal singer) or an ancient Roman Warrior, and long black robes of a dark lord of the sith. He just had that perfect evil-looking face, if not a beautiful handsome evil looking face.

2- Padme Amidala is Force Choked by Darth Vader, not an military imperial admiral/officer, but Luke and Leia skywalker's pregnant mother on a volcano planet being force-choked by young pre-suit Darth Vader, which means that darth vader also indirectly force choked his children too!!!!!

3-Anakin skywalker's turn to the darkside to save luke and leia's pregnant mother from some kinda pregnancy childbirth death. It made Darth Vader more humanlike.

4-The part where darth vader slaughters the entire seperatist council on Mustafar, and how Darth Vader actually cries about it afterwards, showing the good in him, and the conflict with him....

5-the march on the jedi temple was just pure plain epic awesomeness and godlike-style kickass

6-the sad music that played when the jedi were all killed off

7-the homages

Okay, I am going to keep my promise, but then I will follow Jaitea's advice and never ever respond to you again, because now I am sure you must be trolling, until now I was willing to consider the fact that you were dropped on your head as a child. Repeatedly.

1.1 - I think the Anakin character is one of the main reasons the prequels didn't work at all. Of course the character was terribly written, but a showroom dummy would have played the part better than Hayden. He only has 3 faces to put on in episode 2 and learns one more in the next one. Darth Vader was intimidating. I would probably laugh in his face if he was portrayed like this. Tommy Wiseau could have performed the role better. You would like him, he has long dark hair and muscles.

1.2 - The characters are terrible in general. Nobody is acting like an actual human being in this movie.

1.3 - People tend to like episode 3 because it has a lot of stuff going on. That may be true, but thanks to that it all feels rushed.

1.4 - Not only does this movie have way too much story to tell, that can be blamed on the lack of story progress in the previous two, but it actually builds unnecessary subplots (eg. general Grievous, Darth Plagueis), so there is even less space to develop what is actually important for the story.

1.5 - It tries to make up for the bad storytelling by silly action sequences that make no sense and since they were done strictly by CGI, look mostly ridiculous by now.

2.1 - The film tries to be way too epic for a third installment in a six-part saga. Story-wise it sucks, of course, but visually, it attempts to overshadow all the other films, making sure that even a dozen more Special Editions in, the following three filsm from 1970s/80s would never look like they belong to the same series.

2.2 - Since everything happens so fast, the turn to the dark side is abrupt and makes little sense. Anakin comes out really stupid out of this one.

2.3 - The film ends so that at the very last minute everything gets to the exact same spot we find it two decades later. That feels very sloppy.

2.4 - Once Anakin turns to the dark side, there is no conflict in him, he just decides to be a giant asshole and really enjoy it. He even strangles Padme, who has been the reason he went this far and apparently is not even aware of this, because when he gets in the armor, he needs to be reminded of that.

2.5 - Pretty much all the characters are unlikable, I know nothing is black and white but everyone behaves like a complete idiot, especially the Jedi who are supposed to be the heroes in this move!

3.1 - The obligatory space battle is confusing. Neither side is trying to win it, they are just showing off their weaponry. Also, what was Grevous' plan? Take Palpatine to the orbit and sit there? I suppose so, since he makes no effort to flee and he cannot seriously consider to take over the Republic's capital (which barely notices there is a war going on!).

3.2 - The lightsaber duels, especially the one on Mustafar, are terrible! Again, they are not fighting to defeat the opponent, but to show off!

3.3 - The transition from Republic to Empire was laughably smooth.

3.4 - Padme loosing will to live was just a stupid tool of removing a character that fulfiled her purpose of giving birth to the characters of the good trilogy.

3.5 -This may be partly because we know the story of the original trilogy already, but the movie fails to build a tension. The characters and even nations are so unlikable that I really don't care about what will happen to them.

4 - No way I am going to acknowledge your point no. 4, since you just made that up. Anakin never ever doubts his decision. He doesn't cry, he just looks to the cammera to look good in the trailer and make weirdos like you dripping wet.

5.1 - While John Williams is a true master of his craft and i cannot blame him for the failure that these movies were, I can hardly recall any piece of music that was specific to episode 3 that really got my attention. This surely cannot be said for the original trilogy or even The Phantom Menace.

5.2 - Why exactly did Yoda need to go to exile? I can think of number of things he may have been doing to sabotage the empire, without risking his life (supporting the rebellion groups for example).

5.3 - The only group of scenes that showed that there actually was an opposition to the completely stupid policy of Palpatine eventually ended on the cutting room floor. But perhaps they thought that it is no big harm, since besides the three scenes, this subplot really goes nowhere (unless is even more material I am not aware of).

5.4 - "He is too dangerous to be kept alive!" - I know this was a plot device, but it is SO out of character for a high ranking Jedi Knight.

