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What do you HATE about the EU? — Page 23


I hate none of it and love it all. Even that which should be shunned. The EU and PT are my guilty pleasures. They are my fat girl that I secretly make out with behind the gym.

I am what all Jedi fear to become, and what all Sith wish to be. A GOD!


DuracellEnergizer said:

^Insanity. Pure, unadulterated, psychedelic, Ralph Bakshiesque insanity.

 Insanity is a fun place to be.

I am what all Jedi fear to become, and what all Sith wish to be. A GOD!


Plagueis surviving into TPM, manipulating Palpatine, and creating and carrying out parts of the plan that put Palpatine into power. It was clear in TPM that Palpatine no longer has a master or never did have a master and it's clear in all six movies that Palpatine is the master manipulator and the root of evil.


Ah, Planet of Twilight ... I really don't remember much of that book. I know I liked the parts with Leia, was largely bored with Luke's roll, and found the subplot with Han, Lando, and Daala confusing and an insult to my intelligence, but beyond that I can't recall much of the storyline at all; all I know for sure is that it solidified my hatred for Daala.


JediZombie said:

I hate none of it and love it all. Even that which should be shunned. The EU and PT are my guilty pleasures. They are my fat girl that I secretly make out with behind the gym.

 This wasn't completely honest. I do hate Chewbacca's death. Glad that's out.

I am what all Jedi fear to become, and what all Sith wish to be. A GOD!


^I wonder why Vader didn't bother to cannibalize the clone for replacement parts after he killed him. It's what I would have done were I in his shoes.


The Dagobah cave being a result of a dark jedi dying there kills all the mystery behind it, just like midichlorians.


I hate how Yavin is the Tatooine of the EU. Ancient Sith spirits? On Yavin. Ancient Jedi city? On Yavin. The bugs that Palpatine used to torture the Death Star designer? On Yavin.


"What do you HATE about the EU?"
Star Wars Rebels

Original, Special Edition, and Prequel trilogy gusher. Not a fan of any Disney era Star Wars.


ObiWanKennerobi said:

"What do you HATE about the EU?"
Star Wars Rebels

 First of all, you haven't even seen it yet.

Secondly, the EU no longer exists. Rebels is a product of this new era where all future projects are now canon, same as any of the films.

Forum Moderator

Well, I hate all the trailers and character videos. I don't take anything Star Wars seriously unless Lucas was heavily involved. I'm not interested in Star Wars beyond looking at it as the work of an artist. It would be like if George Orwell sold 1984 to Disney and Disney wrote 1985. Exactly as laughable as that to me. And a brilliant retirement move.

Original, Special Edition, and Prequel trilogy gusher. Not a fan of any Disney era Star Wars.



No. I think it's pretty funny that you don't assume someone on a Star Wars message board is honest in really taking George Lucas seriously as an artist. Once you get to know me, you'll know I'm serious in my admiration of the work of George Lucas. I'm very out of step with popular opinion in more ways than that. Can you believe that I didn't like The Dark Knight!? Gasp!

Original, Special Edition, and Prequel trilogy gusher. Not a fan of any Disney era Star Wars.


I hate how fans gush about EU characters being "new" when in reality they're old characters by another name. How are Revan, Vader, Caedus, and Krayt different besides having different names?


ObiWanKennerobi said:


No. I think it's pretty funny that you don't assume someone on a Star Wars message board is honest in really taking George Lucas seriously as an artist. Once you get to know me, you'll know I'm serious in my admiration of the work of George Lucas. I'm very out of step with popular opinion in more ways than that. Can you believe that I didn't like The Dark Knight!? Gasp!

I too admire Lucas's work and respect him as a great artist who gave me my all time favorite film. But Lucas was far from the only one who worked on that film (unlike Orwell on 1984). Of course he played the largest role in it's production, but sometimes I wonder, if he had his way (like on the PT) if I would ever even be a Star Wars fan. 

Also, he didn't even direct my second favorite film of all time, he hired someone else to do that (and let's be honest, Kershner did a better job than Lucas could have).

To not take something Star Wars sans-Lucas seriously is, frankly, stupid. 


I hate when fans knock down Vader and Palps in order to prop up Revan.


I also hate how KOTOR gets praised for bad things. For example, armies of lightsaber-users. Lightsabers work best when they're rare.


I hate the Empire isn't evil and Sith aren't evil movements. How is it not evil to create a war so that you'll be given power in the name of peace, blow up inhabited planets, etc.?


I'm happy beyond words about the legends announcement. The EU is the worst thing to ever happen to Star Wars! May the EU burn in the deepest depths of hell!


Lot of hate around here.

I am what all Jedi fear to become, and what all Sith wish to be. A GOD!