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Video Games - a general discussion thread — Page 134

Wow, that 2D Ocarina of Time looked pretty impressive. I wish his family hadn't had the site taken down, I would have liked to read more about it. If it would have been one of my family members or friends and I knew the project was something important to him, I think I would have had a commemoration thing setup on the first page and left it as a memorial to him. I am sure they did not want people being insensitive and writing to ask when the project is going to be done or if somebody else is taking over it. So I can understand why they did it.

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape

I read that he faked his death.

“Yesterday, around 4:00pm, I received a phone call telling me that Richard (Dampe) has been in a fatal car accident…”

What a tragic accident. A 15-year-old Melbourne boy is struck and killed by a car that lost control on a wet road. Richard Denton, developer of Ocarina of Time 2D, is dead, and with him a highly anticipated game is no more.

Except I don’t believe that for a second. In fact, I think it’s bullshit. Here’s why.

Richard is supposed to have died on the 23rd of March. The announcement was here, but those forums have since been closed down, with not so much as a memorial message remaining. A final post from the forum is preserved on Digg.com:

Unfortunatley, On March 21st, We lost our great man, Richard (Dampe)
The official police record has read that Richard was hit by a car that had swurved on the wet road, the car WAS NOT speeding. Richard was knocked unconcious and shortly after passed away.

So, did Richard die on Wednesday the 21st, or on Friday the 23rd? News sites invariably quoted the 23rd, which was on the original message. Why was the first announcement off by two days?

Well, we could turn to local newspapers for some clarification. Diligent googling has so far failed to reveal any relevant articles. Never mind, not every single death gets reported. What about death notices? A search of news.com.au and Fairfax classified notices reports no deaths by the name of ‘Denton’. Well, if Richard isn’t going to get himself into the papers, we’ll just have to go to the government.

Victoria’s Transport Accident Commission has an excellent road toll statistics tool, searchable by date, location, victim and injury type. Let’s see what happens when we plug in a search for “pedestrian fatalities, 21-23 March”. Results: One fatality, an 18-20 y/o female killed on the 22nd between 2am and 4am. That… doesn’t sound much like Richard at all.

For a ten-point explanation of why faked his death, let’s pass the microphone to Nihiljin in the Kotaku comments:

1. No rain in his area for several days, ruling out death by a car that swerved off the road to hit him. [NB there was 1mm of rain on Wednesday 21 March]
2. No local news in his area mentions the death of a teenager named Richard Denton.
3. No info at local police stations about an accident.
4. There were several Ocarina of Time 2D projects. His was being done in Gamemaker and it was the least impressive.
5. Months and months of work and we get a few screenshots of the Deku Tree.
6. Only 15 years old. I’m the same age and I frequently move from different stuff, getting bored quickly with the same things. He could’ve gotten tired of it.
7. Pressure. People would expect great things from anything with the words “Ocarina of Time” in the title. He might have cracked.
8. “Mention OoT2D on the forum and you’re banned. Forget about it. His family doesn’t want you to talk about it.” ^Short version of what was posted on the site. Why would mentioning it be bad? Why would his family care so much about a project they probably didn’t know or care about? Why would they be so desperate to eliminate all traces of it if they were grieving so much? If I died I think my family would have other matters besides shutting down my accounts on the Sony and Nintendo forums.
9. His account was acessed a few hours after his “death”.
10. A bit too perfect. The brilliant young developer is tragically killed and his last words were “I love you” to his girlfriend.

In addition to point #9, Dampé’s YouTube profile shows that ’someone’ was logged into his account as recently as March 28th.

Ask yourself what happens more frequently: a 15-year-old boy is run down by an out-of-control car, generating no press coverage, or a 15-year-old boy gets bored with a project and gives up on it. On the facts available, I can’t accept that Dampé is dead.

This is abhorrent - the gaming community has mourned his death, and this news has upset many people who knew Dampé through the project. The record needs to be set straight. Prove me wrong, if you can.

Digg this

Update: Solitary Angel posts on Gaming World Forums:

The thing that kind of makes this topic worse is that Dampe’ is very much alive…
By signing on with an older MSN account (not just me), a few people found out that he was in fact still online…

His reasons for wanting people to think he is dead was so that they would stop adding him and asking about OoT2D, and to also kill his reputation, stopping whatever pressures he may or may not have been under to complete his game…

Nonetheless a lot of us are pissed off and I just thought I’d say this before more RIP posts pop up.
Well, I live in Australia, and I never saw, heard or read any news of this kid's death. Didn't know about his project either, but if a 15-year-old kid got run over, it'd make the news over here.
MTFBWY. Always.

