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What didn't you like about TFA? SPOILERS — Page 52


Voss Caltrez said:
In hindsight I really like the fact that telekinesis was saved for The Empire Strikes Back, and The Force seemed like something you had to really work at, even for someone strong with the Force like Luke.

With the little bit of “training” Luke had in STAR WARS it was never established that Ben even taught him how to use telekinesis so that ability came out of nowhere. Truthfully both of them shouldn’t have been able to do that.


Jesus, catching up on this thread was like punching myself in the face.

Anyway. The pacing was a bit rough. The rehashed bits of the OT were rough. The Starkiller Base blowing up a system in real time was rough. Some of the CGI was rough.

And yet, despite being a movie that was basically a redo of the original Star Wars with no less flashy action than the PT, it was still better than four of the extant six films.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Lord Haseo said:

Tyrphanax said:
The Starkiller Base blowing up a system in real time was rough.


Sorry, I wrote that weirdly.

When the base blows up the planets and Han and Friends watch it happen from Takodana in real time… that’s not how space works. And sure, it’s a space opera, maybe things work differently in the Star Wars universe… it still didn’t sit well with me.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Tyrphanax said:

Lord Haseo said:

Tyrphanax said:
The Starkiller Base blowing up a system in real time was rough.


Sorry, I wrote that weirdly.

When the base blows up the planets and Han and Friends watch it happen from Takodana in real time… that’s not how space works. And sure, it’s a space opera, maybe things work differently in the Star Wars universe… it still didn’t sit well with me.

Yeah that shit was stupid. The only thing I like about that sequence (other than the effect it will have story wise on the rest of the trilogy) is that Finn heard their deaths which may suggest that he’s Force Sensitive.


I was down with that whole scene except for that one part. When I saw it the first time I just assumed they were in that same system, but when I learned it was lightyears away I was annoyed. It made it seem tacked-on just because they couldn’t be arsed to come up with a way to have Han and Friends learn about it in a way that would make us care (which we wouldn’t have anyway because why does the Hosnian system even matter in the movie because they cut out the one scene that explained it).

We cared about Alderaan because that’s where Leia was from and because it was the focal point of the first act of the movie. They gotta go to Alderaan, that’s where the answers are, that’s where Leia is from, that’s where her father is and when they get Ben there it’ll all be good, and then things fall completely apart and it’s destroyed despite being a peaceful, innocent planet (the symbol of good against the evil Death Star), cementing the Empire as unquestionably evil and then the death of Ben on top of that means that all but one thing our heroes set out to do have failed and they’re forced to improvise to survive. Alderaan is an objective and a catalyst.

In The Force Awakens a system we’ve never heard about is blown up by a superweapon we’ve never seen until just moments before for reasons that aren’t very well-explained.

Now, if Han and friends were trying to get to the Resistance’s leaders on Hosnian Prime to warn them about the Starkiller Base that they stumbled across earlier somehow (which gives the First Order a better reason to blow up the system), and the Hosnian system is destroyed on the way there, which they learn about from Maz or something and everyone assumes the Resistance was on the planet when it blew, then we have real gravity and despair when the First Order shows up and Rey is captured, and then actual hope and happy surprise when Leia shows up not long after to take the survivors to the actual Resistance base.

I’m just spitballing and since the whole movie is basically the same plot as the OT anyway it’s not far out of line.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


I cared about Alderaan because it was a planet full of sentient beings; not because of Leia. Hell, on a first viewing you don’t even get enough of Leia to form an opinion about her as a character but I digress. Had Hosnian Prime been Coruscant that would have made the scene more impactful.


Lord Haseo said:

Voss Caltrez said:
In hindsight I really like the fact that telekinesis was saved for The Empire Strikes Back, and The Force seemed like something you had to really work at, even for someone strong with the Force like Luke.

With the little bit of “training” Luke had in STAR WARS it was never established that Ben even taught him how to use telekinesis so that ability came out of nowhere. Truthfully both of them shouldn’t have been able to do that.

Good point. I’m assuming Luke was never in contact with Obi-Wan’s ghost until Hoth. So how did he learn telekinesis? However, it’s even more blatant in TFA.


As Luke was hearing Obi Wan’s voice after he “died” in Star Wars, he was arguably in limited one way contact with him.

