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Video Games - a general discussion thread — Page 308


Think you might have misread my post? I love HALO.

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Is that Star Wars Battlefront 3?  At last?  If it still has bot or offline vs. or co op I am suddenly interested in an Xbox one.

Oh and the new versions of the Halo games sound great.  I wonder if they will do another release of the first game so we can play them all on one system.


DrCrowTStarwars said:

Is that Star Wars Battlefront 3?  At last?  If it still has bot or offline vs. or co op I am suddenly interested in an Xbox one.

Yes. They've only shown the environments, but they look incredible.

Oh and the new versions of the Halo games sound great.  I wonder if they will do another release of the first game so we can play them all on one system.
This is 1 2 3 and 4, with upgraded graphics (flippable like Halo 1 AE), all the multiplayer maps, and if I read it right, switchable physics engines in multiplayer.

And even without Halo, I'd be leaning towards the Xbox One because I don't know anyone with a PS4. And it looks like my problems with Xbox Live (having to pay to stream apps I'm already paying for and having to pay for two LIVE accounts if the Mrs and I wanted to play together) have been fixed.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


doubleofive said:

DrCrowTStarwars said:

Is that Star Wars Battlefront 3?  At last?  If it still has bot or offline vs. or co op I am suddenly interested in an Xbox one.

Yes. They've only shown the environments, but they look incredible.

Oh and the new versions of the Halo games sound great.  I wonder if they will do another release of the first game so we can play them all on one system.

This is 1 2 3 and 4, with upgraded graphics (flippable like Halo 1 AE), all the multiplayer maps, and if I read it right, switchable physics engines in multiplayer.

And even without Halo, I'd be leaning towards the Xbox One because I don't know anyone with a PS4. And it looks like my problems with Xbox Live (having to pay to stream apps I'm already paying for and having to pay for two LIVE accounts if the Mrs and I wanted to play together) have been fixed.

 Well I know what system I am getting if I ever have the cash.

oh and......

BATTLEFRONT 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



doubleofive said:

This is 1 2 3 and 4, with upgraded graphics (flippable like Halo 1 AE), all the multiplayer maps, and if I read it right, switchable physics engines in multiplayer.

 In Halo 1 and Halo 2 you can switch in-between the new graphics and the original on the fly while you're playing. Each game gets it's original multiplayer running on the original game engines.

Forum Moderator

Could this be the game that does it Alien wise? I doubt if I will play it ever but it's the sort of thing that might get me to get another console one day.


doubleofive said:

My wife and I bonded over playing co-op Halo together. It's a sentimental thing.

 I aint your wife.

also - DooooooooooooooooooooooooooooM!



Despite all the latest neat-looking E3 game previews, there's *one* particular title that I'm hoping will deliver the goods big-time next year...

Years ago, 2004's STAR WARS BATTLEFRONT and 2005's STAR WARS BATTLEFRONT II both turned out to be quite good for a quick 'arcadey'-looking shoot-em-up on the Playstation 2 and Xbox consoles.  And then this short teaser trailer for a third game on the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 came out afterwards, which looked like it would build on the fun of the first two instalments (Note - it didn't show actual gameplay footage, but it got my interest up anyway) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDOv96K5Cm4

But then that third game disappointingly got cancelled for those consoles around 2008...even though it was almost 99% complete, bar debugging seemingly.  What the hell?, I remember thinking at the time...  Too bad, as it may have been a worthwhile release back then.  Here's some 'pre-release' footage which gives a good idea of what *was* going to be involved, and how the graphics would have looked at the time - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jInXMruUFw8

However, a new, improved version of STAR WARS BATTLEFRONT III is back on the radar it seems...and thanks to the capabilities of the latest generation of consoles, there's now the promise of a really great-looking next instalment in this series that could more than make up for the earlier cancellation.  The trailer only shows snippets of it's potential at this stage, but I'm rooting for DICE to do a good job with this eventually - http://starwars.ea.com/battlefront

I've got my fingers crossed almost as tightly for this as I have for the upcoming new movie! :)


While I was quite disappointed with the cancelllation of the original Battlefront III. I'm almost glad it was at this point. It had this really strange convoluted plot and now we're looking forward to enjoying a simple straightforward Rebellion vs Empire story.

Forum Moderator

How does everyone feel about the new Zelda trailer? Personally, I am so sick of cel shading.



