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What changes would you make to the Sequels?


What changes would you make to the Disney Sequel Trilogy?

i would have made the Sequels before the Prequels movies with Mark Hamill Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford still being young i would make these Sequels come out during the earlys 1990s

Luke would be a Jedi Master by having several Jedi apprentices but not in big numbers like Prequel Jedi kind of like Jedi Academy EU Books with him having a small group of Padawan Jedi apprentices

Palpatine does not resurrect i dont really care about the Chosen One Prophecy of the Prequels but i wish there was not Sith in this era i want Sith to be rare also not Han Solo Son turning to the Dark Side the Villains would be something similar to the First Order being inspired by the Empire but they are not technically the Empire the leader of this organization would be a character similar to Thrawn

Luke Jedi Order dont follow Prequel Jedi rules they can get married they can have attachments i would like Luke to having a Son

the New Republic dominates the Galaxy they are not destroyed like Disney Sequels and they help Luke to fight with the new Villains

Han and Leia also have Kids and they train with Luke

What other changes you would make to the Sequels?


Honestly, I’d probably go back to the drawing board and start from scratch. If I was making the sequels 30 years after the OT, I might still use the ST’s main cast of characters, but beyond that, the plot would be completely different, utilizing different elements of the best EU stories.


Some things that I would change were things that I believe were pretty clearly being hinted at in ‘The Force Awakens’ but were not picked up on for VIII and IX. Rey was clearly being touted as a Skywalker, possibly Luke’s daughter. Finn and Rey had romantic feelings for each other, and Finn had potential to be a future Jedi. The are lots of other tweaks I would’ve made (the biggest is bringing Palpatine back, truly the ‘jumping the shark’ of the SW universe), clearly the movies suffered from not truly having the entire story mapped out, but letting each director kind of ‘wing it’ as they went along


In keeping with the Flash Gordon origins, I would definitely have Palpatine as the villain. I wouldn’t change Snoke in the first one. Or the First Order. But it needed a tad more politics so we know the state of the Republic. I think I’d have Leia as a Senator as well as leading the Resistance. I would have stuck with the twins from the EU. The girl would be learning politics with Leia and the Boy has fallen to the Dark Side (just as thing start.

From there, big changes. The First Order destroys the Republic Capitol, but the Republic is fighting back as the First Order tries to take over. A year passes to the second movie. Rey goes on a quest for Luke and finds him. He is at first unwilling to teach her, but take Yoda’s message about teaching your failures and have that message be from Leia. THEN you have Yoda and/or Anakin there as Rey gets a more proper training. Ending with Luke accompanying her to save Leia and the others and actually dying in conflict where he shows in person the epic power of a Jedi Master. It turns the tide of the invasion. At the same time hints from the first movie build in this movie that Snoke, only seen as a Hologram, is not who we think he is, but no big reveal, just lots of foreshadowing.

The final movie would be about the final battle. I like the doomsday fleet idea so I’d keep it. I like the fleet of small ships. But it wouldn’t be some impossible to reach location, it would be some far off outter rim secret base and the Republic fleet attacks and is losing until the civilian fleet joins them. Rey faces off with Palpatine and wins. I really love he being backed by the Jedi spirits (Not sure I like some of the fan edit version, there is likely a better way) and I love the 2 saber deflection of his force energy deflecting and feeding back on him making him destroy himself. A very Jedi move that was just perfect.

I like Finn. I’d keep him and most of his story, but Trevorrow’s script had a good bit. I’d have him be more obviously force sensitive and start training with Rey at the start of this film. I’d do more with the defected First Order stormtroopers and they would have some crucial role in the final battle… not on horseback unless it is on the surface of a planet. I liked that bit but to many did not.

The other details I’d have to work out. I’m not sure what other parts I’d have. With the destruction of the Republic Capitol, Leia would become Chancellor. I’m not sure what to do with Han, but having him back out getting in trouble wouldn’t be my line of thinking. I’d have him make some heroic sacrifice that changes the course of things.


I’d basically fuse the Thrawn, Dark Empire, and Jedi Academy trilogies together, along with a few elements from the Dark Forces trilogy, but jettison the silly clone/Suncrusher stuff. Luke’s going around the galaxy recruiting Jedi apprentices; Thrawn’s making the Empire great again; Jerec, the new Dark Lord of the Sith and leader of the Dark Side Elite following the Battle of Endor, is seeking to kidnap the Solos’ child so they can serve as the new host for Palpatine’s disembodied spirit.

