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What do you LIKE about the EU? — Page 48


Superweapon VII said:

Darth Tremor said:

My favorite EU is:

Tales of the Jedi
-Ulic Qel Droma
-Exar Kun
-Aleena Keto
-Vima Sunrider

Love TOTJ, but I’ve never been a fan of how compressed it all is. The Great Sith War spans, what, a year at most? If you’ve read the Dark Empire endnotes, you’d know Veitch originally envisioned the rise of the Krath and Ulic’s fall to the dark side as a process which spanned several years than the weeks/months the comics imply, so I don’t know why the storylines came out so truncated. KJA’s eventual involvement or some editorial decree from on high throwing a spanner in the works?

If I had any faith in the nuEU doing it justice, I’d like to see TOTJ redone as an ongoing title in the same vein as the KOTOR comic, but I just know it wouldn’t recapture any of the magic of the original. Probably end up with a scene of Kun bleeding a kyber crystal red in the process of constructing his double-bladed lightsaber, because that’s the stupid bullshit that typifies modern SW.

Haha Kun bleeding a lightsaber lol I can see Disney Wars doing that cuz Sith only use red sabers! 😄

“There is a tremor in the Force.”

“Give yourself to the dark side.” -Lord Vader


Darth Tremor said:

Superweapon VII said:

Darth Tremor said:

My favorite EU is:

Tales of the Jedi
-Ulic Qel Droma
-Exar Kun
-Aleena Keto
-Vima Sunrider

Love TOTJ, but I’ve never been a fan of how compressed it all is. The Great Sith War spans, what, a year at most? If you’ve read the Dark Empire endnotes, you’d know Veitch originally envisioned the rise of the Krath and Ulic’s fall to the dark side as a process which spanned several years than the weeks/months the comics imply, so I don’t know why the storylines came out so truncated. KJA’s eventual involvement or some editorial decree from on high throwing a spanner in the works?

If I had any faith in the nuEU doing it justice, I’d like to see TOTJ redone as an ongoing title in the same vein as the KOTOR comic, but I just know it wouldn’t recapture any of the magic of the original. Probably end up with a scene of Kun bleeding a kyber crystal red in the process of constructing his double-bladed lightsaber, because that’s the stupid bullshit that typifies modern SW.

Haha Kun bleeding a lightsaber lol I can see Disney Wars doing that cuz Sith only use red sabers! 😄

“The Anarchists are right in everything; in the negation of the existing order and in the assertion that, without Authority there could not be worse violence than that of Authority under existing conditions. They are mistaken only in thinking that anarchy can be instituted by a violent revolution… There can be only one permanent revolution — a moral one: the regeneration of the inner man. How is this revolution to take place? Nobody knows how it will take place in humanity, but every man feels it clearly in himself. And yet in our world everybody thinks of changing humanity, and nobody thinks of changing himself.”

― Leo Tolstoy


I like how the Old Expanded Universe Star Wars felt very nerdy was like a true Sci-Fi saga that could compete with Star Trek Dune or Warhammer 40k there was a passion for the stories they felt memorable in Disney Expanded Universe the novels are very meh very generic and not so memorable stories my favorite era in the EU was the Yuuzhan Vong War the New Jedi Order are my Sequels to the OT


I’ll fully admit, I’m a bit new to the EU. I only just started reading them a few years ago.

The Thrawn Trilogy is an obvious pick for a reason. Part of why I didn’t get into the EU until later is that a lot of it didn’t feel like Star Wars. These books did. There’s a reason people say this is the actual sequel trilogy. Timothy Zahn did a good job getting the main three right and making a logical continuation of the original trilogy. And it was nice reading Star Wars books that had good plots and didn’t just feel like some bizarre fan-fiction or exposition. It felt fresh too. Thrawn was a good change of pace from the usual Star Wars villains we got. After reading these, I kind of got obsessed with Mara Jade. She’s my favorite character that wasn’t in any of the films. Has a great character arc. I could probably just spend this whole thing talking about how much I like Mara Jade and the Thrawn trilogy.

I like some of the comics. The Marvel adaptations of the original films are really good. Legacy had some good stuff. I enjoyed Dawn of the Jedi (the comics, not the book Into the Void).

The New Jedi Order I liked. I know it’s divisive, but I again liked that they tried something different and ambitious. It felt like a big scale conflict that wasn’t just Empire vs Rebels or Jedi vs Sith again. Surprised they never adapted these books into a Clone Wars style TV show, I think that would have been good. I think it would have been a good conclusion if they had stopped after this series. The next two big scale series they tried doing after this weren’t very good.

Shadows of the Empire. Yeah, I know it was a marketing gimmick, but it had some good stuff in it. Was nice seeing Luke becoming more like his character in Return of the Jedi. More of Boba Fett. Prince Xizor and Dash Rendar were fun additions. It is a bit weird they made everything except a movie. They even had a fucking soundtrack for it. They should have made it into an animated movie or something.

The Han Solo Trilogy by A.C. Crispin I thought was very good. I wasn’t the biggest fan of the Brian Daley ones, but these ones I thought did a good job giving Han Solo some backstory. They were gritty, but fun to read. Was interesting seeing him slowly become the scoundrel we all know and love. I do find it a bit weird that they gloss over his academy days and meeting Chewbacca, though.

One of the biggest surprises to me was how good the Revenge of the Sith novelization was. It fleshed out the character motivations and improved the story and dialogue. With a lot of these I just read them and thought “these are fun”, but this one I actually thought was a very good book. Matthew Stover ended up becoming my second favorite EU author after reading this one (Zahn being number one obviously).

All his life has he looked away… to the future, to the horizon. Never his mind on where he was. Hmm? What he was doing. Hmph!


I recently listened to the Radio Drama for Star Wars, I enjoyed myself quite a bit. I like the expanded scenes with Luke and his friends they work in a Radio play if not in a movie.

I also love the opening A long Time ago in a galaxy, far far away, there came a time of revolution when rebels united to challenge a tyrannical Empire.

I like the Episode where Vader shows up to confront Leia, she just happens to be on a planet of rebel activity.