I rather liked the look of Skyward Sword and wish they'd stuck with that.  It was, I think, cel-shaded, but there was something about the color pallet that looked like a painting that I really appreciated.  And, run in Dolphin at 1080p, it's jaw-droppingly gorgeous.  I'll have to wait for a better video to get a feel for these graphics, but I think I like them.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


They looked fine to me and I think cell shading when done right produces some of the best looking graphics there are that don't fall into the uncanny valley and don't end up looking dated as quickly as other graphics and I think it works for Zelda.


Skyward Sword was not cell-shaded. It just had a highly stylized design aesthetic.

In general less realistic, more stylized designs hold up better over time. A game like Grim Fandago still holds up wonderfully compared to the other 3D games of its time.

But I would say cell-shading is a blight in most cases.

Cell-shading is a technique used most often to add black lines around models in an attempt to give them an almost hand drawn look. It's really ugly most of the time.

The only game I can think of that I really liked it in was Jet Set Radio.

Forum Moderator

I like the look of this new Zelda. I wonder how much of it is design choice and how much is the Wii U not being powerful enough to have high res textures in an open world...

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


If it's a case of the latter then it's a wise decision.

House of the dead on Wii looked like shit - but it was done in a way that actually enhanced the fun.

I haven't really been paying attention to the style though. I've never really been a fan of Zelda..

*ducks for cover*

Just finished Wolfenstein on Uber difficulty. This might be the first game ever that I unlock every single achievement, pretty close now.


You've held out this long. At least most of the quirks have been sorted now and the few that remain should be sorted asap.

This might interest you. - https://xbox.uservoice.com/

It's the official feedback / suggestion website.

I did enjoy the novelty of jumping on board early but the interface was awkward at first with some basic features lacking..

We'll have to catch up once you guys are up and running. You'll probably have a whole load of system updates to grab before you can jump in and have fun.

Really looking forward to the Halo pack too.

Is is sad that I'm much more interested in playing a game Bungie put out 10 years ago [Halo 2] than the game they are about to release [destiny]?


doubleofive said:

I am a man of strong whims and little self-control.


Johnny Ringo said:

Is is sad that I'm much more interested in playing a game Bungie put out 10 years ago [Halo 2] than the game they are about to release [destiny]?

 No I think that just makes you uninformed and or extremely nostalgic. =P

Forum Moderator

Nostalgic? Probably. I have great memories of halo2 and it seems they've fixed the few things I had issue with - poor textures, cliff hanger ending, etc.

Uninformed? - I certainly hope so. At this point the more I read about Destiny, the less interested I become.

No offline mode means the game will pretty much be pay to play. And tough luck to people with poor internet speeds.

Customization is fun but I'd prefer to play as the hero of the story rather than some random.

The 'forced' social aspect of the game doesn't really interest me either. Bungie claim that you 'can' go it alone but certain missions towards the end will require co-op play.

Overall it just looks kinda of bland. I hope I'm wrong and I'll probably still get it at some point but it's not a must have in my eyes.

Bungie has a great reputation at this point but a lot of the guys who put in the hard work over the years have left or been fired. I'm skeptical that they can repeat the successes of the past.


Well they're doing a lot more than improving textures, that's a problem I have with most graphical upgrades to games. They always change things instead of just doing a 1:1 improvement.

I hadn't heard about them changing the ending.

Forum Moderator

Tobar said:

Well they're doing a lot more than improving textures, that's a problem I have with most graphical upgrades to games. They always change things instead of just doing a 1:1 improvement.

I hadn't heard about them changing the ending.
No they're not. It'll be just like the Halo 1 Anniversary Edition, same engine, same AI, graphics you can switch on and off. And the cliffhanger ending is fixed by having Halo 3 a click away. ;-)

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


I didn't think they were changing the ending. But they are changing things in the upgrade. You can see weird floating rocks and other things when they switch to the improved graphics. For Halo Anniversary they changed the color of the sky amongst other things.

You want to increase the poly count of a model or texture resolution? Fine but go adding things the original art director never intended.

Forum Moderator

Am I the only one who never had a problem with the ending for Halo 2?  I bought the game a couple days after it came out and even at that point we all knew that Halo 3 was coming and the middle part of a three part story always ends on a cliffhanger so it didn't bother me at all.  I mean just look at say Empire,or The Two Towers. If you know you are getting a third part I have no problem with the second part ending with a cliffhanger and it's not like the game was cut short for the cliffhanger,that was one packed game disc at the time of it's release.