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What do you LIKE about the EU? — Page 19


doubleofive said:


Anchorhead said:

Character question for the more versed, if I may. 

When did the name Palpatine first show up?  I see it's in the Zahn novels and I was wondering if it's another contribution of his, the way Coruscant is.  I don't remember it in Return, but I'm not very familiar with that film.
It's not used in any of the films, but I believe the novelization of Star Wars calls him Palpatine.

*walks over to new bookshelf in the living room*

Yes, right here on the first page of the prologue. "Senator Palpatine"


Thank you, and I genuflect at your knowledge.  ;-)

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Anchorhead said:

Thank you, and I genuflect at your knowledge.  ;-)
Thanks. It was one of those surprising things that may have actually been planned out from the beginning, but ends up not really. Like Owen being Obi-wan's brother, still makes more sense to me than step-families in a galaxy far far away. Owen would be mad at Obi-wan for not only getting his friend Anakin killed (I think they would have been childhood friends), but pawns this baby off on him and disappears in the desert.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


As far as Owen may be aware, in that universe, Ben might be the father too or even the mother.

Clone Wars.. modern technology... crazy city folk with their 'modern ideas'.


DuracellEnergizer said:

captainsolo said:

I revisited TPM, and have now jumped back into my EU collection.

<img src="http://images.wikia.com/ru.starwars/images/2/21/Jedi_Apprentice_-_The_Rising_Force.jpg" width="199" height="292" />

Jedi Apprentice #1. This is the reason I don't despise the Prequels completely. The single best thing to come out of Ep. I-III. In this first book, 13 year old Obi-Wan is being thrown out of the Jedi Temple. He has reached the age where not being taken as an apprentice can no longer become a Jedi. He is to be a farmer.

Yes it's a kids book. It's better than most if not all the post Zahn adult EU. Still reads well today.

It works, it feels like Star Wars, the characters are well developed, and it only gets better. Book #2 pits Qui-Gon against his former apprentice who turned to the Dark side...these books really get darker as they go along, with surprising plot turns and virtually every bit of Obi-Wan's character is born then scrutinized then developed. Qui-Gon's past, war, turmoil, love interests, siege, genocide, depression, resignation, society, slavery and the list goes on...

And in the end of Book #1, Obi-Wan still has an uncertain future! Pre-OT tension? Yay!

Heck, I'm gonna re-read all 20. Damn well written, fun books. The first one has a different author than the other 19, so it's a bit rougher. 2-20 are exceptional.

10 training lightsabers out of 10 conniving Hutts, Togorian pirates and Yoda schemes.


I read most of these books back in the day, and really liked them. Most of them were written before the worst prequelisms from AOTC & ROTS were established, which adds to their appeal.

I still have a fair amount of the books, I think. They were fantastic back then and still hold up now.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


doubleofive said:

Anchorhead said:

Thank you, and I genuflect at your knowledge.  ;-)
Thanks. It was one of those surprising things that may have actually been planned out from the beginning, but ends up not really. Like Owen being Obi-wan's brother, still makes more sense to me than step-families in a galaxy far far away. Owen would be mad at Obi-wan for not only getting his friend Anakin killed (I think they would have been childhood friends), but pawns this baby off on him and disappears in the desert.
I know I just quoted myself, but its moments when I stop to think about things like that that I envy you, Anchorhead. I can't help but think of the prequels instead of making my own version in my head, but you don't even look at ESB or RotJ... *exasperated exhale*

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


doubleofive said:


 its moments when I stop to think about things like that that I envy you, Anchorhead. I can't help but think of the prequels instead of making my own version in my head, but you don't even look at ESB or RotJ... *exasperated exhale*


Well, I will say it's a blessing alright, but it's not something I can take any sort of credit for because it's not something I've had to put any energy into. It's not some sort of inner strength or larger plan on my part.  It's just where I am in the fandom now.  What moved me in 1977 stopped moving me in 1983.  It just happens to work very well for where I am now - NPR & Novels Only.

I read your post last night and wanted to come up with a similar scenario before I replied.  I think it's very similar to The Matrix.  A lot of people loved the first one, so they went along for the ride.  By the time the conclusion to the trilogy was released, there were a fair number of fans who didn't care for it. 

