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Weird old version of the Star Wars music score soundtrack - I think from 1977 or from sometime between 1977 and 1983


I have a weird question. Does anyone else remember, from back when the 1977 Star Wars music score was first released – or at least somewhere early on around then – that there was some version of the score released that first opened with a bunch of, uhh, weird futuristic noises before the main title crawl music actually started? I only vaguely remember this, but I know I’m remembering something like it - I never found out what that was actually all about, what that version was called, and why it even existed that way in the first place.

Seriously, I think the introductory sound I’m remembering was somewhere in the neighborhood between the old school sci-fi movie sound effect here:

And the background sounds in this old PSA here:

Thanks, if anyone can think of what I’m possibly referring to! (It’s not the meco/disco version – literally it was this weird, “old school sci-fi outer space sound effects” sound, that went on for maybe 20 seconds or something, and then, the official main title crawl score)


Hey, thanks for commenting – no, unfortunately that’s not it! But I appreciate your having suggested it!


It’s the only thing I can remember using sound effects, curious if anyone else has a suggestion.


One response to a post I made in a Facebook group was someone who says they remember it, either from a release right before the movie’s opening day in '77 or during the movie’s release. SO I might not be totally crazy lol. Unfortunately they didn’t have any information that would point us to anything else about it though.


Was it by any chance a Stereo Space Odyssey by the London Philharmonic there is a thing that happens right before it goes into Also Sprach Zarathustra , a synthesizer


I feel like I may have heard this before too. I think it was on an 8-track tape at a friend’s place… sometime before the release of Empire.

The part that stands out in my memory is the closing credits music with added laser sounds, which I thought was really cool.

I don’t recall if it was just Star Wars music, or a compilation of Space movie themes… but I feel like it was just Star Wars music. The label was maybe a subtle variation on the OST vinyl cover.

I was probably about 4 or 5 years old at the time, so I’m not sure how accurately I’m remembering any of this.

<span style=“font-size: 12px;”><span>We seem to be made to suffer. It’s our lot in life.</span></span>