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What didn't you like about TFA? SPOILERS — Page 50


Ryan-SWI said:

But alas, apparently all the audience cares about now is dumbed-down story telling with lots of “pew pews” and laser swords that make cool noises, so if it sells, nothing is going to change.

Describes every PT action scene…


Ryan-SWI said:

TFA was under the illusion that Star Wars = iconic imagery and practical effects, paying no notice of anything deeper than the surface that gave I - VI that ‘Star Wars feel.’

Fair point, as the characters in the PT felt so much more Star Wars than TFA…

Or not.


Ryan-SWI said:
but from what I’ve seen from this new ‘era’, the only person who really understands the essence of Star Wars is George.

The disconnect between the OT and the PT proves that statement is inaccurate without a shadow of a doubt.


Wasn’t this thread supposed to be about TFA not the PT? Geesh the way you go on and on about them I am starting to wonder if most you don’t just secretly love them!


No…I don’t think any of us would suggest that just I wouldn’t suggest that the people who hate TFA secretly love it…even if they have no good reason to hate it.


IKnowWhatYouDidLastSummer said:

Wasn’t this thread supposed to be about TFA not the PT? Geesh the way you go on and on about them I am starting to wonder if most you don’t just secretly love them!

It’s what happens when you new people come here claiming the PT is good.

Or when you make multiple socks and ridiculous signatures.


Lord Haseo said:

Ryan-SWI said:
but from what I’ve seen from this new ‘era’, the only person who really understands the essence of Star Wars is George.

The disconnect between the OT and the PT proves that statement is inaccurate without a shadow of a doubt.

There is zero disconnect. Everything may be more glossy but the theme is the same.

And I don’t secretly love the PT, I openly love the PT.
It’s not a shared sentiment around here and I’m aware of it, but I can’t ignore the fact that I love both the PT and OT and I still don’t consider TFA a proper Star Wars movie.
Either it says something about it, or I’m just nuts.
Either either.


I never mentioned the PT in this thread until I noticed how many people were going on about them instead of talking about the actual topic.

As for my signature get over it!


Ryan-SWI said:

Lord Haseo said:

Ryan-SWI said:
but from what I’ve seen from this new ‘era’, the only person who really understands the essence of Star Wars is George.

The disconnect between the OT and the PT proves that statement is inaccurate without a shadow of a doubt.

There is zero disconnect. Everything may be more glossy but the theme is the same.

And I don’t secretly love the PT, I openly love the PT.
It’s not a shared sentiment around here and I’m aware of it, but I can’t ignore the fact that I love both the PT and OT and I still don’t consider TFA a proper Star Wars movie.
Either it says something about it, or I’m just nuts.
Either either.


  • Fun faced pace space adventure with simple plots but had a bit of depth
  • Practical effects were heavily used to make the universe looked lived in
  • Colorful and fun characters who had chemistry and fully realized arcs


  • Slow paced bore fests set in space with simple plots and the illusion of depth
  • Over reliance on mostly terrible CGI which made a lot of it look fake and the universe was all shiny while the OT was gritty
  • Dull and (mostly) 1 dimensional characters who had no chemistry and no fully defined arcs

I can keep going but I guess all you need are lightsabers, blasters and things that look like Storm Troopers and suddenly it’s Star Wars. Say what you will about TFA but at least that had colorful characters and was exciting in my point of view a Star Wars film with boring characters and no sense of fun isn’t really a Star Wars film.


Lord Haseo said:


  • Fun faced pace space adventure with simple plots but had a bit of depth
  • Practical effects were heavily used to make the universe looked lived in
  • Colorful and fun characters who had chemistry and fully realized arcs


  • Slow paced bore fests set in space with simple plots and the illusion of depth
  • Over reliance on mostly terrible CGI which made a lot of it look fake and the universe was all shiny while the OT was gritty
  • Dull and (mostly) 1 dimensional characters who had no chemistry and no fully defined arcs

I can keep going but I guess all you need are lightsabers, blasters and things that look like Storm Troopers and suddenly it’s Star Wars. Say what you will about TFA but at least that had colorful characters and was exciting in my point of view a Star Wars film with boring characters and no sense of fun isn’t really a Star Wars film.

First of all, the plot points in the PT are faaaaaar from simple. Executed poorly? Perhaps, but they are not simple.

“Say what you will about TFA but at least that had colorful characters and was exciting”

Funny, that’s what I say about the PT.

“a Star Wars film with boring characters and no sense of fun isn’t really a Star Wars film.”

And that’s what I say about TFA.

Like I said, either either.


I would rather be strangled to death by the tape from a Hall & Oates cassette than watch the prequels again. I can’t believe that people think the PT is fun and colorful.

The Person in Question


I love the Coruscant chase scene. It was so cool

The Person in Question


moviefreakedmind said:

IKnowWhatYouDidLastSummer said:
As for my signature get over it!

IKnowWhatYouDidLastSummers Hates Alls Socks

My favorite part is how he didn’t even acknowledge my sock comment, instead focusing on the signature comment and the PT thing which I never even attributed to him.



I can’t help but hear FRINKS in gollum’s voice every time i see it on here.


Ryan-SWI said:
First of all, the plot points in the PT are faaaaaar from simple. Executed poorly? Perhaps, but they are not simple.

The plot of the first two films is pretty much: Palpatine creates a crisis to get power so that he can start a war. The plot of ROTS being him and Anakin exterminating the Jedi and conquering the galaxy. All simple stuff and even Lucas couldn’t get that shit right. Anyone with a brain could have guessed that Palpatine was behind it all even before ROTS.

Funny, that’s what I say about the PT.

“I’m going to take the thing you said about the thing you like and say it about the thing I like”

The only person that was remotely colorful was Obi-Wan and maybe Palpatine. Anakin’s character doesn’t even fit with what we’re told in STAR WARS and Return of The Jedi and he’s just a whiny, self centered and egomaniacal guy.

And that’s what I say about TFA.

Like I said, either either.



The only person that was remotely colorful was Obi-Wan and maybe Palpatine. Anakin’s character doesn’t even fit with what we’re told in STAR WARS and Return of The Jedi and he’s just a whiny, self centered and egomaniacal guy.

Never realized that Anakin was Frinks all this time?


Ryan-SWI said:

AOTC and ROTS both have considerably more fully CGI characters and environments than any of the LOTR films.

Think about this really hard, and you might notice the problem.


IKnowWhatYouDidLastSummer said:

I never mentioned the PT in this thread until I noticed how many people were going on about them instead of talking about the actual topic.

As for my signature get over it!

How about you remove it? Now.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Ah, I don’t really care, it actually kind of highlights his…um…how should I put this politely?

His detachment from reality? Too strong?