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V for Vendetta — Page 2


First off, when they say "big government" they are referring to the power and the reach of the particular government, not necesarily it's size. Also, "Conservatives" don't say big government is bad, but rather a lot of "Republicans" do. They aren't necessarily one and the same. A lot of people who think "big government is bad" vote republican simply because they want to make as much money as possible, and don't want the government interfering with tax codes, epa stadards, workers safety, ect. They could care less about a lot of the "values" associated with the Conservative agenda. As for the Patriot Act, it's exactly 100% what V for Vendetta is talking about.
40,000 million notches away
Originally posted by: Ronald Reagan
Government is not the solution to the problem. Government is the problem.


Y'know it had the teaser trailer for "Superman Returns", and I'm sorry to say that it doesn't look any better on the big theater screen than it does on downloaded internet sites. The suit still looks like crap and Brandon Routh still looks like he escaped from the set of a Power Rangers spin off.
I'd like a qui-gon jinn please with an Obi-Wan to go.

Red heads ROCK. Blondes do not rock. Nuff said.

I just picked up the TPB for Vendetta the other day from my local comic shop. First time I've been in there in over a year. Missed the place. I think I'm going to have to look for more graphic novels there on a regular basis.
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic
i haven't seen it but i'm a huge natalie portman fan and i think she looks very sexy with the short shaved head. most girls could not pull that off, but she has really nice facial features that it looks good on her. okay i'm done talking like a lesbian for now.... tom welling is hotstuff!

~* you know you love me... xoxo *~

I was a fan of V for Vendetta from the start (I have the original comics) and, having heard about Moore's distancing and knowing that Natalie Portman was far from ideal casting as Evey, I went expecting very little. I was pleasantly surprised. It's actually one of the best comic adaptations I've seen, intelligently crafting the material into a from that works well for the medium without drastically compromising the feel and intent of the original. Hugo Weaving was excellent as V and Natalie Portman was far better than she is in SW (not hard, granted).
I really enjoyed V for Vendetta. Seeing the previews made me not want to see it because I thought it was just another super hero movie with a guy in a mask. Didn't know it actually had history behind it. It's a very liberal movie. Actually the most liberal a movie can be. Yeah it kind of felt like it went by slow (this is a good thing for a good movie) but it was so good it went by fast. I've encountered a few movies like that.

It was almost like with all the little parts--well--I wont spoil it for anyone. But for those who have seen it...It seems as though all the events leading up to November the 5th were like little stories in themselves.

Overall I give it 5 out of 5, maybe the best movie I've ever seen (is that blasphemy here?). It was the longest 2 hour and 12 minute movie I've ever seen, and I'm glad.

PS. Portman's acting wasn't tooooo bad. And I agree with Chaltab; a shaved head is fine with me, as long as it's on Natalie Portman's hot little head.
Saw it on Tuesday. I thought Portman's performance was fine, but I felt that it was yet another "gay agenda" movie. The film makes great strides to talk about the various persecutions that people in England suffered as a a result of the rise of the High Chancellor, but every example of persecution turns out to be either anti-gay or anti-dissident, with the scales tipped heavily in favour of the former. I would have preferred a more balanced approach, perhaps along the lines of seeing how other minorities were persecuted, because the cast seemed curiously "whitewashed."
I haven't read the graphic novel so I don't know how accurate a portrayal of the source it was. Can anyone fill me in?

Princess Leia: I happen to like nice men.
Han Solo: I'm a nice man.

From what I've read on the internet (as I've been unable to track down the orignal story by Moore), pretty much everyone in England who wasn't a white member of the [obviously very corrupt in the film] Church of England is persecuted, which the movie represented fairly well.

You'd think a movie like this--showing how bad things could be--would shut the whiny 'gay agenda' crowd up, you know. Anyway. Portman and Weaving were great, and the overall message--that tyranny is only possible the citizens allow it, was good. And watching parlaiment explode was strangely satisfying.

I do have a question: the government reports in the film keep insisting that America is mostly destroyed... but isn't it possible that this is propaganda? America's gift the anchor mentioned at the beginning--what if it was really a gift of pity instead of 'in exchange for medical supplies'? Just food for thought.


Yeah I disagree with the 'America being destroyed' part. It's never really mentioned and it's probably just some commie's wishful thoughts. (commie's are ok, I was just making an assumption )
I saw Inside Man yesterday, really good.

Don't want to spoil anything but I think any of you guys would like it. One of those fun movies to watch about thieves and how damn smart they are.
On another note, I found the graphic novel in Books A Million yesterday and flipped through it some. Much of what I saw corresponded well with the film. One thing I thought was really weird is that it was set in 1997, whereas the film is set sometime after 2015 (which is when Valerie said 'America's War' began in the film)

I thought it was rather odd that Moore would set such a crazy hypotehtical dictatorship only 8 years into his own future.


I realy liked it! To my surprise it was not bad at all... I'm not a big fan of Portland but she did all right. And the lighting and scenery in this movie is bloody beautiful!

Go see it now! That is an order!

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This is completely off topic, but that Aurebesh in your signature pic is incorrect, BoMan.

"Darth" is spelled "Dorn-Aurek-Resh-Thesh" not "Dorn Aurek-Resh-Trill-Herf"



Thanks for pointing it out, I have changed it... but boy do I feel stupid...

-x- I aim to misbehave -x- www.gamerworld.se -x-