I gotta vent.
My wife is an excellent cook. She's constantly mastering new skills and 99% of what she makes is delicious.
But sometimes I just want a sandwich. Two slices of whitebread, bologna, and individiaully wrapped yellow cheese slice.
Not only do we not have these ingridients, when she makes a sandwhich it's on freshbaked bread, with sliced turkey, a homemade aloe spread and heirloom tomatoes. Delicious, appreciated, but sometimes a dude just wants a whitebread sandwich.
Case in point, I'm sick so she asks me what I want for dinner. I ask for tomato soup and a grilled cheese... comfort food from my youth.
I get home from work and she serves up a focacia-bread cheese-spread fingersandwich thing, and a tomato/beet bisque substance. All wonderful and delicious, but just not the same.
Ive never said nothing, because how does one address the problem "honey, you work too hard and are to exceptional at your household duty." And she's so (rightfully) proud of her work, I don't want to hurt her feelings.