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Video Games - a general discussion thread — Page 307


My friend came over the other day and was telling me how (fake) upset he was at me for convincing him to get an Xbox One. Now, every point I made about how I thought Microsoft might really have something here is gone. When they took away the always-on, they guaranteed that no one was going to fully utilize the cloud AI concept. And now that not everyone has to have a Kinect, they're not going to try anything pushing the envelope with it, especially if MS allows developers to utilize the processor space that Kinect was using. That means that some game might require you to have the Kinect unplugged. And without the Kinect's IR to control cable boxes, the all-in-One concept is pretty much gone.

Now I'm not an MS fanboy. I just appreciated MS trying something new. Now except for the dying WiiU (which even Nintendo seems to not be utilizing), the two systems are just PS3+ & Xbox 360+.

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The Kinet was never going to work in the real world for the vast majority of games and it takes up space that I don't have in my living room so I for one am glad to see the back of it.  Also I don't see why people should have to have highspeed internet in order to play games on their console that they paid for. You see I like ten percent of the country live in an area where there are no highspeed lines and that whole satilite based internet thing costs too much money and doesn't work for gaming(I know because I tried it)so I am glad to see Microsoft getting rid of that too. 

Look the new systems have only been out for a year and I don't see anything wrong with them being more powerful versions of what came before after all no one complained about the 360 and Ps3 just being more powerful versions of the Xbox and Ps2 and people still love the SNES despite the fact that it was just a more powerful version of the NES.

It's the games that should matter not having the fastest internet or letting a company spy on you with a camera that you don't have room for.  As someone who was going to have to go with a PS4 despite liking the 360 better then the Ps3 I am very happy with this turn of events.  As i said I am a huge fan of Fable and I am glad I will not have to sit the next game out.


doubleofive said:

My friend came over the other day and was telling me how (fake) upset he was at me for convincing him to get an Xbox One.

 What a terrible friend...you are! The Xbox One was doomed to failure the moment they did the big announcement. It's overpriced, underpowered and Microsoft made it clear that they don't care about gamers. Sony turned the tables this generation and everyone I know, including myself have jumped ship from the Xbox to Playstation.

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So are any of you here liking Star Wars Assault Team? I am catching myself playing this game a lot! I sure wish they would tell you somewhere online what all cards are available though, I am also trying to get Boba Fett but not having any luck yet, I have 86 wins in the Arena lol, my Team consists of Han Solo(Tier 5 level 20) Chewbacca(Tier 4 level 25) Luke Skywalker(Tier 5 level 20) Princess Leia(Tier 5 level 20) R2D2(Tier 4 level 25) C3PO(Tier 4 level 25).

I have to say the only things so far I do not like is the waiting for power to continue and they need to give you more gems.


I've been playing it.  My biggest gripe is that the characters are "cards" instead of characters.  I really don't like be made out to be more of a nerd than I actually am.

The power drain thing is actually pretty cool, it keeps me from playing too much.  And you can always use gems to refill...and if you need more gems, you can easily get free ones.


TV's Frink said:

I've been playing it.  My biggest gripe is that the characters are "cards" instead of characters.  I really don't like be made out to be more of a nerd than I actually am.

The power drain thing is actually pretty cool, it keeps me from playing too much.  And you can always use gems to refill...and if you need more gems, you can easily get free ones.

How the hell do you get free ones? I must have missed that bit of info, also do you or anyone have any idea what cards are available in this game? I assume Darth Vader is a no, and my Son would like a Yoda, hell is Obiwan even in this, I have google searched and cannot find any info on this.


Click on the gems at the top, then click on the free gems link.  Install apps, run apps, remove apps (unless you find one you want to keep).


doubleofive said:

My friend came over the other day and was telling me how (fake) upset he was at me for convincing him to get an Xbox One. Now, every point I made about how I thought Microsoft might really have something here is gone. When they took away the always-on, they guaranteed that no one was going to fully utilize the cloud AI concept. And now that not everyone has to have a Kinect, they're not going to try anything pushing the envelope with it, especially if MS allows developers to utilize the processor space that Kinect was using. That means that some game might require you to have the Kinect unplugged. And without the Kinect's IR to control cable boxes, the all-in-One concept is pretty much gone.

