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What do you HATE about the EU? — Page 21


I may have mentioned this before, and maybe not, but I loathe how current writers of the EU would bring back old characters and so forth from the earlier EU -- the Marvel comics, the newspaper strip, the Brian Daley novels, etc. -- only to rape them into fitting the modern canon and their own garbage stories.


DuracellEnergizer said:

I may have mentioned this before, and maybe not, but I loathe how current writers of the EU would bring back old characters and so forth from the earlier EU -- the Marvel comics, the newspaper strip, the Brian Daley novels, etc. -- only to rape them into fitting the modern canon and their own garbage stories.

They did this with Jango Fett's sister. She was presumably murdered by the Death Watch in Open Seasons, and then showed up later as some insane prisoner/assassin. Thanks, Karen Traviss, for dredging up a lame background character that had served her purpose and nobody cared about purely so you could shoehorn her into a story for no real reason but to namedrop Jango.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Gotta say I hate the last four issues in the Marvel comics. Terrible artwork, over-the-top-and-out-of-place humour, stupid pirate aliens, and rushed storytelling do not a good final storyline make.


Working my way through it again right now but I believe my Marvel canon ends just before the ROTJ adaptation. That last stretch before it finally ended was just a disaster.

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Ah, the Hiromi ... I liked them in their first appearance; too bad it wasn't their only appearance.


This is pretty dumb.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


^I suppose this'd make more sense to someone who plays chess than a chess-illiterate like myself.


Tobar said:

Working my way through it again right now but I believe my Marvel canon ends just before the ROTJ adaptation. That last stretch before it finally ended was just a disaster.

 IIRC, they were probably handcuffed more than ever by Lucasfilm in terms of where they could take the story post ROTJ.

The fans that hate on Jaxxon seem totally unaware of any of these guys. Although I suspect most of the haters don't actually read the old comics. ;)

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Where were you in '77?


The Jedi use wired lightsabers in the Naga Sadow-era TOTJ comics. Wired lightsabers look stupid. It would have been much cooler if the Jedi used metal swords like the Sith.


I've been meaning to mention this for some time, but have kept forgetting to bring it up -- I hate the idea that the Jedi Order had a council prior to 3986 BBY.

I like how the TOTJ comics depicted the ancient Jedi as being largely decentralized, with masters only coming together to deliberate in times of great crisis. Making it so that the Jedi have always had some central leadership in the form of the Jedi Council is just another stupid retcon made to force the older stuff into matching the prequels.


The EU says that the Star Destroyer in the opening scene of ANH was Vader's flagship at the time. I never got that impression from the movies.


DuracellEnergizer said:

I like how the TOTJ comics depicted the ancient Jedi as being largely decentralized, with masters only coming together to deliberate in times of great crisis. Making it so that the Jedi have always had some central leadership in the form of the Jedi Council is just another stupid retcon made to force the older stuff into matching the prequels.

 I think you'll get a kick out of this discussion that's currently going on...

Edit: Nevermind, link won't work as their profile is private apparently.

But it was basically fans lamenting the fact that TOR looked like the prequels instead of the TOTJ comics and blamed it on the general public not being able to understand something so different.

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I don't know if I'd blame the public so much as the writers/designers of the game itself.


DuracellEnergizer said:

I don't know if I'd blame the public so much as the writers/designers of the game itself.

The SWTOR Sith Empire using the symbols and titles of the Galactic Empire can only be blamed on the writers/designers of the game. Nobody is stupid enough to think that all dictatorships use the same symbols and titles.


Yeah, I remember following TOR's development and being annoyed that they chose to mirror the styles and design motifs of the galaxy some four thousand years later so closely. It wasn't even that similar to the KOTOR stuff from only a few centuries or so before.

If they wanted to make it look like a a PT/OT game, they should have just made a PT/OT game.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Ah, but you can't have thousands of Sith with thousands of red lightsabers running around in a PT/OT setting, can you? That pesky Rule of Two gets in the way.


DuracellEnergizer said:

Ah, but you can't have thousands of Sith with thousands of red lightsabers running around in a PT/OT setting, can you? That pesky Rule of Two gets in the way.

SWG didn't seem to have a problem with it.

Though they should have just forgone Jedi as a class altogether.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


I hate the totalitarian control that EU fans try to place on talking about what you think of the EU. How does it affect them if I hate something that they like? 