We don’t know how long the actual trip to Alderaan on the Falcon was, so there is time for training we didn’t see. We didn’t see all of Luke’s training with Yoda either.

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Where were you in '77?


Voss Caltrez said:

Lord Haseo said:

Voss Caltrez said:
In hindsight I really like the fact that telekinesis was saved for The Empire Strikes Back, and The Force seemed like something you had to really work at, even for someone strong with the Force like Luke.

With the little bit of “training” Luke had in STAR WARS it was never established that Ben even taught him how to use telekinesis so that ability came out of nowhere. Truthfully both of them shouldn’t have been able to do that.

Good point. I’m assuming Luke was never in contact with Obi-Wan’s ghost until Hoth. So how did he learn telekinesis? However, it’s even more blatant in TFA.

True that but the ST still has the chance to write themselves out of Rey seemingly being OP with The Force. They could have had it so her mind was wiped like Darth Revan and that her abilities started to resurface during TFA and with that the problem vanishes. Unfortunately the same can’t be done for Luke…though Luke’s abilities wouldn’t necessarily by suspect (at least until ROTJ) if the PT and EU didn’t change how the Force and lightsaber dueling works.


Lord Haseo said:

I cared about Alderaan because it was a planet full of sentient beings; not because of Leia. Hell, on a first viewing you don’t even get enough of Leia to form an opinion about her as a character but I digress. Had Hosnian Prime been Coruscant that would have made the scene more impactful.

It was so poorly explained that a lot of people thought that, haha. I had a moment where I thought the same on my first viewing before they mentioned Hosnian Prime at some point after.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Lord Haseo said:

I cared about Alderaan because it was a planet full of sentient beings; not because of Leia. Hell, on a first viewing you don’t even get enough of Leia to form an opinion about her as a character but I digress. Had Hosnian Prime been Coruscant that would have made the scene more impactful.

And a shot of an elderly Jar Jar looking up and screaming? 😉

Seriously though, they must have had a reason to not use Coruscant.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


I think the fact that they showed several other planets get blown away too lessened the impact. Sometimes mass destruction is less impactful than a lone act. Then again, Star Wars really started the whole blowing up a planet thing.

The Person in Question


I never cared about either film’s planet’s destruction. Ep. 7/TFA improved on the presentation because we get to see some Great Gatsby-types look up at the sky as the approaching red beam is about to light them up, plus it’s more drawn out with sad music. But still.
It would have been better had it been a planet, with characters we were familiar with or were introduced to. As it stands, the few beings we see on the planets are merely cannon fodder to progress the story. Had it been a planet that was inhabited characters we liked or cared for, it would come across as more violent and/or disturbing, and might raise the MPAA rating. To appease mass audiences with children, we get a cartoon version of genocide.


Wasn’t there a cut scene shot with Leia communicating with the leader of the Republic?

We didn’t see anyone on Alderaan when it was destroyed at all. Obi Wan’s reaction and description of what he sensed does sell how awful an event it was. Star Wars has never been about getting too graphic with violence.

Funny that George never had the notion to shoot Jimmy Smits in old age makeup for the SE.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

Wasn’t there a cut scene shot with Leia communicating with the leader of the Republic?

Yeah, I mentioned that bit. I feel like that would have made the scene a lot better. Just… “Why should we care?”

SilverWook said:
We didn’t see anyone on Alderaan when it was destroyed at all. Obi Wan’s reaction and description of what he sensed does sell how awful an event it was. Star Wars has never been about getting too graphic with violence.

But we still care about it in as much as it’s the goal for our heroes for the first half of the movie.

SilverWook said:
Funny that George never had the notion to shoot Jimmy Smits in old age makeup for the SE.

Shh, someone will hear.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Tyrphanax said:

Lord Haseo said:

Tyrphanax said:
The Starkiller Base blowing up a system in real time was rough.


Sorry, I wrote that weirdly.

When the base blows up the planets and Han and Friends watch it happen from Takodana in real time… that’s not how space works. And sure, it’s a space opera, maybe things work differently in the Star Wars universe… it still didn’t sit well with me.

I’m sure the nuEU’s going to handwave that away with some Trekkian technobabble sometime soon (if it hasn’t already).