Now I'm not an MS fanboy. I just appreciated MS trying something new. Now except for the dying WiiU (which even Nintendo seems to not be utilizing), the two systems are just PS3+ & Xbox 360+.

 It's a games console so the whole voluntary espionage device angle was just daft. The NSA knows too much about you as it is why would you volunteer to give the heart beat count of up to five people in range of the kinky peephole on top of your telly box?  I'm too busy playing Pong it 12D.


Bingowings said:

doubleofive said:

My friend came over the other day and was telling me how (fake) upset he was at me for convincing him to get an Xbox One. Now, every point I made about how I thought Microsoft might really have something here is gone. When they took away the always-on, they guaranteed that no one was going to fully utilize the cloud AI concept. And now that not everyone has to have a Kinect, they're not going to try anything pushing the envelope with it, especially if MS allows developers to utilize the processor space that Kinect was using. That means that some game might require you to have the Kinect unplugged. And without the Kinect's IR to control cable boxes, the all-in-One concept is pretty much gone.

Now I'm not an MS fanboy. I just appreciated MS trying something new. Now except for the dying WiiU (which even Nintendo seems to not be utilizing), the two systems are just PS3+ & Xbox 360+.

 It's a games console so the whole voluntary espionage device angle was just daft. The NSA knows too much about you as it is why would you volunteer to give the heart beat count of up to five people in range of the kinky peephole on top of your telly box?  I'm too busy playing Pong it 12D.

 Yeah i really don't need 1984 in my living room,also as I said I have no place to put the stupid thing so there was no way I was getting it as long as it had the camera.  I get a gaming system to play games,not watch movies,or let the government watch me so I don't care about any of those features.  i already have a Bluray player with a 2TB hard drive hooked up to it that has all sorts of video files,so having my gaming console do that with a hard drive 1/4th the size makes no sense.  I want to play games on my gaming console and that is all.  Given that the XBox has my favorite controller and some of my favorite games on it this is the best news I could have gotten on the gaming front this year.


DrCrowTStarwars said:

The Kinet was never going to work in the real world for the vast majority of games and it takes up space that I don't have in my living room so I for one am glad to see the back of it.  Also I don't see why people should have to have highspeed internet in order to play games on their console that they paid for. You see I like ten percent of the country live in an area where there are no highspeed lines and that whole satilite based internet thing costs too much money and doesn't work for gaming(I know because I tried it)so I am glad to see Microsoft getting rid of that too. 

 The Xbox one is in an odd place right now, sort of a worst of both worlds. Sure, the online requirements were terrible and M did well to ditch them but it's still a system that is HEAVILY reliant on bandwidth.

The system itself cannot do anything until you download and install the operating system and many games require a 'day one' patch that can be up around 6 to 7 Gigabytes.

If you live in an  area with poor internet speeds or reliability then your time with the system will probably be frustrating.

The company was WAY off on what they thought people wanted and now we have this weird hybrid. System updates have been coming in rapidly to implement things that should have been there from the start.

It's a good thing that Don Matrick left when he did or Ballmer may have had him skinned alive.


Johnny Ringo said:

DrCrowTStarwars said:

The Kinet was never going to work in the real world for the vast majority of games and it takes up space that I don't have in my living room so I for one am glad to see the back of it.  Also I don't see why people should have to have highspeed internet in order to play games on their console that they paid for. You see I like ten percent of the country live in an area where there are no highspeed lines and that whole satilite based internet thing costs too much money and doesn't work for gaming(I know because I tried it)so I am glad to see Microsoft getting rid of that too. 

 The Xbox one is in an odd place right now, sort of a worst of both worlds. Sure, the online requirements were terrible and M did well to ditch them but it's still a system that is HEAVILY reliant on bandwidth.

The system itself cannot do anything until you download and install the operating system and many games require a 'day one' patch that can be up around 6 to 7 Gigabytes.