Gods for some, miniature libertarian socialist flags for others.


I would’ve made the controversial decision of moving away from the OT characters and tell a story focusing entirely on brand new characters and reducing callbacks to their bare minimum.

  • Give Jakku a different biome
  • Rey would initially live with her parents, who wouldn’t be anyone of importance.
  • Instead of neo-Imperials, the villain would be an ancient, pre-Sith evil. The being that corrupted the first Sith.
  • I’d have the formation of the New Republic and New Jedi Order occur during the movies rather than them coming and going offscreen.

darklordoftech said:

  • Give Jakku a different biome
  • Rey would initially live with her parents, who wouldn’t be anyone of importance.
  • Instead of neo-Imperials, the villain would be an ancient, pre-Sith evil. The being that corrupted the first Sith.
  • I’d have the formation of the New Republic and New Jedi Order occur during the movies rather than them coming and going offscreen.

Yes to all of this!



In addition to the above, I would also kill Poe early in TFA as originally planned, as I feel he got in the way of Finn’s character development. Rey was supposed to be the new face of the Jedi, and Finn was supposed to be the new face of the rebellion.

I would also leave all the “Finn as a Jedi” red herring stuff out of the TFA marketing and make it clear in all the trailers, posters, etc. that Rey is the new Jedi.

Furthermore, I would tweak the ending of TFA a bit to show Luke already dressed in rags and sulking when Rey finds him, so that it’s clear from the moment we see him that he’s a broken man and not really a Jedi anymore.



Luke as a Jedi Master teaching a new generation of Jedi restoring the order. Leia as Chancellor of the New Republic, Han Solo as a leader in the New Republic Navy.

The rest of the plot didn’t need to follow the EU generally.

There is plenty of room to make up a story around the OT heroes without erasing their accomplishments and making them worthless. Luke doesn’t need to be a superhero just to be Luke and a wise teacher, kind and generous.

Write the story around the original actors so the new protagonists fit the established world Lucas created. At least they should have prominent supporting roles. Not one off cameos for shock value in killing them off. They don’t all have to survive the trilogy but there had to be a better way of passing the torch without killing the past.


I’d have been happy with scene setting in the TFA, the layout of the galaxy actually explained, to give some emotion for when New Republic Govt and its fleet are wiped out. To feel the consequences of it, to give it some weight. With Starkiller Base being replaced by some with a super weapon that is a little more fresh than making a large planet into yet another Death Star.

Apart from some of the jokes in TLJ, and the Canto Bight scenes, which were okay, but didn’t quite land for me, I’d leave TLJ alone as it is. Maybe with more leanings of stormtrooper unease in the First Order’s ranks.

I’d go with a riff on DOTF, more than TROS for the finale. Play up that stormtrooper unease and eventual revolt. Maybe even have some old Imperial ships from the Outer Rim and beyond join the FO in the fight, to further explain what has been going on in the galaxy, and to give some credibility to the FO’s survival, their eventual return, and ease of which they defeated the New Republic in TFA.


Honestly I’m going to probably get hate for this but I’d go with luca’s scripts for 7 8 9 and still keep it lucas with out making the movies turn out bad because of certain things because it would have been interesting to see. still have the actors for Rey Poe Finn rose etc. somehow find a way to get into these films but be written better than they were in the current films. of course they’d be different characters in these films and there you go.


I didn’t really like anything about the Sequels except a few very general concepts, which are: (1) A female Jedi protagonist with no family relation to any previous characters, (2) A defecting Stormtrooper as a main character, and (3) a Non-Sith order of Dark Side users called the Knights of Ren, that use blasters as well as lightsabers.

I’d take these basic ingredients and merge them with an extremely simplified version of the Thrawn trilogy adapted to incorporate the new characters, with the OT characters in supporting roles, and replacing Jorus C’Baoth with the leader of the Knights of Ren (who could still be Leia and Han’s son). I also don’t like the name “Rey”, so I’d use Rey’s original name which was Kira.