I worked with a Matrix uber-nerd who swore off the Wachowskis after Revolutions because they ruined the awesome story.  I mean really hated how they steered the story and characters - just the first two films only, the third is terrible, they're ruined the franchise, disgusted, etc, etc.  She just about couldn't say enough bad about the Wachowskis and the third film's destruction of the trilogy - the mythology of all that was The Matrix.

Comparing The Matrix 2004 with where I was with Star Wars 1983 -  it's easy to see the parallels.  A huge blockbuster spawns a cultural phenomenon and global fanbase, it gets a sequel that the fanbase really digs, they anxiously await the conclusion to the trilogy, it gets released and they feel betrayed to the point of saying goodbye on varying levels.  If the Wachowskis decide to go with a second trilogy in twenty years, some of those fans who felt betrayed may not come back into the fold. 

That's just Star Wars for me.  I jumped ship in 1983 and never came back.  Instead, I found a new and much better way to escape into that universe. For all practical purposes with regards to Star Wars, I'm Lucas-free, since '83. ;-)


Oh, and I have my demons too.  I'm a much bigger Planet Of The Apes nerd than I am a Star Wars nerd - and I have that piece of crap Burton film to deal with. A film I've seen three times (I let it loop on a flight back from Rome several years ago). To me, it's dirtied the franchise and it won't go away, including the EU written around it.

"Burton!! - you maniac!!...daaamn yoouu...damn you to Hell!!"



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DuracellEnergizer said:

captainsolo said:

I revisited TPM, and have now jumped back into my EU collection.

Jedi Apprentice #1. This is the reason I don't despise the Prequels completely. The single best thing to come out of Ep. I-III. In this first book, 13 year old Obi-Wan is being thrown out of the Jedi Temple. He has reached the age where not being taken as an apprentice can no longer become a Jedi. He is to be a farmer.

Yes it's a kids book. It's better than most if not all the post Zahn adult EU. Still reads well today.

It works, it feels like Star Wars, the characters are well developed, and it only gets better. Book #2 pits Qui-Gon against his former apprentice who turned to the Dark side...these books really get darker as they go along, with surprising plot turns and virtually every bit of Obi-Wan's character is born then scrutinized then developed. Qui-Gon's past, war, turmoil, love interests, siege, genocide, depression, resignation, society, slavery and the list goes on...

And in the end of Book #1, Obi-Wan still has an uncertain future! Pre-OT tension? Yay!

Heck, I'm gonna re-read all 20. Damn well written, fun books. The first one has a different author than the other 19, so it's a bit rougher. 2-20 are exceptional.

10 training lightsabers out of 10 conniving Hutts, Togorian pirates and Yoda schemes.


I read most of these books back in the day, and really liked them. Most of them were written before the worst prequelisms from AOTC & ROTS were established, which adds to their appeal.

Yeah, these books were really underappreciated. Probably the young adult stigma, but they really go a long way towards making TPM-era Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon very interesting characters. They really changed the way I look at the characters now for the better.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Books 2 and 3 in the Jedi Apprentice series.

Book 2:

Qui-Gon Jinn's past is not at rest. How can he forge a bond with young Obi-Wan Kenobi while he is haunted by the betrayal of his first apprentice Xanatos? Xanatos was also a promising student, until the dark side of the Force intervened. Qui-Gon thought he was gone forever.
But now Xanatos is back. And he wants revenge.

Simple, brilliant story and great action. 4 dark former apprentices out of 4 boys not wanting to be farmers.

Book 3:

After Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn are hijacked to the planet Phindar, they find themselves trapped in a world gone mad. The ruling Syndicat controls the people by erasing their memories. The planet's only hope lies with a band of thieving rebels.
Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan are caught in a mind war. And if they're not careful, their own pasts will be wiped out forever.

Interconnects with Book 2, just as that book interconnected with the first book. Great plot device in the Jedi being hijacked to a planet in dire need of their help. Fantastic subplot about the Padawan birthday gift (Qui-Gon gives Obi-Wan something a little...unexpected) and the villain weapon of the human memory wipe is great writing.

