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1. Chewie. This character does absolutely NOTHING of note the entire film. You could totally edit him out without altering the plot. I hope some fan-editor gets rid of this annoying action figure tie-in!
2. Setting. The desert!?! I see the desert all the time. How am I supposed to believe this is some exotic alien locale. The sand isn't even purple! And a jungle planet? Way to think outside the box there Lucass. There are tons of jungles... on Earth! Lame!
3. Masks. In another cheap ploy for action figures, they fill the wacky bar on Tattoine with all sorts of rubber-masked aliens. What, was Lucash to cheap to hire Ray Harryhausen?
4. Garidian. The only really fascinating character gets the short stick. Instead of mobbing up on the heroes and single handedly taking them out before they get on their spaceship, he goes and inexplicably tells the Stormtroopers where they are! It's totally out of character!
5. Ridiculous fight choreography. Why does Obi-Wan spin around 360 just to return facing forward BARELY in time to block Vader's lightsaber? To look 'cool' is why, because Lucas feels the need to try and appeal to kids these day who like spinning!
6. Wacky comedy. The uselesss wookiee growls at a silly little (and utterly useless) rolling droid that runs away?! Stupid C-3P0 thinks everyone got crushed. Did Lucas think the kids in the audience would run away without slapstick?
7. Why is there a grate that you have to shoot open to the garbage chute? How do the Imperials throw away their garbage? And wouldn't the stink constantly come up? Didn't anyone on this movie ever THINK?!?!
8. Terrible editing. The sandperson knocks Luke down and we get a bizarre loop/reverse shot of it shaking its stick. Did Lazy Lucas (was lazy) really think no one would notice?
9. Missed oppurtunites. Luke never kills anyone with his lightsaber. Han doesn't die in a heroic sacrifice. Leia doesn't get revenge on Tarkin. Chewbaca never tears anyone's arms off. And how come the Death Star, the size of a planet, only has like, 6 TIE fighters defending it? Why didn't Vader use the Force to choke Luke out in the Death Star trench?
10. Lousy acting. Debbie Reynold's daughter couldn't even be bothered to work out what her accent was. And could Peter Cushing have phoned it in anymore? He was wearing bunny slippers under the table for Pete's sake! Ford just does a lame reprise of his iconic American Graffitti role, and don't get me started on Aunt Beru! Ug!
11. The title. Star WarS??? There's only ONE war going on, dumbasses!
12. Parsecs. Nuff said.