If you live in an  area with poor internet speeds or reliability then your time with the system will probably be frustrating.

The company was WAY off on what they thought people wanted and now we have this weird hybrid. System updates have been coming in rapidly to implement things that should have been there from the start.

It's a good thing that Don Matrick left when he did or Ballmer may have had him skinned alive.

 Wow,6 or 7 gigs,really?!  Well I guess it still not the system for me,too bad:(

Six gigs of updates for each game,that five hundred gig hard drive will fill up fast and there is no way I can do that much updating for each game on my internet.

Shame because I was looking forward to getting an XBox one but boy they have really screwed up.  I picked Xbox for the last two generations,way to screw up microsoft.



Took about 15 hours to complete on the very easy setting and it's designed to be played through at least twice.

There are a few extra game modes that you can unlock by exploring and collecting, Don't know much about them yet.

In the first mission you make a decision that creates two branching versions of the campaign - although I assume they are fairly similar.

overall it's good fun, running around shooting stuff without being forced on rails or to only carry two or three guns at a time.

A lot of areas allow you to sneak around and there are high value 'commander' targets that can call in reinforcements if you don't take them down early.

There's quite a lot of story crammed in, there's a lot of cut-scenes and the protagonist is far from silent - he even talks to himself.

Just so you know - Mecha Hitler does not make an appearance.

four balls. ;)


This game is insane - blocky retro visuals, chiptune music, game mechanics that will make your brain melt.

I think I've got the hang of it now. It's a side scrolling shooter with a handful of characters with different abilities. The interesting part is that at any point you can rewind time and drop in as a new character and from that point fight along side your previous character.

If your previous character was killed but then you manage to prevent this then they become like a visual glitch and if you touch them you take on their traits as well as your own.


Hey I have a question about the single player mode on the PC version of Call of Duty 4 modern warfare that I can't find an answer to anywhere else on the internet.  My dad's birthday is coming up and I think this would be the perfect gift because he likes playing shooters on his PC but he doesn't have a highspeed connection,does COD4 require one to play single player?  I have googled it but some sites say it does and some sites say it doesn't,does anyone here know for sure?

Thanks for your help.


The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014)

Complete and utter disappointment. There's a lot of potential hidden under the surface but it was never given the time it needed to mature. There are clear signs of rushed development throughout.

The last game setup these unseen villains that were supposed to pay off in the sequel. In the sequel they've become gang leaders but are never seen only referenced in passing.

There are hints at what was originally supposed to be a bigger and better story that ended up being completely cut out.

The original story as near as I can make out is that New York has been plagued with sudden rise in the number of gangs and violence is on the rise. Wilson Fisk arrives on the scene and along with Oscorp declares they're going to clean up the streets.

The leaders of these gangs are a step way above what Spider-man has ever faced up to now. Having to deal with people like Mister Negative. To add on top of that, there's a serial killer on the loose targeting other murderers calling himself the Carnage Killer.

That's when Sergei Kravinoff appears and offers to teach Spider-man everything he knows. Spidey accepts and with the Hunter's help they start taking down all of the gangs. While doing so the name Kingpin keeps coming up. After doing some investigation Peter discovers the Kingpin is none other than Fisk, who is funding the task force to clear out his competition.

Soon after Spider-man discovers that Kravinoff is actually working for the Kingpin and has been studying how to defeat Spider-man this whole time. They fight, Spidey wins and then goes after the Kingpin. He defeats the Kingpin but Spider-man ultimately loses as Fisk uses the attack to frame Spider-man. We also learn that the Kingpin has been working with the Chameleon to takeover Oscorp.

So that's all what was going to be in the game as near as I can figure. Here's what was actually in the game:

A haphazard retelling of the movie story with the Green Goblin and Electro, while completely leaving out Gwen Stacey. She's not seen or referenced once through out the game. Most of the game is Spidey fighting generic Russian gangsters and then Carnage suddenly shows up, The End.

