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Toy Story on 35mm (Exciting news!)


UPDATE- Donation link!!!

Donation link 2 (use if you don’t have a PayPal account)

Hey all- first post here, but I’ve been following this place for a few months now, and I have something very cool to share with you guys.

So a few months back, a 35mm print of the original Toy Story went up on eBay for I believe AU$5000? I don’t quite recall for sure… either way, this is pretty significant because it’s a version of the film that essentially hasn’t been available at all since it first released to theaters in 1996.

Here’s a link to the listing for those who are curious. It looks like it’s from Australia, so presumably an English print of the film, and looking at the pictures it seems to be in pretty great condition aside from some noticeable pink fading on some of the reels.

Anyways, I’m happy to say that after 3 months of saving up eBay funds, watching the price gradually go down and hoping no one else would beat me to the punch, I’ve finally sent an offer and committed to buying this print! I initiated a transfer of funds to my bank account earlier today, and as soon as that processes I plan on sending payment to the buyer. Naturally, my plan is to raise/save up money and eventually get the film transferred digitally, and I’ll likely be making another, more “official” post once I’ve actually secured the print.

That being said, I’m actually starting this post not only to share this news with you guys, but also because I have a number of questions about the process of digitally transferring 35mm film prints. As you can imagine, I have exactly zero experience with this sort of thing, but I’m hoping to learn how it’s done and maybe even use what I learn for other transfer projects in the future. I think it’s something I can pull off with enough help from this community.

As for my questions about the whole process, here are some that come to mind:

  • First of all (and probably most importantly), I’m wondering how I would want to store something like this. I think I understand that it’s best to have it in a low-temperature environment away from ground level, but does anyone have any corrections or other tips they can give?
  • From what I’ve read on here, I think I’ve picked up on the fact that you guys usually pay to have these prints sent in and scanned by another person. How does that work? How can I get hooked up with someone who scans 35mm prints? What does it usually cost to do this?
  • What about donations? I guess that should be pretty self-explanatory, but I’d like to know how people usually go about it, as with college and other personal expenses I’ll definitely need some help raising money for this. I’m guessing PayPal would suffice? I thought it’d also be fun to stream Toy Story games for donations if y’all would be interested in that… 😛
  • How are these things usually distributed? After all I’m sure at least some of you will be interested in seeing the finished product, and I’m not planning any donor-only shenanigans, so I’d like to know how I’ll want to share it with anyone who asks.
  • Finally, would anyone be able to touch-up/restore the scan a little bit in the future? I mentioned that the print seems to be a tiny bit pink, so it could probably use some level of restoration, but I am very much unskilled in that regard, so I’d be willing to pay someone else to do it.

Any other advice you guys have would be greatly appreciated. Seeing the original theatrical print of this movie is something I’m extremely passionate about, and I’m sure some of you reading are as well, so I’m very excited about this and hoping we can achieve something amazing. I’ll try to post updates (and maybe a little blurb explaining the differences between versions if anyone’s curious), and like I said I plan on making an “official” thread for the actual scanning project once I’ve gotten my hands on the print. Until then, cheers y’all.



I’ve sent you a PM, be sure you read it (speech bubble at the top next to your avatar).

[ Scanning stuff since 2015 ]


Super excited about this. Count me in for donating (might I suggest Toy Story on Genesis for streaming?) Thank you for sharing with the community as well.


SlashMan said:

Super excited about this. Count me in for donating (might I suggest Toy Story on Genesis for streaming?) Thank you for sharing with the community as well.

Thanks, glad to have your planned future support! And yes, definitely either that or the SNES version– I figured I’ll stream that game and maybe the TS 2/3 games if there’s enough interest.


I am very interested in this project and would love to support as well


Hey guys– update time!

First of all, huge thanks to everyone for the friendly and helpful messages over the past week. I already have a far better sense of how these project work than I did when I made the post, particularly in terms of the scanning and restoration process. Glad some folks are interested in the project, I think it’ll turn out great.

As for the Toy Story print– I’m happy to say that it’s been fully paid for and is currently in great hands. I’ve been coordinating with our Aussie friend Valeyard (@RU.08), who very kindly offered to pick the print up and hold onto it for me. He drove a hell of a long distance in order to do this, so huge shout out to him!

Anyways, Vale is currently holding onto the print, along with another very exciting one which he picked up…^^ He’s going to secure some canisters for the film reels since they didn’t come with any, and then we’re going to work out a plan from there for cleaning+scanning.