Episode 7 would begin with the New Republic as the dominant galactic power, and we’d get to know the new characters. The story would revolve around an old star-map that Kira finds in the ruins on the junkyard world where she lives. Except this map is not “a map to Luke Skywalker” (which never made any sense). Rather, it’s the location of the former Emperor’s secret storehouse on Wayland. Episode 7 would end with Leia commanding a fleet that defeats Thrawn over the planet Wayland, but Thrawn secretly found what he was looking for in the Emperor’s storehouse. And Kira would go off to train with Luke.

Episode 8 would have an A-story about the race to find the lost Katana fleet (which in this version is a secret experimental fleet developed by the Empire comprising thousands of Star Destroyers that are networked together enabling them to be remotely piloted and coordinate automatically), and a B-story about Kira training with Luke. It would end with Thrawn victoriously gaining control of the Katana fleet, with the implication that he can now conquer the New Republic.

Episode 9 would be about the battle to retake Coruscant, with Luke’s new protege now a fully-fledged Jedi.

I’d probably still have Han Solo die, but in Episode 8. Luke and Leia would both survive, and Leia would become the Chancellor of the New Republic at the end of Episode 9.


I’d probably just drop the whole “Rey parentage” mystery altogether and make her explicitly a Solo. And I’ve give Luke a son named Ben. And in general, I’d try to keep the Solo/Skywalker family close to one another and show a strong sense of camaraderie between them. That’s something that’s been sorely missing from the canon. By the end of RotJ, those characters are really close to each other, and that should be carried on to the next generation. Kylo Ren (or whatever I’d call him) would be the one exception to this. It would make his going astray feel more impactful if the rest of the family is together and functional.


I’ve yet to see a reason why they were made other than to serve as New Star Wars product. I lost interest before the end of the first, hardly remember the second, didn’t bother seeing the third.

If it were up to me, I’d use the first hour of the first film, minus the Po intro scenes, as a one-hour Star Wars special. Something along the lines of Marvel’s fantastically done Werewolf By Night Halloween special.

Just an hour with a scavenger girl living alone on a remote planet where some long ago Empire battle took place. She meets up with a lost droid, they become companions, and they eventually go off to adventures where we use our imaginations to come up with the pre and post story.

An hour-long Star Wars story that doesn’t have to fit into any long overused narrative of The Saga (genuflect).

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What should Rey’s purpose in the wider saga be?


Since they decided she is ‘all the Jedi’ then logically she needs to become one with the Force or something.


SparkySywer said:

What should Rey’s purpose in the wider saga be?

I’d just have her as Luke’s apprentice/niece from the start. The newly defected Finn meets her while she’s on a mission.

As for the wider saga, she’d be basically the heir to the Skywalker legacy like she was in the ST we got. Luke would be the Jedi grandmaster who’s training students, but he’d name Rey as his successor to lead the Jedi when he’s gone. There wouldn’t be any actual Sith involved in the story, so the Chosen One prophecy is still intact. And I’d go out of my way to more fully distinguish any Force-using villains from the Sith, both culturally and ideologically. Rey helps defeat them, helps maintain the New Republic, and so becomes the protector of what her family has helped build. Then she gets together with Finn, and so through them, the Skywalker line continues, and you’re left with the impression that the family will continue to preserve the peace they’ve created for the generations to come.


Episode VII: Set 20 years after Return of the Jedi. The New Republic is now the only government in the Galaxy and the Imperial Remnant has been completely defeated. Luke is the Grand Master of the New Jedi Order, which is different from the Prequel Jedi Order, since it allows attachments and marriage. Within the New Republic and the Senate, rumors are starting to circulate about an unknown enemy, who’s starting to conquer some planets that are located in the extreme edge of the Galaxy. The Senate is split in two: on one side there are those who think there’s nothing to worry about, as those planets are not part of the New Republic, but on the other side there are those who think that the threat is serious, and that the government should start taking precautions and arming itself, In case the invaders decide to invade the territory of the New Republic as well. Chancellor Leia Organa is among those who think the threat is serious, and will spend most of the movie trying to convince the skeptical Senators to take the issue seriously, and to vote in favour of the mobilization of the New Republic’s Army. Meanwhile, Leia orders Luke, her son Jacen, and Jedi master Mara Jade to go on a secret mission to reach those planets and determine the extent of the threat. During the course of this mission, Luke and Mara Jade fall in love and eventually return to the New Republic, to inform Leia and the Senate that the threat is indeed serious. Thus, all the Senators vote unanimously in favor of the mobilization of the Army. So Han - who’s now the Supreme General of the New Republic’s Army - starts mobilizing the troops. The Yuuzhan Vong war has begun, and Luke and Mara marry at the end of the movie.