AOTS reported on Tuesday that the new Super Mario Strikers for the Wii (soccer) will be online-multiplayer. It's being released in England first (WHY?). No word on U.S. release date. Also Starfox64 went to the VC yesterday.
Nemo me impune lacessit

Originally posted by: JediSage
AOTS reported on Tuesday that the new Super Mario Strikers for the Wii (soccer) will be online-multiplayer. It's being released in England first (WHY?). No word on U.S. release date. Also Starfox64 went to the VC yesterday.

You're asking why a SOCCER game is being released in England before America?

Think about that for a minute, Sage.


Originally posted by: Darth Chaltab
Originally posted by: JediSage
AOTS reported on Tuesday that the new Super Mario Strikers for the Wii (soccer) will be online-multiplayer. It's being released in England first (WHY?). No word on U.S. release date. Also Starfox64 went to the VC yesterday.

You're asking why a SOCCER game is being released in England before America?

Think about that for a minute, Sage.

......Good Point... *mumbles incoherently*
Nemo me impune lacessit

You mean why a FOOTBALL game is released in England first, right? No need to piss off our sports-fanatic friends on the other side of the Atlantic, right?

There is no lingerie in space…

C3PX said: Gaffer is like that hot girl in high school that you think you have a chance with even though she is way out of your league because she is sweet and not a stuck up bitch who pretends you don’t exist… then one day you spot her making out with some skinny twerp, only on second glance you realize it is the goth girl who always sits in the back of class; at that moment it dawns on you why she is never seen hanging off the arm of any of the jocks… and you realize, damn, she really is unobtainable after all. Not that that is going to stop you from dreaming… Only in this case, Gaffer is actually a guy.

Originally posted by: Gaffer Tape
You mean why a FOOTBALL game is released in England first, right? No need to piss off our sports-fanatic friends on the other side of the Atlantic, right?

Bunch of hooligans...
Nemo me impune lacessit

I love the Wii. Don't get me wrong.

But is anyone else getting at all worried that it seems like developers are flooding it with last generation ports or shallow minigame collections? I mean, other than Nintendo, who is creating deep original content for the Wii?


If the PS3 is top dog of videogaming then the Nintendo Wii is a lap poodle that needs to be put down.
After many years to think it over, I have officially decided that Star Fox 64 is the best game ever.


I disagree...it's a very good game, but I think Donkey Kong is the best game ever.
"Who am I supposed to build ramps for? Who am I supposed to build ramps for now?!"
Donkey Kong for the NES sucked arcade was better.
Originally posted by: Nanner Split
Donkey Kong sucks!

You know what? You suck!
"Who am I supposed to build ramps for? Who am I supposed to build ramps for now?!"

EDIT: It's okay, it'll be fixed in the new software.


SADLY I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS WORSE, THE FACT THAT THESE BOARDS HAVE DEGENERATED TO "THIS" (WHATEVER THIS MAY BE), OR THE FACT THAT THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO CONSTANTLY COMPLAIN ABOUT THE BOARD DEGERATING TO THIS WHILE THEY DO VERY LITTLE TO MAKE IT OTHERWISE. Reading post from 2003 - present, I fail to see there having ever been more substance in the past than there is now. It has always been nonsense and fluff, only back then there were more people to post the said nonsense and fluff than their are now. I would love to see an example of "That" (being the way the boards use to be back in its prime) compared to "This" (being what they have presently degenerated to). And if you point me to the Ranking thread, the HLF thread, or the old Mangler Bros. thread I shall laugh violently in your face.

I honestly think Star Fox 64 is one of the best games ever. But I also agree with Billy, Donkey Kong is hands down the greatest game of all time. Anyone who says otherwise sucks just as bad as anyone who has never seen Billy Madison.

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape

sadly Sean, you still hang around here causing the degeneration of this forum

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Woo-hoo. Super Paper Mario hits the Wii on Monday. Anybody else looking forward to this one?


Originally posted by: C3PX
SADLY I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS WORSE, THE FACT THAT THESE BOARDS HAVE DEGENERATED TO "THIS" (WHATEVER THIS MAY BE), OR THE FACT THAT THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO CONSTANTLY COMPLAIN ABOUT THE BOARD DEGERATING TO THIS WHILE THEY DO VERY LITTLE TO MAKE IT OTHERWISE. Reading post from 2003 - present, I fail to see there having ever been more substance in the past than there is now. It has always been nonsense and fluff, only back then there were more people to post the said nonsense and fluff than their are now. I would love to see an example of "That" (being the way the boards use to be back in its prime) compared to "This" (being what they have presently degenerated to). And if you point me to the Ranking thread, the HLF thread, or the old Mangler Bros. thread I shall laugh violently in your face.

It's okay. Everything that's wrong with the forums will be fixed in the new forum software.
