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Welcome Darth Vader; so long Anakin Skywalker, for now

So the prophecy of Anakin, being the virgin born midichlorian chosen one who brings balance to the force, becomes ultimately responsible for nearly exterminating all the jedi (save two) and the deaths of billions across the galaxy? Qui-Gon, and all the jedi (save maybe Yoda) obviously misinterpreted this prophecy of bringing balance to the force as a positive thing for jedi. But in reality, Anakin fulfilling the prophecy, becomes the great tribulation and apocalypse of the jedi. Had Qui-Gon truly understood the ramifications, he and all the jedi probably would have done everything possible to prevent this from occuring, rather than allowing this to be fulfilled. Sure the end result ended in the death of the sith lord Palpatine, but truly the end results causing the near extinguishment of jedi and billions across the galaxy, was it really worth it in the end? The end does not justify the means. Qui-Gon should have left Annie on Tatooine where he found him. I tell you, it's madness. Madness I say!

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but will have eternal life." The Holy Bible - John 3:16
I still say Yoda or one of the other more experienced Jedi Masters should have been selected to train Annie instead of Obiwan. Then maybe he wouldn't have been turned to the Dark Side.