Episode VIII: Set 3 years after Episode VII. The movie is basically a random adventure set during the war. Mara Jade risks her life in the initial battle, but Luke manages to save her in the end. In the movie, the personality of the main villain (that is, the chief of the Yuuzhan Vong) is explored in detail. Contrary to the Legends version, this version of the Yuuzhan Vong isn’t against the use of technology. In fact, the Yuuzhan Vong are a technologically advanced Alien Empire, who reached the Galaxy in the hope of conquering it. They believe in a supreme God, the God of War (the equivalent of Mars for the Romans). They also have a sacred book, in which it’s stated that their mission is to conquer the entire Universe in the name of their God, therefore they always conquer everything on their path. Their chief is a Force sensitive, and its believed to be a messianic figure by the Yuuzhan Vong people. In the meantime, Jacen Solo starts to become more and more Dark. Fighting constantly and seeing millions of people suffering 24/7 are all things that really affected him, and made him develop more and more Fascist ideals. He starts to think that the end justifies the means, and starts questioning the validity of the Jedi Code. He also starts to enjoy being more aggressive and to use power. His approach to the Dark Side is similar to Revan’s during the Mandalorian Wars.

Episode IX: Set 1 years after the previous movie. During the last year, the New Republic has done nothing but accumulate victories over victories against the invaders, and now it’s preparing to attack their last base, which is the planet Utapau. During the battle, Jacen acts in an extremely aggressive way towards his enemies. It’s clear that he’s on the verge of the Dark Side now. Luke finally realizes what’s going on with Jacen, and tries to bring him back. They have a duel and Jacen actually manages to defeat Luke. But just as he’s ready to kill him, Anakin’s spirit appears to him. Jacen and Anakin have a long conversation together. Anakin explains Jacen that the Dark Side is indeed tempting, but it’s an actual hell, and tells Jacen that he shouldn’t embrace the same wrong path he did, because it was the Dark Side who basically destroyed their family. So, Jacen manages to regain himself and not to fall to the Dark Side. With the help of Luke, they finally face the chief of the Yuuzhan Vong, and kill him. The fact that their Messiah was killed makes the Yuuzhan Vong totally lose their faith (which had already been put to the test during the war due to all their defeats), as they believed their chief to be invincible. In the end, the New Republic and the Jedi forces manage to win the Battle over Utapau, the Yuuzhan Vong are totally defeated, and everybody is happy.

«No one is guilty of being born a slave. But the slave to whom not only aspirations for freedom are alien, but who justifies and paints his slavery in rosy colors, such a slave is a lackey and a brute who arouses a legitimate sense of indignation, disgust and repugnance.»

— Vladimir Lenin


Thought about this a lot, and admittedly I only watched each film once and then tried to forget them.

That being said, as I remember it, the easiest change would be to change the baddy from being Palpitine to instead be Darth Plagueis. As mentioned by Palpitine to Anakin. If you remember he was able to use the force to create life. So he is the emperors hidden master. You could even still use Ian McDiarmid if you wanted. Then I would make the Emperor a clone, and make both Anakin and Ray both creations of Plegueis Just like the emperor said he was able to do. That would in a sense make them related and at least legitimize her being a Skywalker. Again in a sense as that makes Anakin her brother.

One of the points of the story now being that good and bad can’t be predetermined by your parents or your supposed destiny which the sith always shout about. That is a nice message. Pleagueis could have played on her need for a family as he would still be her father, but then it would also more closely echo’s Anakin’s ultimate journey too.

Listen it’s not a lot to work with as the stories were basically set up to fail in my mind by starting with a lazy and ultimately cynical retelling of the original story from the start, probably encouraged by Disney. Then just the hamfisted and missed opportunity of the first film. Never seeing the main 3 characters together. Finally there is the unforgivable steps of destroying the character of both male leads, of which I lead stronger of the belief that this was done on purpose and with malice. And don’t get me wrong I have no problem with a strong female lead, honestly loved Daisy Ridley, was excited when she was cast and feel like of everything on those films she was the biggest lost opportunity. I also hate that she now seems to be typecast as I would love to see her do some other stuff. Also Ahsoka is my second favorite Star Wars character, Luke being the first. So no you didn’t need to destroy the old trilogy and their protagonists to serve the new, and I believe it was agenda driven myself. The T-shirt was a tell, and I don’t care if it was some advertising campaign or not. I have no problem if you feel differently.

