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Video Games - a general discussion thread — Page 155

Tested it and it works uploading shortly. You need to erase your 1st file on the zelda game back it up if you want to keep it. I did include the homebrew channel so you can play it without running zelda because I read there is a very small chance you could brick your Wii with that and didn't want to just put that in there without telling you.


Here it is run the copy the Zelda save over to the HD and delete or backup the other one. When you star walk backwards or talk to the man then a bunch of code will appear on screen. After the code you will get the Snes9x start screen press 1 and 2 to start it until the controller rumbles. If you want to play 2 player you can use the Gamecube controller. It is compatible with the Classic Controller.

I also got my hands on Dr. Mario RX, Star Solider R, and Pokemon Ranch. The first two are cool but you need to understand Japanese to play Pokemon Ranch.
Hold up hold up, WHAT?....

If there's a chance I can brick my Wii with the Zelda thing, I'm not doing the Zelda thing...


Darth Chaltab said:

Hold up hold up, WHAT?....

If there's a chance I can brick my Wii with the Zelda thing, I'm not doing the Zelda thing...

No not the Zelda thing the homebrew channel.

This is what the guy who did this said.

What are the risks involved with this?

None, unless you install the homebrew channel.

Then you may have a (very small?) chance of semi-bricking your Wii.

If you are under warranty, and this happens, tell Nintendo an update messed up your Wii and now it fails to work. They will fix it for free. But the chance of this happening is very small.
Okay, thanks man. I'll just avoid that home brew channel. I enjoy this system too much to risk bricking it.


What do you mean the roms did you get the emulator to work? Did you put the contents of the folder in the root of your folder. Did you try looking in the front SD drive when loading roms?
Okay, I got it to work, but just once. If I accidentally hit 'play game' without loading a ROM, the system freezes on the Color Test screen, and I've had both games freeze up the Wii when I tried to run them. But I did get Earthbound to run once, so I guess it's just sort of a toss up whether it works or not... I just hope I can load my saved game since I didn't have an opportunity to save state...


Try this release. It doesn't have Wiimote/Classic Controller compatibility but it works with the Gamecube Controller.
[url] http://sharebee.com/bad8e22b[/url]
That's okay, I have it working now, I think. For some reason save states freeze up upon reloading, but I can reset the emulator after loading the save state, and start from my most recent in-game save point. That at least will force me to play through legitimately instead of save-state cheating ^_^


Just to bring us back to games proper...

Man, all these RPGs that star Mario rock. Seriously. I'll be surprised if the new Sonic RPG for the DS is half as good as Paper Mario.


SMRPG has been fun so far, and the Mario and Luigi series on hand helds is also great.

I lost a lot of respect for Yahtzee after his review of Brawl. I expected him not to like the game, but he just casually dismisses all fighting games for the very flaw that defines a bad one. And more importantly, the review wasn't funny at all.

He's good when he's reviewing the genres he knows, but he's an idiot when reviewing games outside them.


Anyone play Call of Duty 4 online?

Easily the best shooter out in years

"The Empire can't stop us now..now its our turn" -Luke-

*looks at GameRankings*

Come on, critics! Just give GTA a couple more non-perfect reviews! Then Zelda will once again hold the title of best-reviewed game of all time!
GhostAlpha26 said:

Anyone play Call of Duty 4 online?

Easily the best shooter out in years

Oh, I'd love to, except that my brother invited a bunch of friends and acquaintances over and it ended up missing. Never even played it myself before that happened.


GhostAlpha26 said:

Anyone play Call of Duty 4 online?

Easily the best shooter out in years

Agreed, completed it last week on the easy setting, but havent tried it online as yet. I much pefer this to GTA4 because even though both games are too short COD4 looks fantastic throughout, and it feels more revelutionary.
Darth Solo said:

Agreed, completed it last week on the easy setting, but havent tried it online as yet. I much pefer this to GTA4 because even though both games are too short COD4 looks fantastic throughout, and it feels more revelutionary.

I tried GTA4 didnt care for it, I like the older GTA games, they were a lot more fun if you ask me.

CoD4 online is a lot of fun, theres a bit of a learning curve getting use to the maps and figuring out your style of play your best with (i.e. run and gun or snipe) but once you get the hang of it, its easily the best online experience out there with the challenges you complete to upgrade and unlock new weapons and perks...HIGHLY addictive

My gold account on 360 ran out so I went back and beat the game on veteran difficulty, man was that intense...try Mile High Club on vet its nuts...you have to complete the level in 60 seconds.

"The Empire can't stop us now..now its our turn" -Luke-

Wow this comic is shit even when it isn't full of text. Tim Buckley is idiot and all of the characters make the same face all the time.
Here's what I'm playing on a rotational basis:

Return to Castle Wolfenstein XBOX
Call of Duty 2 360
Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine PC
Jet Set Radio Future XBOX
Shenmue II XBOX
BioShock 360
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis PC
I'm playing

Grand Theft Auto 4 (X360)
Paper Mario (N64 Wii VCS)
Paper Mario 2 (GC)
Katamari Damacy (PS2)
Super Mario RPG (SNES Emulator)
Mega Man 8 (PS2 Anniversary Collection)
Mega Man X (SNES Emulator)
Smash Bros Brawl (Wii, whenever I have opponents)


I remember The Infernal Machine. I didn't play it much, but my friend had it and I loved to watch. It was like Tomb Raider, only with a cool lead character. I remember if you turned on the invincibility cheat, Indy would walk on water.


DarkGryphon2048 said:

Here's what I'm playing on a rotational basis:

Return to Castle Wolfenstein XBOX
Call of Duty 2 360
Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine PC
Jet Set Radio Future XBOX
Shenmue II XBOX
BioShock 360
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis PC

Man, I loved Bioshock. I never wanted to leave Rapture...I plan to play through again soon with the downloadable content from the xbox live marketplace.
Gonna be picking up Ninja Gaiden II today. Ninja Gaiden Black was one of my all time favorite games, beat the hell outta the game

"The Empire can't stop us now..now its our turn" -Luke-