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Video Games - a general discussion thread — Page 132

For the OoT fans of the group, here's a link to the Gerudo Valley music. Man I can't wait to play this game. Music is beautiful....

Gerudo Valley
Nemo me impune lacessit

The Midi version in the game doesn't sound this good, but boy does it set the mood for the Gerudo Valley I love this tune.


Originally posted by: Darth Chaltab
The Midi version in the game doesn't sound this good, but boy does it set the mood for the Gerudo Valley I love this tune.

The version that is done by on the Hyrule Symphony CD (orchestral renditions of all of the main music in OoT) of the Gerudo Valley Theme is awesome.

If you guys haven't heard this disc you should definately seek it out - it's amazing. There's this Ocarina Medley at the end, which, if you're a fan of this games soundtrack, will bring a tear to your eye...
I believe this is what you're referring to, Cassidy? (EDIT: After listening to this one, it's not so much a "Hyrule Symphony" as it is a "Hyrule String Quartet".)

Also, I highly recommend you all check out Zelda Reorchestrated. There's some brilliant stuff on there. Reorchestrated music from most of the games in the series (Calling the Four Giants from the Majora's Mask soundtrack gives me chills).


Originally posted by: TheCassidy

Looks like Sony might be losing more PS3 exclusives. While it still has Metal Gear Solid 4 and Final Fantasy XIII, Capcom is going to release Devil May Cry 4 on the 360 and the PS3.

DMC4 Not Exclusive

It's a bold move, IMHO, but not a big surprise. Capcom has had great success with Microsoft recently, with Dead Rising and Lost Planet being two of the handful of games that have been met with success in the tricky Japanese market. It will be weird to have the fourth installment of a game franchise on a system which hasn't had any of the other games in the series, but here's hoping they get ported over as a compilation title or something.

Things are definately heating up for the 360 (no pun intended), with this news and other great titles set to release. In case you guys didn't hear, Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night is up for download tomorrow. Have at you!

As a Sega fan, I've seen it in spades.
MTFBWY. Always.

I just downloaded the zelda soundtrack and think i'm going to download Zelda Reorchestrated.
Originally posted by: sean wookie
I just downloaded the zelda soundtrack and think i'm going to download Zelda Reorchestrated.

Don't waste your time, unless you like techno remixes. It's not that good, to be honest.

And this stuff is still comercially available, so you should probably keep it on the down low.
I think you should check the link for Zelda Reorchestrated before you bash it, Cassidy. I think you may be thinking of something else.

I actually liked these better than the Hyrule Symphony one.

Also, the Zelda Reorchestrated stuff is only available off that website as downloads, it isn't commercially available anywhere.

While we're on the subject of soundtracks, I'd also recommend the Shadow of the Colossus soundtrack. Amazing stuff.


Hey Nanner - didn't see your link. LOL.

Yeah, that's the one I have but I'm just not crazy about it. I can see how people would like it, but I have to really be in the mood for that sort of thing.

I can't believe that site had the Oracle OST's. I've been looking for those for a while...now if I could just find the Metroid Prime OST somewhere like that...
Man, all this makes me wish so badly the music in Twilight Princess wasn't such a relative let down.


Originally posted by: sean wookie
Downloading this thing called Best of Nintendo Music 1 & 2 Looks cool.

It is cool. Very cool. Another really good one is called Famicom History Sound Series - MArio The Music.

I mentioned Peach Healing Music a while back, it's really, really good.
Regardless of your opinion of Zelda Reorchestrated, I highly recommend you listen to the collection call Soundscapes, Vol. 1, especially the Gerudo Valley theme. It's like the one that JediSage posted, except cooler.

In fact, I think the one he posted came from ZREO.


with all this game soundtrack talk,does anyone have a link for Super Castlevania IV soundtrack?
now that game has the BEST music to me.
They still sell the soundtrack for that game on CD in japan if you're willing to import it. I just purchased it last year myself.

"Now all Lucas has to do is make a cgi version of himself.  It will be better than the original and fit his original vision." - skyjedi2005

I wish they sold soundtracks for games at Walmart besides flipping Halo. Seriously, Halo is a great game. I love fragging covenant ne'er-do-wells. But seriously, why is it that games like Halo create so much buzz and sell to the casual gamer and hardcore alike, while other masterpieces like "The Wind Waker" sell a realatively paltry 3 Million--less than half of Halo 2's sales?

Metroid Prime sold even less than TWW.


