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WHO LIKES To drink — Page 3

Yeah, the laws are totally F'd up. Good to hear nothing bad happened to you. I agree, if someone serves in Iraq, the least they should be able to do is legally smoke the bigest spliff they can find. I mean, it's only F'ing weed! I don't smoke it. But, if I wanted to....aaahhhhh!!!!!!

You can go about your business. Move along, move along.

The Story of Star Wars
The Adventures Of Luke Skywalker

BTW, what does Green Chartreuse taste like? And how does Yellow compare?
"I don't mind if you don't like my manners. I don't like them myself. They're pretty bad. I grieve over them during the long winter evenings."
i think in BC we are allowed to have a certain amount that is considered legal. i've never smoked pot so i'm not sure what it is.

~* you know you love me... xoxo *~

You aren't sure what "pot" is or the legal limit?
"I don't mind if you don't like my manners. I don't like them myself. They're pretty bad. I grieve over them during the long winter evenings."
i have never smoked pot. but i know what it is. i do not know what the legal limit is in BC. 1 gr seems like too much but it might be that.
if i were to ever do drugs, i'd do E. it's on the top of my list. but of course i probably won't do that for a while...

~* you know you love me... xoxo *~

Anyone ever thought about going to bartending school? Not to get a job as a bartender, of course, but to learn all the ins and outs?
"I don't mind if you don't like my manners. I don't like them myself. They're pretty bad. I grieve over them during the long winter evenings."
Originally posted by: Hot.like.fire
i think in BC we are allowed to have a certain amount that is considered legal. i've never smoked pot so i'm not sure what it is.

HAHAHAHA that causeit shows just how libral BC is about pot. people dont even realise that its illegal. no HLF we are not allowed to have any pot on us at any time unless we have a medicinal use doctors note. but its not as though you'll get in trouble. on april 20th my buddy went dt inthe afternoon he goes and i quote "MAN It was insane, its like we hot boxed all fo downtown vancouver" hahaha

to sess:
Yeah i have thought of going to take the bartending course before. but i donno what you mean about the in's and the out's
Originally posted by: HotRod
There's nothing like a big fat joint!

with you all the way dude..anyone ever see the Bill Hicks skit on alcohol and marijuana...truer words have never been spoiken

The Sith Revealed - A Scrapbook
Episode III The Video Game - The Movie
24: The Missing Day
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No Sean!

Anyhoo...I personally don't see anything wrong in smoking pot.
I mean, for example, if all the football fans in Germany this summer were to get stoned instead of blind fucking drunk, do you think there'd be half the violence? Course not. They'd all be chilled and stuffing their faces with big fat German pies...or whatever the Krouts eat!
No instaed, the get so pissed up in the sun and start a mini bloody war. What a bunch of fucking wankers. That's what I hate about this bloody country. The so called footie fans. Get a few beers inside of them and they start a fight with any poor sod who happens to be wearing the wrong colour shirt.


Hey hey hey, cut it out, one thing is drinking alcohool, which I approve and recommend to anyone ages 8-80, but smoke pot and doing drugs is a whole other issue, I seriously hope you guys are kidding about it!
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering
Smokimg pot and doing class A drugs are two completly different things.
I know people with MS who smoke pot to ease the pain, they don't start popping pills and snorting coke to gain the same effect (although I'm sure it would).

In Amsterdamn there are many cafe bars which allow you to smoke the ganja, so imo, smoking pot is not such a bad thing. I'm not saying "Hey kids go buy some weed and get high", but I for one would be a lot happier if my son, when he's of age, would chill with his mates smoking the herb rather than going out, getting bladdered and starting fights with other pissed up fools.
Not that all drinkers are like that, but you get what I mean.


No it's not different. I don't give a rats ass to what you do to your body, I am not concerned on the effects of it, everyone can OD on cocaine if they want to. What concerns me is the selling of it. You KNOW who profits from these illegal drugs, including pot, right? Organized CRIME.
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering
Ok man, that's a whole different ball game. I don't sell anything, and yeah, you're right, the big guys do make all the money, but honestly, I'm not thinking about that when I spark one up.

I'm not trying to cause offense here, it's just my opinion that's all.


I'm probably gonna get blasted for this but I have an issue with what you posted ric. Fair enuff, we all know about the organised crime thing and that's a good reason to be against the selling or taking of drugs, and I can't argue against your opinion there, but in your prior post you actually recommend alcohol to , and I quote, anyone ages 8-80!! Now yes I drink, quite a bit as it happens, but if I was going to recommend anything to anyone, it wouldn't be the governments socially acceptable (and taxable) drug of choice that kills thousands (maybe tens of thousands) of people a year!

I've smoked the weed for 15 years, and most of my various circles of friends do too, and I tell you now that I have never and I mean NEVER got into, or seen, any trouble whilst being with a group of stoners, as opposed to going on the lash and getting in fights, or getting so drunk you pass out in clubs, or fall down stairs, or whatever. Think back to the worst party-induced damage you or any of your friends have suffered and I guaranfriggintee that they were pissed!

to quote Bill Hicks "Yes I've used drugs. And guess what? Never robbed anybody, never raped anybody, never killed anybody, never lost one fucking job....and laughed my ass off!"

Rant over

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email me for details daveytod AT btinternet DOT com


Originally posted by: TheSessler
Anyone ever thought about going to bartending school? Not to get a job as a bartender, of course, but to learn all the ins and outs?
I can flair a bit. A bartender friend taught me some skillz.

War does not make one great.

Originally posted by: daveytod
to quote Bill Hicks "Yes I've used drugs. And guess what? Never robbed anybody, never raped anybody, never killed anybody, never lost one fucking job....and laughed my ass off!"

