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Warbler's Christian thread. — Page 2


imperialscum said:

Warbler said:

This is a thread for me post Christian thoughts and pics and stuff like that.  I do not wish this to be a thread to debate religion. Feel free to debate religion and Christianity and, but please do so in another thread. Please keep anti-relgion and anti-christian  and disrespectfull stuff and mockery out of the this thread.

I don't get it. I thought religion was supposed to something very personal. Why would one feel the need to display it like this?

 I think you missed the parts of the Bible where Jesus/God told people to go around and publicly teach their Faith, even if and when it got them killed. That doesn't seem very private to me (and please don't turn this into a big debate--I'm just pointing out that this religion certainly was never meant to be private, though the same goes for most others as well).


Darth Id said:

darth_ender said:

Why does Warbler need to defend a position.  He just wants to celebrate his religion.  Why is there any need to try to belittle him?

 Because he's "celebrating" his "religion" on an unmoderated chat board, by posting a bunch of anodyne, stilted iconographic pseudo-art according to some obsessive "schedule" he cooked up for himself (probably while self-flagellating in the throes of a late-night chat-board dust-up).

If that ain't asking for a-teasin', I just don't know what is.

 If you call millennia-old Christian tradition something he "cooked up for himself," then sure, I guess that's what it is. I don't know why so many people have a problem with this.


Possessed said:

imperialscum said:


You made a thread to display your crap and at the same time you forbade people to debate or give feedback. This is an internet forum, not a parking lot in front of your house where you show off your new car.

 There is a separate thread for debating religious topics, Christianity included, why can't you just be a decent human being and take your debates there?  I'm not a Christian, but you can at least respect other people's wishes.  Wanna bag on christianity? No problem, THERE'S A SEPARATE THREAD.  It's not that hard, it's not even inconvenient.  A couple clicks.

You missed the point. My complaint was not about the specific topic. My complaint was regarding the thread itself.

I would have the same complaint if he made a thread dedicated to showing his pubic hair or showing what food he likes, if he specifically stated that people should not debate or give feedback.



imperialscum said:

Possessed said:

imperialscum said:


You made a thread to display your crap and at the same time you forbade people to debate or give feedback. This is an internet forum, not a parking lot in front of your house where you show off your new car.

 There is a separate thread for debating religious topics, Christianity included, why can't you just be a decent human being and take your debates there?  I'm not a Christian, but you can at least respect other people's wishes.  Wanna bag on christianity? No problem, THERE'S A SEPARATE THREAD.  It's not that hard, it's not even inconvenient.  A couple clicks.

You missed the point. My complaint was not about the specific topic. My complaint was regarding the thread itself.

I would have the same complaint if he made a thread dedicated to showing his pubic hair or showing what food he likes, if he specifically stated that people should not debate or give feedback.

 Essentially, your complaint seemingly is that in soliciting the understanding and reasonable conduct of his community, Warbler has no right to count upon your maturity and/or compassion...duly noted...

May I inquire after your age?

I was once…but now I’m not… Further: zyzzogeton

“It wasn’t the flood that destroyed the pantry…”


No. My complaint was on a technical level. Internet forum thread's primary function is for people to interact with each other by debating some specific topic. He specifically said in his first post that people should not do that. If he wants to just display some crap, then he should make a blog about it (since blog's primary function is exactly that).

Post Praetorian said:

May I inquire after your age?

You may not.



imperialscum said:

No. My complaint was on a technical level. Internet forum thread's primary function is for people to interact with each other by

...cordial means...be that by quietly reading posted content, validating the OP, questioning the OP, contributing to the content begun by the OP, or... 

debating some specific topic.

Clearly the intent of the OP is to be considered paramount to how such threads are to be interpreted...Internet 101...

He specifically said in his first post that people should not do that.

At which point a little bell rang inside your head and, with a large grin, you began to do the opposite...for the sole purpose of proving:

1) that civility cannot exist if it is requested in advance...

2) that you had difficulty sitting still in class and following instructions because at every word GO you heard STOP and at every STOP you heard GO...you might want to get that looked at prior to learning to drive...

3) that you need attention, but have no content of your own to contribute...

4) that you feel maligned and wish revenge for some perceived slight...

5) that you are having difficulty reading the screen because your enhanced ego, barely containable within your fortress of a brain, forces your eyes to squint too tightly...causing you to misinterpret the "mysterious" meaning behind simple requests...

6) that you are in discomfort...and wish to share your pain, but do not quite know how to do so...

7) that you were made to feel inferior throughout your formative years and so must strike out at one who will, by his response, acknowledge your true power...

