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and the EU made that hole even bigger
and the EU made that hole even bigger
So much true. I read somewhere that, to justify Vader's death in "Splinter of the Mind's Eye", they recently officially said that it was just an image of himself created with the Dark Side. The same goes with Count Dooku's defeat in the videogame "The New Droid Army". Well, at least they tried to fix them :D
The Original Trilogy’s Timeline Reconstruction: http://originaltrilogy.com/forum/topic.cfm/Implied-starting-date-of-the-Empire-from-OT-dialogue/post/786201/#TopicPost786201
John Doom said:
I read somewhere that, to justify Vader's death in "Splinter of the Mind's Eye", they recently officially said that it was just an image of himself created with the Dark Side.
Actually, no, they didn't go with that idea. If they had, it would have actually been a good way of fitting SOTME into post-TESB continuity without having Luke actually duel Vader prior to Bespin.
What they did was go down the most simplistic route possible and made the Vader Luke & Leia fought in the Temple of Pomojema the real Vader, using some dumbass "the Kaiburr Crystal amped up his anger" excuse for why he wanted to kill Luke despite knowing he was his son.
Here, I found that old article I mentioned: http://www.myuselessknowledge.com/swfa/Ret-Con.html
You're right, there was no official explanation for Vader's defeat. Frankie, please, don't send me one of your "love letters" :D
The Original Trilogy’s Timeline Reconstruction: http://originaltrilogy.com/forum/topic.cfm/Implied-starting-date-of-the-Empire-from-OT-dialogue/post/786201/#TopicPost786201
John Doom said:
Frankie, please, don't send me one of your "love letters" :D
Oh, don't worry about that. I'm saving those for a special someone named Lil Wayne. ;-)
Maxi-chlorians. Need I say more?
Well, midi, maxi... I guess it makes sense (in those writers' twisted minds)... As long as they don't Force us to believe them, that is.
The Original Trilogy’s Timeline Reconstruction: http://originaltrilogy.com/forum/topic.cfm/Implied-starting-date-of-the-Empire-from-OT-dialogue/post/786201/#TopicPost786201
DuracellEnergizer said:
Maxi-chlorians. Need I say more?
The fantasy of a dead man.
Tenebrous needs his own book
"Darth Kruhl" and "Darth Stryfe"
What about "Darth Scabrous"?
The EU came out with a lot of stupid retcons over of the years, but the one that makes this guy
and this guy
one and the same person has got to break a record for being the most pointless, nonsensical SW retcon ever produced.
I've read the comic where the guy with the AT-ST legs makes his first and only appearance, and not only is he a blue alien with a ridged forehead and glowing yellow eyes -- something the guy in the top picture most definitely is NOT -- but there's nothing in the story whatsoever that paints him as being a Force-user -- light, dark, or otherwise.
Wat. They ruined Blackhole? EU good riddance.
EDIT: Just looked into this. Cronal supposedly had a hand in the creation of Lord Nyax but was definitely not him. This is the guy you're looking for.
The New Republic. The Old Republic became the very Empire that the Rebels are fighting against (ths is implied by Tarkin's "last remnants of the Old Republic" line), so another galactic government should be the last thing that the Rebels want.
I don't know if I agree on that one. Even in the earliest of EU works in particular Truce at Bakura, that's more or less exactly what the Rebellion sought to achieve after Endor. I understand that it would inevitably descend into decadence with opportunists like that Borsk F'eyla character, but what exactly were the planets supposed to do for governance afterward? Wouldn't the fabric for storytelling be a bit more difficult to tell with only sovereign planets? I don't know but the concept for the New Republic seems to go back a long way.
TIE Defenders. All those wings...
That it seems there can be only one.
I don't hate that Matt Stover gave Blackhole an old-school Time Lord hat, though.
“That Darth Vader, man. Sure does love eating Jedi.”
Someone on TFN posted this in response to B-Wings appearing in Rebels:
"I would just take this as another example of Filoni's arrogance, thinking it's okay to continue to stomp on Legends lore so he can put his own stamp on things. A Filoni-lover may excuse this by claiming ignorance, but that whole team claims to love Star Wars way too much NOT to know what they're doing when they (intentionally) violate existing/Legends canon. And yes, I get that Legends no longer has legit status, but I see no reason to slap longtime fans in the face when you can use a different or new ship/character/planet/weapon instead of changing existing material (see Depa Billaba). "
Why in the world does the date of a ship's debut matter so much?
Some fans are only happy when they're miserable?
Where were you in '77?
They're not going to stop bitching until they've scrapped through the bottom of the Barrel of Petty Complaints.
That being said, I'm not overly fond of B-Wings appearing in that timeframe myself.
TFNers will complain about anything that interferes with their precious EU, so that's nothing new.
At the same time, I do feel as if Filoni doesn't really give a s**t if he messes with continuity or not. I'm mostly referring to The Clone Wars. The fact that that is now the canon version of that time period is kind of dumb. The incompatible Clone Wars events from the comics, books, and micro-series were much more believable and just better thought out, for the most part.
DominicCobb said:
The incompatible Clone Wars events from the comics, books, and micro-series were much more believable and just better thought out, for the most part.
I agree 100%
also, what's the concensus on the EU as a whole here?
do you guys think it was better or worse than the replacement EU?
I personally think the old stuff was more creative.
DominicCobb said:
At the same time, I do feel as if Filoni doesn't really give a s**t if he messes with continuity or not. I'm mostly referring to The Clone Wars. The fact that that is now the canon version of that time period is kind of dumb. The incompatible Clone Wars events from the comics, books, and micro-series were much more believable and just better thought out, for the most part.
Actually, Filoni did whatever he could to stick to continuity. Things like returning Maul were things that Lucas insisted on. It's Lucas who doesn't really give a s**t about continuity.
Speaking of The Clone Wars, it changed something that I disliked about the EU: that Maul's tattoos were described as Sith tattoos. The Sith were in hiding, so why would they tattoo themselves?
I think it is impossible to compare the whole of two years work with the whole of 35 years work.
I haven't actually consumed any of the new canon (beyond the Filoni shows) but they're fighting an uphill battle in a way. How are the writers supposed to be creative when so much as already been done? The Marvel Star Wars main title is doing the adventures between ANH and ESB, which I'd estimate was done in at least 4 or 5 comic lines in the old EU and god knows how many books.
The real creative stuff will come when they get to completely rewrite the timeline, ie the post ROTJ stuff. Of course they have to be careful at the moment so as to not spoil TFA but I'll be interested to see what they come up with when they get to really delve into that 30 year period.