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SF Debris is about as real a Star trek fan as you can get. I mean he gives episodes of Voyager and Enterprise 10/10,which is more then I would ever do. He just calls things as he sees them too and tends to focus on the moral implications of the episodes and films instead of plot details,which I know can rub some people the wrong way.
By the way I know how it feels to like something others see as stupid as I enjoy a few Star trek and Doctor Who episodes that are not well loved. How ever as much as I may like The Twin Dilemia on a personal level i will not deny that people have good reason for not liking it and it damaged the show over all. I also wouldn't say anyone was wrong for call the Doctor a complete maniac in this story and wondering why Peri would continue to travel with him. I may like the story but I am not blind to it's massive flaws either.
Still for the record here he is being positive about the series and well he opened my eyes to a hidden gem that I had completely forgotten about. http://blip.tv/sf-debris-opinionated-reviews/voy-the-thaw-review-6039658