Really so the heroes in this movie disagreed with other people about how to live and instead of saying live and let live they forced them off of the planet when they knew this would result in a slow and painful death and you don't see that as genocide? All of the heroes are the most perfectly white people I have ever seen on a movie screen and you don't see a problem with that? Also back in TNG when it was nonwhite people who needed to be relocated for the greater good Picard was fine with it.
Oh and you really don't see anything wrong with a people who send people to die for the horrid crime of wanting to use technology while they use advanced tools and wear clothes that could only be produced by technology? Oh and as someone who has lived my whole live in farming country let me tell you there is no way to keep things that clean and white even with technology,so they have to be using some advanced form to keep their homes and clothes clean and yet they get to preach at people. Also they refuse to use technology because it is wrong but then they are fine with the crew of the enterprise using it to save them. Again so it's okay to let others fight for you while preaching that fighting and technology is wrong? This is really okay and you don't think having a problem with this type of thinking is a valid view point. Also you see to be saying for the record that this is the only perfect film ever made. Even Citizen Kane had flaws but since you have said it is wrong to be critical of this film you are in fact stating it is perfect.
Also since you didn't watch the whole video you can't judge,at least I watched the whole movie and read your whole comment. Also SF debris may be the smartest sci-fi critic out there and you are saying not one issue he brought up could be an issue? Seems like you have a blind worship of this movie. You want to get down to the nitty gritty with no set ups or jokes(Because he does comedic reviews)then take a look at this,it's not from SF Debris but I warn you there are jokes and it addresses the same issues and is a little snarky. Oh and to be clear I don't always agree with SF Debris(For instance he hates some Doctor Who stories I love) but I always leave his reviews understanding and respecting why he feels that way and I get a good laugh so i can't really ask for more for something that is free to view on the internet.
Oh and if you are interested here is what I see as SF debris' mission statement.
Sorry it's only a download link but it was the only copy of this video I could find on the web and I think it best explains why i watch SF debris and why I am trying to understand your view point. Also i think this next link says better then I did why I have the problems that I did. It gets right to the heart of the problem of this movie. it's a message movie and the message just doesn't work for most people and that is why we have a problem with it. I am sorry for all the links but I am just really bad at explaining my point of view in print without my meds. if I could post my own videos addressing this I would but I just have to settle for using videos that explain it better then I can at the moment,sorry.
Please note I didn't try to change how you thought about this film or say you were wrong for enjoying it. The world would be a very boring place if we all liked the same things,but I at least try to understand other people's view points and that is what I am trying to do here but so far your views have not been explained so i can just do my best to explain mine in my own worthless rambling way. I am not trying to force you to hate anything or like anything. I was just explaining why some people had a problem with that and your response is not to explain why the film is good but to attack those who don't like it and say their views are not valid. I am not saying that your views are not valid or that you have to hate the film,just that I don't understand your views as you have explained them and your seeming personal hatred of anyone who says this film may have a flaw or two in it.