^ Well, Chalts, I guess there's no accounting for taste. Maybe if they set the price point at $130 and put the game in a replica of Link's head it would sell like hotcakes to the Halo crowd.

Has anyone seen this?


It is reportedly a new limited edition version of the Xbox 360 with these specs:

-Black case
-HDMI port
-120GB hard drive
-No HD-DVD drive (buy separate).

The magazine (Game Informer) that is running this, has denied that it is an April Fool's Day joke, so there may be some credibility to the rumour. Given the fact that Microsoft is notorious for tinkering with their products (the 360 has already gone through 3 different disc drive revisions!) and the fact that they had a lot of egg on their face for not initially having an HDMI port, I'm putting this one in the likely category.

As an early adopter of the 360, I'll be a little miffed if this pans put. Where's the loyalty? I'm a console gamer so that I only have to upgrade every 4-5 years, not after a year and a half of the damn thing being released.
Eighty dollars for an extra 100 gigabytes of hard drive space and an HDMI doesn't seem like that big of deal. They would do a price drop on the main console at the same time and sell this new model at $399 if they were smart.

"Now all Lucas has to do is make a cgi version of himself.  It will be better than the original and fit his original vision." - skyjedi2005

I'd like to get a 360 as a second console, however it's still to damn expensive. I don't think MS is going to be willing to drop the price any time soon, sadly.
Nemo me impune lacessit

LOL...Cassidy that's so cool. My kids would love that (not to mention me!).
Nemo me impune lacessit

Originally posted by: TheCassidy
^ Well, Chalts, I guess there's no accounting for taste. Maybe if they set the price point at $130 and put the game in a replica of Link's head it would sell like hotcakes to the Halo crowd.

I'd salivate if Metroid Prime 3 came in a Samus-helmet case. O_O

Of course, given my lack of extra funds, I'd probably just get the standard version anyway.

As for the Black 360, I really don't care much. Yeah, a 100 GB harddrive is nice, but I already have a 360 and don't use it for anything other than gaming. I don't need all that extra space.


Originally posted by: Darth Chaltab
Originally posted by: TheCassidy
^ Well, Chalts, I guess there's no accounting for taste. Maybe if they set the price point at $130 and put the game in a replica of Link's head it would sell like hotcakes to the Halo crowd.

I'd salivate if Metroid Prime 3 came in a Samus-helmet case. O_O

Of course, given my lack of extra funds, I'd probably just get the standard version anyway.

As for the Black 360, I really don't care much. Yeah, a 100 GB harddrive is nice, but I already have a 360 and don't use it for anything other than gaming. I don't need all that extra space.

With the relaxing of size limitations on XBLA downloads, I do fear that 20gb is not nearly enough. Considering that out of the box, the 360 only has about 13gb available to you between the OS and HD content which you may or may not delete.

Between all of these great games now (TMNT, C: SoTN and so on) I'm starting to be moderately concerned about running out of space. I was one of the idiots who downloaded the entire Lumines package, though.

What bothers me is that Microsoft is unclear about what your rights are with downloaded content. With Nintendo, they are very clear that any games you download are yours in perpetuity, but MS has burned people with corrupted hard drives into having to pay for downloaded content again. So what happens if you fill up your 20gb hard drive but don't want to delete Small Arms? Ms. Pac-Man? Geometry Wars? I wish there was a better way, considering (I don't believe) you can back up games to a memory card....or can you?
The only thing I've downloaded off X-Box live are the free demos. The actual mini games and stuff sound fun, but not enough to buy them.


Originally posted by: Darth Chaltab
The only thing I've downloaded off X-Box live are the free demos. The actual mini games and stuff sound fun, but not enough to buy them.

Yeah, it depends if you have a penchant for "classic" arcade games or not.

The Street Fighter II releases is quite good. Geometry Wars is addictive and fun. Small Arms is like SSBros. with zoo creatures and weapons, and there are a few other gems.

I worry about the Halo 3 episodic content filling up hard drives, and I would like the option of downloading HD movies (States only right now)....

Now, have you heard anything about this game?...


HOLY SHIT, NEVERMIND - this is BIG news. I don;t know if this is a joke, but it looks like Xbox Live got hacked and people's accounts are being messed with, namely purchasing more points, spending points and generally fucking things up. Holy crap, I need to check my account....


EDIT- It looks like there are a few isolated incidences of account hacking (possibly through phishing) and it might not be a widespread problem, though it is concerning....I always tend to overreact.