I also feel it was a mistake humanizing the storm troopers, the implications change the films when you realize they are all getting slaughtered and most of them are basically slaves. But then this would require an amount of thoughtfulness that I see no evidence JJ Abrams has. The second film is basically and FU to the original films by an overrated director who says as much. Frankly it’s hard to see any of the films any other way then that the people involved had no love for the original trilogy and it was just a big Disney money grab. But whatever I don’t count them anyway and am no longer fans of the people who made them. The niceness thing you can say about the people who made them was that they were amateurish, at least in my mind.

Still my little change at least removes some of the nonsense of Ray being Palppy’s kid. It also lessons the impact of the Emperors surviving which basically make the original trilogy only about Anikan. I mean it can even be explained that Plaguis knew if he had an apprentice he was at risk because of the rule of 2. So he cloned himself and intended to remove the clone when the time was right or something stupid like that. The idea being that the emperor didn’t even know he was a clone. Then Darth Snookie or whatever the fake emperor was in the first movie could be the result of centuries of cloning himself. Bringing balance is about finally destroying him as he has been cloning himself and influencing the galaxy for centuries. Whatever, it’s contrived but still better then what we got.

Truthfully anything is better, but I think the people involved with the property now are hacks. Again I get it if you disagree, this is just MY opinion.


There’s a lot of things I would change. Way too many to list and I don’t exactly have anything fleshed out here nor do I feel like being too long winded, but I think these ideas could have been interesting. At the very least they’d have been better than Rise of Skywalker.

One of the main ones would be to have Finn be more prominent as a character instead of… what they actually did with him in the last two. They set him up as a defected stormtrooper and potential Jedi in Force Awakens and then never did anything interesting with him again. Basically just give him something to do.

Another thing, have Rey be tempted a lot more by the dark side. We got brief glimpses of that in the movies, but there should have been more. Maybe have scenes in Last Jedi of her training with Finn and they serve as mirror images of each other. Finn used to fight with the bad guys and now he’s becoming a Jedi, meanwhile Rey is getting tempted over to the dark side. And then she eventually decides to turn to the dark side and at the same time Kylo sees the light, so him and Finn have to stop her. Then there might actually be some suspense. At the very least they took an actual risk with these characters. Then at the end one of them would kill Snoke and one of them would die and it’d be this big dramatic moment.

Which that’s another thing. Instead of bringing Palpatine back to life, I would keep Snoke alive in Last Jedi and have him be the main villain in Rise of Skywalker.

Another thing I’d change is I’d make the original trilogy characters a little less important to the main plot. Definitely have them be there, but have it be more of a passing of the torch type thing. They already didn’t do a whole lot with Han and Leia, so keep them more as cameos. If you’re gonna keep Luke as a main plot point, I think having him in an Obi Wan or Yoda role is fine.

All his life has he looked away… to the future, to the horizon. Never his mind on where he was. Hmm? What he was doing. Hmph!


The thing is Force Awakens and Last Jedi are far from perfect but the third film should have been where they should have stuck the landing. Instead they made a film worse than Return of the Jedi. I like Rey more as the adopted niece and a nobody than a Palpatine. Finn isn’t the only character they failed they also just about erased Rose. I mean i get it its Rey’s story and Finn and Rose are supporting roles, but they got even worse than Han and Leia did in ROTJ.

The third one introduced new characters i very much liked like Zorri Bliss, and Jannah. But in adding more characters it was overstuffed no room for Rose Tico?


JadedSkywalker said:

The thing is Force Awakens and Last Jedi are far from perfect but the third film should have been where they should have stuck the landing. Instead they made a film worse than Return of the Jedi. I like Rey more as the adopted niece and a nobody than a Palpatine. Finn isn’t the only character they failed they also just about erased Rose. I mean i get it its Rey’s story and Finn and Rose are supporting roles, but they got even worse than Han and Leia did in ROTJ.

The third one introduced new characters i very much liked like Zorri Bliss, and Jannah. But in adding more characters it was overstuffed no room for Rose Tico?

most films are worse than Return of the Jedi