8) that you are lonely, and sarcastic...a fellow who used to be quite amusing, but you have grown either cynical or lost your ability to discern true wit due to lack of practice in real life... 

If he wants to just display some crap, then he should make a blog about it (since blog's primary function is exactly that).

Why? Is it because in order to provide for civility one must build a fortress apart from society? Is not then the clear corollary that the only reason one seemingly must do so is because some choose not to be civil when otherwise offered the opportunity? Are you a shareholder in a major blog-hosting corporation that you might feel it your duty to there direct individuals for their own protection...protection from you...?

Post Praetorian said:

May I inquire after your age?

You may not.

 ...but I just did...?

I was once…but now I’m not… Further: zyzzogeton

“It wasn’t the flood that destroyed the pantry…”


Don't be ridiculous.

Post Praetorian said:

1) that civility cannot exist if it is requested in advance...

He did not ask for civility... he asked not to utilise the primary function of the forum thread, which is, as I already explained, people actively debating about a specific topic.



RicOlie_2 said:

Darth Id said:

darth_ender said:

Why does Warbler need to defend a position.  He just wants to celebrate his religion.  Why is there any need to try to belittle him?

 Because he's "celebrating" his "religion" on an unmoderated chat board, by posting a bunch of anodyne, stilted iconographic pseudo-art according to some obsessive "schedule" he cooked up for himself (probably while self-flagellating in the throes of a late-night chat-board dust-up).

If that ain't asking for a-teasin', I just don't know what is.

 If you call millennia-old Christian tradition something he "cooked up for himself," then sure, I guess that's what it is. I don't know why so many people have a problem with this.

 He cooked up the compulsive "schedule" himself, not the goofy "religion".  That was cooked up by some deranged goat-herders like two thousand years ago.

Anyways, imperialscum, it's counterproductive to criticize Warb's silly plea to refrain from all debate and discussion.  It's clear that his entire intent was to bait attacks, because he gets off on playing the martyr.  It's like his fetish.  Some people like feet.  Warb likes to envision himself as a bloodied saint, nobly bearing the burden of his weirdo "beliefs" as he is scourged by the heathenous rabble of the interwebz.


imperialscum said:

Don't be ridiculous.

...says an individual who seemingly has the capacity to only answer a singular charge from a multitude...credibility where art thou?

Post Praetorian said:

1) that civility cannot exist if it is requested in advance...

He did not ask for civility...


he asked

...for you to civilly stay your hand...to stopper your ego...to pause from what you might be huffing to accede to his reasonable request...but instead you chose...

not to utilise the primary function of the forum thread, which is,

...to communicate and not necessarily... 

as I already explained,



[to continue]

actively debating about a specific topic.

...even after the OP may have requested otherwise...

Yes, we have all of this already on record...but then the young do tend towards repetition...especially when lacking greater substance....

I was once…but now I’m not… Further: zyzzogeton

“It wasn’t the flood that destroyed the pantry…”


Imperialscum, I thought forums were so people could communicate, not debate.  And you do not debate.  You ignore valid points in order to state opinions as facts.  Debate involves intelligent rebuttal.  You lack both parts.  Debate Christianity in my Religion thread, and I'll tear you to pieces like I did last time.


Post Praetorian said:

actively debating about a specific topic.

...even after the OP may have requested otherwise...

He had no ground to make such a request and that is the core of the problem.

Post Praetorian said:

...says an individual who seemingly has the capacity to only answer a singular charge from a multitude...credibility where art thou?

I apologise. I simply don't have time to respond to all the nonsense you produce. Nor it would be of any use to do so.



darth_ender said:

Debate Christianity in my Religion thread, and I'll tear you to pieces like I did last time.

If I remember correctly, you ended up being all offended in the end, although I did not say anything offensive per se.



darth_ender said:

Oh, an imperialscum, you're still an idiot.

Well at least I remember which thread was it...




imperialscum said:

Post Praetorian said:

actively debating about a specific topic.

...even after the OP may have requested otherwise...

He had no ground to make such a request and that is the core of the problem.

Let us try again, shall we? Is the core of the problem:

1) No civility can exist on an internet thread?

2) No civility can exist so long as you are interacting on an internet thread?

3) If one might ask for civility it must be denied...on principle?!

4) All of the above...?

Truly I am trying not to laugh...this is funnier than you perhaps realize...thank you for this!

Post Praetorian said:

...says an individual who seemingly has the capacity to only answer a singular charge from a multitude...credibility where art thou?

I apologise.

I accept.

I simply don't have time to respond to all the nonsense you produce.

...a busy fellow are you? Yet seemingly you have taken an important time out from your overflowing schedule to ensure Warbler is appraised of his inability to have a quiet space online because individuals such as yourself cannot help but trounce in upon it...such an advanced case of A.D.D. should at least be investigated...it might be of interest to science...