In other news, I’ve set up a PayPal for donations! If you want to contribute, you can do so right here. There’s certainly no obligation to contribute, but any amount will help a ton, so I’ll appreciate anything I can get. If you do donate, be sure to include your OT username in the payment description as well so I can thank you/give you shoutouts!

I’ll be posting another update as soon as possible, so stay tuned. Again, many thanks for all the messages and support I’ve gotten. The road looked rough ahead, but I’m glad I’ve got a friend in you all! 😁

Much love,


Sent a bit to your paypal to help. Interested to see how it turns out! I have labs I could recommend in the US (https://thenegative.space is someone I have worked with professionally many times before, although I have never sent them copyrighted materials), but RU.08 knows what they are doing.


Yep the print is here right now sitting in my house, I should have a good option that can do the scan for Trist’s project. The film was already packaged for postage in what the seller called a “film box” and I can quite confidently say it would very likely have been quite damaged in transit. When we send it to Trist in the US it’ll be packaged more professionally and will cost a lot more.

[ Scanning stuff since 2015 ]


rwzmjl said:

Sent a bit to your paypal to help. Interested to see how it turns out! I have labs I could recommend in the US (https://thenegative.space is someone I have worked with professionally many times before, although I have never sent them copyrighted materials), but RU.08 knows what they are doing.

ShiftyEyes said:

Sent a donation to the Paypal link 😃

Hey, super late reply, but thanks, guys! That makes you our second and third donors respectively, and puts us at $40. 😁

I’ll reach out if I need any help finding a scanner. It sounds like Vale has someone good in mind, but I’ll still be asking around a bit to see what my options are.


Alright, another brief update. Once again, super happy about all the interest and support I’ve gotten. We’ve already received $45 in donations– I’ll be matching a $5 donation with my own money, which will bring us to $50. To all the donors so far– you’re my favorite deputies! 😉

Anyways, I mainly wanted to share that I’ve started a donation page for the PayPal, which you can use to donate without an account. Here’s the link for those who wish to use it.

Nothing crazy regarding progress, but expect more deets pretty soon! Vale should be getting things secured on his end soon, as well as getting the print in for a cleaning at some point. As Vale/RU said, he’s apparently got a good scanner lined up (though I myself have no information regarding this anonymous entity at the moment 😂). I’ll post another update when I’m able to, so until then stay tuned.



Thanks for the update, just donated. I’d like to help get the word out, but I also don’t know how much publicity is too much before the mouse takes notice.


SlashMan said:

Thanks for the update, just donated. I’d like to help get the word out, but I also don’t know how much publicity is too much before the mouse takes notice.

Hey, I got it! Wow, that’s the biggest donation yet I think- either way, thanks a ton.

Yeah, I’m kind of in the same camp in terms of promoting it. I was thinking of making a trailer on my YouTube channel at some point, as I know Mango did the same for their Shrek scan a while back.


Hey all!! Big update– I’m happy to say that we’re starting to get things worked out. I’ve been in contact with a scanner (Quazza in the US) who has agreed to take up the scan. We’re also going to try and get the print ultrasonically cleaned beforehand.

Regarding the print itself, Vale still has it in the land down under. We haven’t worked out a plan for shipping yet, but what will probably end up happening is Vale will ship the print straight to the cleaner to save a round of shipping. On the OTHER hand, if I save some money up then I might have him send it to me first, just so I can see the print for myself. 😁

Anyways, all of this means that we can now have a rough goal for raising money– a very temporary goal, mind you, as we haven’t worked out any of the shipping costs. It’ll probably be quite a bit more in the end, as there will be a TON of shipping between different parties, plus the cost of a hard drive.

For now, though, scanning will cost $428 for 107 minutes of film, plus $285 cleaning– that puts us at roughly $700. We’re already at $75, so we’re making pretty good progress. I’m gonna figure out a cool bonus for people who contribute, though no promises yet. PayPal links are in the top message, so feel free to donate if you’d like!

Also, as I promised, I’ll be starting a new thread for the scanning project now that we’ve started to get a concrete goal/plan. I’ll add a link once I’ve created it, and that’ll be the main thread going forward.

Expect lots more very soon. Until then, cheers!



this is pretty neat I’ll have to donate once its pay day!


zerocool said:

this is pretty neat I’ll have to donate once its pay day!

Cheers, that’d be great. As I’ve said, any amount helps!!

By the way, I’m happy to that since my post from the other day, a few more donations (including a very generous $100 one from a Discord member), we have now reached $200 in donation money! Huge thanks to everyone who’s donated so far!!


By the way, I’ll be starting a new thread very soon. I’ll edit in a link here once that’s been done.

EDIT: Ok, new thread is up! Link