5.5 - "There are heroes on both sides." - Ermm... what? Is Dooku a hero? Surely not. Girevous? Or the battledroids?

6.1 - The movie had an opportunity to show the demise of the Jedi order. Instead we get like three short death scenes of some of the characters that were fortunate enough to get a name and a shot of sir psycho sexy leading an army of man-robots to beat up some kids in a temple.

6.2 - Obi-Wan riding a large lizard. Just because he can.

6.3 - The suggested reference to Anakin's midichlorian origins are never resolved and it is not ambiguous in a good way, it just seems like an unfinished plot point.

6.4 - Why did Yoda give up the fight? Because he fell of a platform once? Overall, he had the upper hand....

6.5 - Qui-Gon is referenced, but it seems like a way to make sure his character was not completely redundant to begin with, but also to explain (or rather suggest) the force-ghost thing, which they forgot about during the last two movies.

7.1 - Comparing this movie to the original trilogy makes me angry. It is hardly even the same genre. The cinematography is like a day and night.

7.2 - I mentioned stupid and lazy writing but it doesn't even attempt to keep the secret of Vader's identity or even the twins twist, both of which were mind-blowers back in the day.

7.3 - The cult status of this movie annoys me. Just because it is tad better than the last one (small achievement, considering that one was one of the worst movies of all times), everyone seems to think of it as "the good prequel". It isn't, for reasons to support this I would refer you to the previous paragraphs or to an opinion of pretty much any person with at least half a brain.

7.4 - If it didn't have "Star Wars" in its title, I would never be interested in watching such a terrible mess of a movie.

7.5 - I wish it didn't have "Star Wars" in its title.

1-Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker actually cried. Girls aren't the only ones that cried. He had a conflict within him after killing all of those people. A single tear, a manly tear. Not a wailing whining bailing girl (don't misenterpert this post as being sexist, please), but a single tear of remorse and regret, followed by the evil/dark/darker side of him that was in control at that point.

2-Darth Vader looked so badass when marching on the Jedi Temple, with all of those stormtroopers, but this was before he looked like a cyborg black knight samurai with the James Earl Jones voice and mechanical breathing. He was a super hot young looking Hayden Christensen at that point. Although I strongly would have preffered the full-blown, blasting epic classic homage Imperial March during that sequence with the Jedi Temple March!!!!!!!

3- As for ur claim that Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker was not intimidating, you are kinda biased. He has 2 kinds of intimidating-ness..........

Cyborg Samurai Vader

Human-looking Darth Vader before he got all disfigured and needed that life-support black samurai suit/armor. Are you that nostaglic??? Stop being nostaglic. Darth Vader is badass with and/or without the robot samurai suit!!!!!!!



Yeah. I agree with you on one thing though, at least we agree on something. The mustafar lightsaber duel/fight was too not only choreographed, but so show-off and it lasted way too long until it got overkill, overdone, and just plain boring.....

Hey, remember the dramatic music that played when Luke Skywalker attacked Darth Vader in episode 6 ROTJ, after Darth Vader taunted him??? That should have played during the episode 3 lightsaber duel/fight........

I have two very good interesting questions 4 you.

1-how would you have killed off Padme amidala, if you are so against her dying of a broken heart/losing the will to live????

2-How would you have kept/made this plot twist a secret????


Well, I bumped this old thread and felt happy about it.  Now....  :(


Again, you are reposting the same umpteen pictures over and over again. I'm tired of it.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

Again, you are reposting the same umpteen pictures over and over again. I'm tired of it.

Ok, i'll will stop whatever U tell me to stop. What is it??? Wexter told me that Darth Vader wasn't "intimidating" or "badass" in the prequel trilogy, so I posted pictures from both trilogies to argue against his viewpoint........


I have to say that I've always been impressed at SilverWook's longsuffering.  He never seemed quite like a mod, but rather just "one of the guys," ya know (that's meant as a compliment, BTW)?  But to see someone push his buttons so fast in so few days...it takes a special talent.

EDIT: On the plus side, Adywan's usually so quiet...it's nice to see someone bring him out of his shell a bit ;)


darth_ender said:

I have to say that I've always been impressed at SilverWook's longsuffering.  He never seemed quite like a mod, but rather just "one of the guys," ya know (that's meant as a compliment, BTW)?  But to see someone push his buttons so fast in so few days...it takes a special talent.

I aint pushing his buttons, U R.....


If you don't realize why you are irking people around here, you won't learn on the next forum you visit.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


I feel like Wook, Ady, and several others deserve a medal for wartime service.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Wookiees tend to get the short end of the stick on medals. ;)

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


We'll have Ady give you one in post.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


LOL! I'll hold you to that...

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


SilverWook for rebel strike squad member #23 in ROTJ:R!

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em