Tyrphanax said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

Ah, but you can't have thousands of Sith with thousands of red lightsabers running around in a PT/OT setting, can you? That pesky Rule of Two gets in the way.

SWG didn't seem to have a problem with it.

Though they should have just forgone Jedi as a class altogether.

 SWG would have been perfect if set post-ROTJ. That way you could have your stupid Jedi class and even be trained by Master Skywalker himself. But nooooooo, we need the Emperor, Vader and Jabba alive!

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Tobar said:

Tyrphanax said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

Ah, but you can't have thousands of Sith with thousands of red lightsabers running around in a PT/OT setting, can you? That pesky Rule of Two gets in the way.

SWG didn't seem to have a problem with it.

Though they should have just forgone Jedi as a class altogether.

 SWG would have been perfect if set post-ROTJ. That way you could have your stupid Jedi class and even be trained by Master Skywalker himself. But nooooooo, we need the Emperor, Vader and Jabba alive!

I agree. So many great storylines they could have used.

Ah well.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Tyrphanax said:

Tobar said:

Tyrphanax said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

Ah, but you can't have thousands of Sith with thousands of red lightsabers running around in a PT/OT setting, can you? That pesky Rule of Two gets in the way.

SWG didn't seem to have a problem with it.

Though they should have just forgone Jedi as a class altogether.

 SWG would have been perfect if set post-ROTJ. That way you could have your stupid Jedi class and even be trained by Master Skywalker himself. But nooooooo, we need the Emperor, Vader and Jabba alive!

I agree. So many great storylines they could have used.

Ah well.

Well SWG was basically a MMO (in my book MMO=bad btw). Storyline certainly wasn't a priority... I might even say it did not really have any serious storyline.

So having it set in post-ROTJ in the same framework wouldn't have any benefits as far as I concerned. On the other hand, if they used SWTOR framework, which is basically storyline focused and MMO crap being secondary, it would indeed have a great potential.



Ô_o It was an MMO. A damn good one too.

The problem was that they decided to set the game inbetween ANH and ESB. A time period that is supposed to be devoid of Jedi.

But the game developers wanted to have their cake and eat it too and so added Jedi as a secret class that people had to figure out how to unlock on their own.

After a long while no one had figured it out and SOE was worried that they were going to have to start facing accusations that the class was a lie. So to combat that they introduced holocrons that revealed that to unlock the Jedi class you had to master two specific professions that your character was randomly assigned.

This would prove to be the death knell for the game. Before this, everyone played at a leisurely pace, experimenting with different playstyles and skill configurations. It was a bustling community of easy going folks.

Once the holocrons were released everyone started grinding through professions trying to be among the first to unlock this now legendary profession. This led to droves of people burning themselves out and leaving the game after taking all the fun out of it for themselves. Which led directly to SOE trying desperately to increase subscription numbers by introducing the NGE which basically turned the game into a WoW clone and that put the final nail in the coffin.

Which is why had they set the game in a time period where Jedi were common in the first place it never would have self-destructed.

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Tobar said:

Ô_o It was an MMO. A damn good one too.

The problem was that they decided to set the game inbetween ANH and ESB. A time period that is supposed to be devoid of Jedi.

As I said, the main problem was that it was primarily a MMO. The whole basic concept of MMO is stupid and boring. Levelling through repetition of the same boring stuff (so called "grinding") and acquiring gear through repeating same PVE content over and over again. I honestly don't know how can anyone enjoy that.

The only type of games that attract me are storyline focused games. SWG had literally no storyline content, not to mention voice acting. Just setting it in a different period would not change anything.

The only solution would be to shift the priority to storyline content and push the MMO content in the secondary position. That is, extensive storyline content with proper voice acting etc. (like in SWTOR).



You're leaving out the most important aspect of the experience: socializing with others.

I couldn't even begin to tell you how much fun I had in that game hanging out with the friends I had made while waiting for the game to release.

From going out and questing together, to racing, fishing and exploration. The planets in that game were about six miles across in either direction and packed with all sorts of neat things to find.

With a game like that, it's the natural stories that happen when you're out in the world that matter. Not the pre-written heavily scripted stuff, just virtual life.

You don't know fear until you've wandered deep into a Squill cave you've stumbled upon on Tatooine.

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Well I guess it depends on why you play a game. I certainly don't play PC games to socialise. I have real life for that.

Playing storyline games is equivalent to reading a book or watching a film. These things I enjoy. In that respect, interaction with other players is highly undesirable and distracting since it pollutes the experience.