Oh I'm sure. But the guy who got the money from selling the drugs? He bought AK 47s with the drug money and killed people with it.

If you can manufacture your own drugs or whatever, and OD in any crap you want to, be my guest. If you wanna sniff glue go ahead. But the moment you buy one single herb smoke from this drugs trafficant, you're feeding worldwide crime with money. If you do drugs, you must be a freaking hypocrite to demand any work from the police force or the authorities and government.
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering
As opposed to the US government collecting the tax from alcohol and then using the money to invade iraq??

The Sith Revealed - A Scrapbook
Episode III The Video Game - The Movie
24: The Missing Day
Star Wars - The Interactive Board Game DVD
Battlefront - Journal of the 501st
The Clones Revealed

email me for details daveytod AT btinternet DOT com


ic i can understand where your coming from with drugs, but things like pot are not so big. hahaha its funny here in BC pot is like a local thing, yes there are big people that make shit loads of it, this past year there was a huge bust in vancouver where they found $300 000 000 worth of pot in a ware house, but there are also alot of local people that grow it. i had a buddy who will remain nameless who did the following. he and his budy took out a loan of lirk 20 000. they then bought food and supplies to last them 3 months, they then rented a house in the boonies, and grew about 80 000 worth of pot. my buddy used tha tmoney to go the school and you support his family. you cant OD on weed. weed doesnt kill you, infact its been proven in many ways that week(though harmful) is less harmful the smoking cigarettes. there is no tar or nicotine in weed, that will fuck up your lungs or anything. adn weed is no where near as addictive and drinking, or smoking can be. i agree with you on all other drunks though, they are bad to the bone. and no i am not a stoner, however like 4 of my closest friends are. and so i know alot about the stuff. hahaha here is a funny stat i heard the other day, its an estimate made by some brocker. he said that, if the selling of weed, were made legal, and the production of if was brought under government control. it would but a multi-billion dollar industry in BC.
Originally posted by: daveytod
As opposed to the US government collecting the tax from alcohol and then using the money to invade iraq??

Don't mix up things here. One thing is the tyranic imperialistic governments in control of nations worldwide, another thing is local, municipal government that handles with common daily issues like local crime.

If you legalize marijuanna, this will open precedents to other drugs and empower the drug traffic even more, as the police force won't be able to do anything. It will NOT move to corporations! Large corporations will not mess up with this kind of thing. It'll remain in the hands of crime. Kinda like gambling was handled by the mafia in Vegas back until the 70s, no one wanted to handle that, not until crazy loony Howard Hughes bought them all.
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering
same same arguement could have been made about alchol during prohibition. look at the world now. there is one key difference that sets pot aside from all outher hard drugs. and thatis that pot is no where near as harmful, to the body, nor is it as addictive. there are reasons why hard drugs are banned, i an agree with them 100% but pot isnt a hard drug. and all that aboutit killing brain cells. i go to UBC the 37th ranked university in the world. and i dont think i know someone who doesn smoke pot once in a while. its funny though cause if it were my choice i would rather ban cigarettes and allow pot, cause cigs are ALOT worse.
Alcohool was forbidden more than 70 years ago in America. Please keep in mind that I said America, not the World. Some tend to confuse the two, or to think one has greater influence than the other. Also, alcohool had gone into mainstream acceptance and tolerance for some time. Drugs are stigmatized with crime and will not be handled by business if legalized. Also, I am quite aware of college kids smoking pot, I for one thank God never touched that during college, but remember: 500 wrongs don't make a right. Arguments I've seen so far for doing it are:

* Everyone's doing it! It's cool! Why shouldn't I?
* It's less harmfull than cigarettes! It's less harmfull than alcohool! (no it isn't)
* Marijuanna based products boost the economy (well but you want to SMOKE that, not wear it)
* I'm peaceful if I smoke it, I won't do anyone any harm! (Yeah but the drug dealer will)
* Cheech and Chong's movies.

I don't smoke and I never will. I do drink, but I know where my money is going to. Lots of it going for taxes that will go for pulic health, and some of it goes to the companies making the beer - I even know where the factory is located. If you buy some pot, even if you consider it less harmfull than alcohool, be sure a lot of people died for that weed to arrive at your lungs.
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering
lol ric, i know where you comign from, but weed isnt grown using slave labour, on plantations in the 3rd world. people dont die making weed. i'm from BC the 'antzerdam' of Pot. i have seen grow-ops. if i were to go out and buy some weed, no one died in bringing that weed from the plant to my possesion.

anyway here take a look at this report its written by a PHd and though its pretty old it should still be look.

Weed facts/myths

a few things i said were wrong, pot smoke does have tar in it, and it is harmful. anyway take a look at some of the ideas presented in there.

it may be that if you buy some pot in brazil it was grown through rough labour and what not, and the money goes to big crime lords and what not. but that is not true world wide.

one interesting thing that i noticed in there was that marijuana smoke doesnt cause emphisema, unlike cigarette smoke. and one other good point that was brought up. you dont have to smoke weed to use it. doing things like baking it into muffins or using a water filler hucka, make doing weed, way less harmful then either achohol (because it doesnt distroy your kidneys and liver) and smoking cigarettes(cause using a water filter will greatly greatly reduce the effects of the carcinogens). it should also be pointed out that it hasnt been proven that marijuana causes cancer or anything, its only possible that it does.

overall marijuana is MUCH less harmful and addictive then things like meth/crack/or haroine, and therefore it shouldnt be classed among those. its better classed in the same league as alcohol and cigarettes, both of which could be considered more harmful cause they are more addictive, and both of which are legal.
LOL, who likes to drink...
Yo, ho, ho and a bottle o' rum.
Actually I would not recommend rum, as it'll leave ya with a headache in the morning, all that sugar. I go fer the vodka!