Kentucky Route Zero (2013)

Pure magic. The third of five Acts was released a week ago. It's a completely absorbing game that pulls you right inside. It's hard to think of words to describe it. It's the perfect game to play late at night when your house is quiet.

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Possessed said:

Tyrphanax said:

Possessed said:

Absolutely! And also there are packs for Majora's Mask as well so if you want to experience it again without playing the same game you can try that.  Also it works with Master Quest!

 I'd love to know where I could find these texture packs!


There's a few of them.  If you want to use an ocarina of time pack (other than the cell shaded ones) PM me, because the ones that use "realistic" graphics are the community pack and phantom7's pack, but they are both missing several things but most of the missing elements can be found in one or the other packs but not both, plus one pack may have glitches that the other pack doesn't have, etc.  I made a hybrid version of these two packs that I used myself that I would love to share with you.  (I've never made it public as it's not my work rather a combination of other people's work)

The BlueDart majora's pack is pretty sexy though.

Awesome, belated thanks. Those packs are gorgeous!

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


DrCrowTStarwars said:

Hey I have a question about the single player mode on the PC version of Call of Duty 4 modern warfare that I can't find an answer to anywhere else on the internet.  My dad's birthday is coming up and I think this would be the perfect gift because he likes playing shooters on his PC but he doesn't have a highspeed connection,does COD4 require one to play single player?  I have googled it but some sites say it does and some sites say it doesn't,does anyone here know for sure?

Thanks for your help.

You should be just fine with the original Modern Warfare as far as the singleplayer campaign is concerned.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Tyrphanax said:

DrCrowTStarwars said:

Hey I have a question about the single player mode on the PC version of Call of Duty 4 modern warfare that I can't find an answer to anywhere else on the internet.  My dad's birthday is coming up and I think this would be the perfect gift because he likes playing shooters on his PC but he doesn't have a highspeed connection,does COD4 require one to play single player?  I have googled it but some sites say it does and some sites say it doesn't,does anyone here know for sure?

Thanks for your help.

You should be just fine with the original Modern Warfare as far as the singleplayer campaign is concerned.

 Thanks a bunch. I think he will love the game!


You know what's been annoying me lately? The fact that what could be amazing modern games are being robbed of features because of last generation's consoles.

As one example, I know that there are several things that would have been in Battlefield 4 that were dropped because the 360 and PS3 couldn't handle them, things like using a pistol with a ballistic shield, for one; all of the "Levelution" stuff from China Rising for two (the whole levelution concept never really swayed me either way, but for them to use it as this huge selling point, and then drop it entirely from the first expansion strikes me as a bit fickle). I know it's not just Battlefield that's experienced this.

I understand that last-gen people would whinge that they didn't get the same experience as current-gen people, but what can they expect when their console is almost a decade old?

What I don't understand is why kneecap a potentially great game in order to appease last-generation's customers? Wouldn't putting the best games on the next generation of hardware drive sales of that console? What's the incentive for the average Joe who is unconcerned about performance to buy the new console if the same exact game is also on the one they already own? Is the threat of people whinging really bad enough to justify shortchanging a game on features?

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


So...after endless rumours and speculation Microsoft just confirmed that Halo 2...

Is getting a 10th anniversay overhaul.

Apparently it'll be in a bundle with Halo1 Halo 3 And Halo 4 - all sharing a singular interface.  Also included is a mini series by Ridley Scott and beta access to Halo 5.

Shit just got interesting.


Will it be on Xbox one or 360 or both I wonder.  I did enjoy the update of the first game since it meant I didn't have to bother get my Xbox up and running every time I wanted to play Halo.  I would enjoy being able to do the same with Halo 2.


Only on Xbox One.



E3 was pretty great this year!

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Halo Collection
Assassin's Creed 5
Battlefront 3

Alright Xbox One, you have my attention.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


doubleofive said:

Halo Collection

Alright Xbox One, you have my attention.

 Seeing as the rest of those aren't exclusives. Though just that is really tempting.

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My wife and I bonded over playing co-op Halo together. It's a sentimental thing.

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