4 "Not so's" out of 4 "maybe I lie's"

As others have said these books give much needed depth to the Prequel setting and characters.

I've taken a break and randomly jumped into The Truce at Bakura.

VADER!? WHERE THE HELL IS MY MOCHA LATTE? -Palpy on a very bad day.
“George didn’t think there was any future in dead Han toys.”-Harrison Ford
YT channel:


also enjoyed the Jedi Apprentice series. it was cool to hear more bout Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan's adventures before TPM.

definitely my favorite of the series was the first book. it was nice to see how Obi-Wan started out as a padawan, and added to his character.

also enjoyed the Last of the Jedi books as well. those were written pretty well.


Aayla Secura.

Quick, I need a sock!

“It is only through interaction, through decision and choice, through confrontation, physical or mental, that the Force can grow within you.”
-Kreia, Jedi Master and Sith Lord


theprequelsrule said:

Aayla Secura.

Quick, I need a sock!

Not the Image of the Day


The newest fate of the jedi book was even worse than the last one, ascension is a giant pile of horse crap..

Cannot wait to see how Troy screws up the ending in the last book apocalypse.

This book series was so bad it makes the NJO, the bug trilogy and legacy of the force tolerable by comparison, if you forget they killed off so many characters in those books.

Traviss may have not been my favorite writer but at least she could write star wars. Her replacement does not fit star wars well at all, after all Christie Golden is a star trek writer.

She wrote one good book out of 3 not bad for a newcomer, for Allston to write 2 out of 3 bad ones is inexcusable and he did so in this 9 book series.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.


First let me say, that this might sound offensive but I'm not trying to be at all. But in all honesty, in my experience I've found that women just can't write Star Wars. The only exception I've found to that rule is A.C. Crispin.

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I just picked up Jedi Search yesterday and I ended up reading half the book in one sitting.  Minus Lando's excursion to the blob races, I think it's pretty kick ass.  This will be the first EU book I've read minus the graphic novel adaptation of the Thrawn Trilogy.

After I finish Jedi Academy and go back and read the regular Thrawn Trilogy, I was thinking about skipping on ahead to Hand of Thrawn.  Are there any other books in between that people would recommend or are they pretty much all crap as I've heard?

"George, we hate you for making more Star Wars movies.  Please make more Star Wars movies."

-The Internet


Darth Bizarro said:

Lando's excursion to the blob races



TV's Frink said:

Darth Bizarro said:

Lando's excursion to the blob races


Get ready for this...

Wookieepedia said:

A blob race was a bizarre contest of speed between protoplasmic, gelatinous Umgullian blobs through a course of obstacles—from fine mesh screens to a bed of nails. It was a major betting sport in Umgul City on the planet Umgul. The syrupy masses, usually grayish green but laced with bright hues, rolled, slithered, and oozed their way through. Cheating on the races was punishable by death.


Wookieepedia said:

The typical blob was a base color of sickly green. Most, however, were patterned with vivid spots and stripes. There were many subspecies of blob, some bred for racing, some bred as domestic pets and some even for medicinal purposes. All, however, consisted almost solely of a large mass of jelly-like fluid encased in a thin membrane. This membrane was thin enough to let the moisture of Umgul's foggy atmosphere to pass through. This skin also had the ability to break and then reform instantly. This allowed the blob to split into two new blobs. These new blobs would behave exactly like the original blob until, at any point, they were able to re-merge into one. This was also how the blobs reproduced; when a blob grew to the appropriate size, it would divide into two equal, smaller blobs, like giant amoebae

and finally...

Wookieepdia said:

Along with C-3PO and R2-D2, [Lando] was led to the Umgullian Blob races in search of the possible Force-sensitive. The individual they were searching for, Dack (also known as Tymmo), turned out to be a cheater on the blob races instead of a Force-sensitive, and Calrissian helped expose him. When Calrissian went to confront Tymmo at the blob stables, he found that the man had planted something on one of the blobs. Tymmo did not take kindly to being discovered and a short firefight at the corral ensued before security forces arrived to subdue him. Rather than suffer the usual death penalty for cheating, Tymmo was returned to his wife Mistal, the Duchess of Dargul. As a reward for Calrissian's help in returning her husband, Mistal gave him one million credits.