Nor it would be of any use to do so.

 I have accepted your apology and now I accept your concession...

I was once…but now I’m not… Further: zyzzogeton

“It wasn’t the flood that destroyed the pantry…”


Post Praetorian said:

Let us try again, shall we? Is the core of the problem:

1) No civility can exist on an internet thread?

2) No civility can exist so long as you are interacting on an internet thread?

3) If one might ask for civility it must be denied...on principle?!

4) All of the above...?

None of above, as he did not ask for civility.

I am afraid "we" shall not try again. I give up on your inability to comprehend extremely simple stuff.



Why is it so difficult for some to understand that I didn't say things I post here couldn't be debated, I just don't want them debated here.   There are multiple threads on which to debate this stuff.  I just don't want it here. 

I really didn't think this would cause so much trouble.  For a bit I had decided I wanted to mark Holy Week by posting some pics for the events of each day.   My intention was not to create debate but just mark and celebrate Holy Week.   When I first tried it in the religion thread, it sparked debate.   I wrongly complained about it and realize that in that thread, people had as much right to debate in that thread as I had to post those pics.   I then decided to create this thread solely for posting Christian things, not debated.  I was inspired by Possessed saying the religion thread "this is not the Christian Monopoly thread".    I then said to myself "ok, why not create such a thread".   Then I created this thread.   

If any one wishes to debate anything posted here, just quote it, copy it, and paste it in another of the appropiate threads.  I really don't see the issue here.


imperialscum said:

Post Praetorian said:

Let us try again, shall we? Is the core of the problem:

1) No civility can exist on an internet thread?

2) No civility can exist so long as you are interacting on an internet thread?

3) If one might ask for civility it must be denied...on principle?!

4) All of the above...?

None of above, as he did not ask for civility.

...do all of your instructors need to spell things out very slowly so as to ensure you have understood that this time when you are asked to put your pencil away it does not once again find itself in your ear?

I am afraid "we" shall not try again.

How many of you are there exactly? Do you find the voices argue a lot or are they generally amiable...unless you attempt to post something in the wrong place at home...then do the voices chide: "The fridge is for friendly notes; the side board is for arguments!"

I give up on your inability to comprehend extremely simple stuff.

 Do you find yourself giving up often? Is it an effort, perhaps, even to climb the stairs? Do all of you keep each other company when trapped in your front porch for want of the energy to turn the knob and let yourselves in?

I was once…but now I’m not… Further: zyzzogeton

“It wasn’t the flood that destroyed the pantry…”


Post Praetorian said:

Do you find yourself giving up often? Is it an effort, perhaps, even to climb the stairs?

Actually I am very persistent. But at the same time I am also very realistic. If I see a hopeless case I naturally give up.



imperialscum said:

Post Praetorian said:

Do you find yourself giving up often? Is it an effort, perhaps, even to climb the stairs?

Actually I am very persistent.


But at the same time I am also very realistic.


If I see a hopeless case I naturally give up.

 Is that why you have let yourself go? Stopped checking to see if your socks match, etc...?

Truly you should not be so hard on yourself...try to look on the bright side...you are likely squinting anyway...

I was once…but now I’m not… Further: zyzzogeton

“It wasn’t the flood that destroyed the pantry…”


It fascinates me how you split down my sentences like a surgeon and then analyse them like a microbiologist. And yet even with this method you were unable to get it. I gave you points for your effort, that is why I didn't immediately give up on you.



Warbler said:

Why is it so difficult for some to understand that I didn't say things I post here couldn't be debated, I just don't want them debated here.   There are multiple threads on which to debate this stuff.  I just don't want it here. 

I really didn't think this would cause so much trouble.  For a bit I had decided I wanted to mark Holy Week by posting some pics for the events of each day.   My intention was not to create debate but just mark and celebrate Holy Week.   When I first tried it in the religion thread, it sparked debate.   I wrongly complained about it and realize that in that thread, people had as much right to debate in that thread as I had to post those pics.   I then decided to create this thread solely for posting Christian things, not debated.  I was inspired by Possessed saying the religion thread "this is not the Christian Monopoly thread".    I then said to myself "ok, why not create such a thread".   Then I created this thread.   

If any one wishes to debate anything posted here, just quote it, copy it, and paste it in another of the appropiate threads.  I really don't see the issue here.

Actually, I personally don't mind if you have a personal thread where no one is to say anything. I was just saying that you should not expect people to actually follow your will as it is against the primary function of a forum thread.

I haven't been commenting the stuff you posted so far and I don't intend to do so. So please, enjoy it.