Voss Caltrez said:

-The Resistance and The First Order
Why is there a Resistance? The Republic is in power. Shouldn’t it just be the Republic’s forces against The First Order? It seems like a lazy way of redoing The Rebels Vs the Empire.

TFA has so many bad things and rehash elements, but this one is one of the worst.



SilverWook said:

How many times are we going to have to rehash why the Resistance exists?


Yeah, I have no clue why people have so much trouble with the Resistance. It was obvious to me just from reading the crawl and watching various scenes in the movie that the whole idea is that there’s what amounts to a cold war going on between the New Republic and various fractured Imperial Remnants (because there’s no way a Galactic Empire on a thousand worlds just ends after one battle on a forest moon), most notably the First Order, and since the New Republic can’t/doesn’t want to openly wage war against the First Order, the Resistance popped up with under-the-table Republic support. It’s that simple and was adequately explained in the film, as adequately as the Imperial Senate and the Empire’s role in the galaxy in the original Star Wars.

People complained about all the exposition and political drama in the PT and after leaving TFA I feel like a lot of those same people were saying “I wish there was more exposition and political drama!”

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Tyrphanax said:

SilverWook said:

How many times are we going to have to rehash why the Resistance exists?


Yeah, I have no clue why people have so much trouble with the Resistance. It was obvious to me just from reading the crawl and watching various scenes in the movie that the whole idea is that there’s what amounts to a cold war going on between the New Republic and the First Order (at least) and since the New Republic can’t/doesn’t want to openly wage war against the First Order, the Resistance popped up with under-the-table Republic support. It’s that simple and was adequately explained in the film, as adequately as the Imperial Senate and the Empire’s role in the galaxy in the original Star Wars.

People complained about all the exposition and political drama in the PT and after leaving TFA a lot of those same people were saying “I wish there was more exposition and political drama!”

TL😄R - Resistance is like Vietnam, Afghanistan etc., Republic is like USSR and First Order is like America.


Pretty much. It’s a perfectly Lucasian geo-political commentary.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Tyrphanax said:

SilverWook said:

How many times are we going to have to rehash why the Resistance exists?


Yeah, I have no clue why people have so much trouble with the Resistance. It was obvious to me just from reading the crawl and watching various scenes in the movie that the whole idea is that there’s what amounts to a cold war going on between the New Republic and various fractured Imperial Remnants (because there’s no way a Galactic Empire on a thousand worlds just ends after one battle on a forest moon), most notably the First Order, and since the New Republic can’t/doesn’t want to openly wage war against the First Order, the Resistance popped up with under-the-table Republic support. It’s that simple and was adequately explained in the film, as adequately as the Imperial Senate and the Empire’s role in the galaxy in the original Star Wars.

People complained about all the exposition and political drama in the PT and after leaving TFA I feel like a lot of those same people were saying “I wish there was more exposition and political drama!”

Good points. I do remember the part where Hux says, “the Republic is supporting the Resistance.” So it explains the proxy war part. But what I didn’t get was any kind of idea that there were planets that were NOT part of the Republic, and were under the protection of “The First Order.” I only remember seeing the First Order being on the Star Killer Base. I never got the idea that they had established worlds, planets, or systems under their control. If anything, it felt like The First Order were the rebels/resistance/terrorists. I mean, if there are still remnants of systems or planets who resist the New Republic, why resort to kidnapping children and brainwashing them to be your soldiers? Wouldn’t you have volunteers, or at the very least, conscription from the planets you rule? It’s possible that not all the stormtroopers are kidnapped as children, but it heavily implies that by having

Does The Resistance comprise of people who live on the First Order controlled planets?
And if they’re proxy fighters, why do they look JUST LIKE the rebels from the OT? Shouldn’t they have different colored uniforms, and different looking star ships? I suppose the New Republic is supplying them, but then, how can it be in secret then? Why does the First Order use The Empire’s insignia? If they are remnants, shouldn’t they continue calling themselves The Empire, and the true ruling governing power in the galaxy, and consider The New Republic illegitimate? Or if they are like a defeated Nazi-Germany, wouldn’t they the New Republic demand that they stop using the Swastika-like insignia of the Empire?