So... now you know.

ROTJ Storyboard Reconstruction Project


timdiggerm said:

TV's Frink said:

Darth Bizarro said:

Lando's excursion to the blob races


Get ready for this...

Wookieepedia said:

A blob race was a bizarre contest of speed between protoplasmic, gelatinous Umgullian blobs through a course of obstacles—from fine mesh screens to a bed of nails. It was a major betting sport in Umgul City on the planet Umgul. The syrupy masses, usually grayish green but laced with bright hues, rolled, slithered, and oozed their way through. Cheating on the races was punishable by death.


Wookieepedia said:

The typical blob was a base color of sickly green. Most, however, were patterned with vivid spots and stripes. There were many subspecies of blob, some bred for racing, some bred as domestic pets and some even for medicinal purposes. All, however, consisted almost solely of a large mass of jelly-like fluid encased in a thin membrane. This membrane was thin enough to let the moisture of Umgul's foggy atmosphere to pass through. This skin also had the ability to break and then reform instantly. This allowed the blob to split into two new blobs. These new blobs would behave exactly like the original blob until, at any point, they were able to re-merge into one. This was also how the blobs reproduced; when a blob grew to the appropriate size, it would divide into two equal, smaller blobs, like giant amoebae

and finally...

Wookieepdia said:

Along with C-3PO and R2-D2, [Lando] was led to the Umgullian Blob races in search of the possible Force-sensitive. The individual they were searching for, Dack (also known as Tymmo), turned out to be a cheater on the blob races instead of a Force-sensitive, and Calrissian helped expose him. When Calrissian went to confront Tymmo at the blob stables, he found that the man had planted something on one of the blobs. Tymmo did not take kindly to being discovered and a short firefight at the corral ensued before security forces arrived to subdue him. Rather than suffer the usual death penalty for cheating, Tymmo was returned to his wife Mistal, the Duchess of Dargul. As a reward for Calrissian's help in returning her husband, Mistal gave him one million credits.

So... now you know.

The whole time I was reading it, I kept thinking of playing Mercury on the PSP.

"George, we hate you for making more Star Wars movies.  Please make more Star Wars movies."

-The Internet


The whole time I was reading it, I had to keep wiping the blood from my eyes, until my head finally asploded.

Fortunately my fingers still work ;-)


I couldn't stop reading it, actually.  I tried three times.


Darth Bizarro said:

I just picked up Jedi Search yesterday and I ended up reading half the book in one sitting.  Minus Lando's excursion to the blob races, I think it's pretty kick ass.  This will be the first EU book I've read minus the graphic novel adaptation of the Thrawn Trilogy.

After I finish Jedi Academy and go back and read the regular Thrawn Trilogy, I was thinking about skipping on ahead to Hand of Thrawn.  Are there any other books in between that people would recommend or are they pretty much all crap as I've heard?

Are you reading the rest of the Jedi Search trilogy?  You sort of have to now...

The short answer to your question is 'no.'  The slightly longer answer- you can do worse than Children of the Jedi.  And the Black Fleet Crisis had some good moments.  But mostly bad. 


"[George Lucas] rebooted the franchise in 1997 without telling anyone." -skyjedi2005

"Yeah, well, George says a lot of things..." a young 1997 xhonzi on RASSM

"They're my movies." -George Lucas. 19 people won oscars for their work on Star Wars (1977) and George Lucas wasn't one of them.

Rewrite the Prequels!



I liked The Crystal Star. Of course, I'm a sucker for parallel universe-related stuff, so I'm a bit biased in that regard.


I think that perhaps the best EU product is the video game KOTOR 2 ( despite the final 10% of the game being a rushed, unfinished mess). It has probably the best writing you will find in any Star Wars product, including the original films.


“It is only through interaction, through decision and choice, through confrontation, physical or mental, that the Force can grow within you.”
-Kreia, Jedi Master and Sith Lord