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Info: 'Back To The Future - The Ride' bootleg DVD on eBay...


Is it possible that anyone could take a look at this, since the ride is closed? I’d pick it up, but my parents are on a “NO EBAY FOR J00” kick right now.

This has, according to the description:

The pre-ride footage
The ride (duh)
Link to auction

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em

I have a copy of that.

It's not much more than a well-done camcorder recording of everything at the ride. Now that it's closed, it looks like this will be the best there is.

It's not from a direct source; just a camcorder.

My stance on revising fan edits.

What about the pre-footage? How's the quality of that?

A laserdisc rip is on Youtube of the ride footage. And here it is. So I'm thinking that there must be a release of the pre-ride footage somewhere, which is actually what I'm looking for.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em