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The domestic situation is pretty similar and as incomprehensible.
The domestic situation is pretty similar and as incomprehensible.
I think everyone needs to go read TB's very first sentence posted on this forum. It was the height of rudeness for a newbie. A better choice would have been to simply ignore this place.
He deserved every post he got.
TV's Frink said:
I think everyone needs to go read TB's very first sentence posted on this forum. It was the height of rudeness for a newbie. A better choice would have been to simply ignore this place.
He deserved every post he got.
He was a total biscuit
Back on topic hopefully ..... I just had my first "check" and it was clean. Colon cancer runs in my family and I have Diverticulosis so this was certainly good news. I get a 5 year break before the next one so I just gotta remember to keep a good fiber intake and to stay properly hydrated.
So was it hands or cameras?
I've had cameras everywhere I'm practically famous.
Bingowings said:
So was it hands or cameras?
I've had cameras everywhere I'm practically famous.
I thought that was your bowels I saw on the cover of the Sun the other day.
Looking good.
Keep Circulating the Tapes.
(It hasn’t happened yet)
Tyrphanax said:
Bingowings said:
So was it hands or cameras?
I've had cameras everywhere I'm practically famous.
I thought that was your bowels I saw on the cover of the Sun the other day.
Looking good.
As the Bard put it, "Shall I compare thy bowels to the convicted serial rapist Max Clifford?".
Jetrell Fo said:
Back on topic hopefully ..... I just had my first "check" and it was clean. Colon cancer runs in my family and I have Diverticulosis so this was certainly good news. I get a 5 year break before the next one so I just gotta remember to keep a good fiber intake and to stay properly hydrated.
Diverticulosis is the most hardcore bowel issue to suffer from. You're in good company.
bkev said:
He reacted rather arrogantly to a thread about a podcast he did a number of years back. Long in the past, but a running joke in the moronathon nonetheless.
I have no comments one way or the other, just context.
I just read through the first half of that thread. wow. Yeah hotrod's original does come off a little rude, but to say Total Biscuit and his crew overreacted is a huge understandment. My gosh.
He however does have my sympathy if he has colon cancer. I hope he is able to recover.
TheBoost said:
Jetrell Fo said:
Back on topic hopefully ..... I just had my first "check" and it was clean. Colon cancer runs in my family and I have Diverticulosis so this was certainly good news. I get a 5 year break before the next one so I just gotta remember to keep a good fiber intake and to stay properly hydrated.
Diverticulosis is the most hardcore bowel issue to suffer from. You're in good company.
Scary thing is, if left untreated, it could be terminal. I try hard to balance my diet with fiber and water to keep things flowing. The foods I have to watch out for I eat in moderation if I like. Keeps me smiling.
Quietly speaks opinion on TB post ..... I don't find his words anymore rude than some of our own here.
That misses the point. It's not just what he said but how he said it.
Warbler said:
bkev said:
He reacted rather arrogantly to a thread about a podcast he did a number of years back. Long in the past, but a running joke in the moronathon nonetheless.
I have no comments one way or the other, just context.
I just read through the first half of that thread. wow. Yeah hotrod's original does come off a little rude, but to say Total Biscuit and his crew overreacted is a huge understandment. My gosh.
He however does have my sympathy if he has colon cancer. I hope he is able to recover.
If the thread title is any guide, he doesn't have cancer. But I'm not gonna watch a vlog just to find out.
I wonder how TB dealt with this guy??
He's like a Little Britain character.
Aw jeez first time I hear him talk, and already he sounds to me like the stereotypical "I like to hear my own voice" guy. He's like the british Howard Stern.
Hoo hoo tell 'em jessecox!
To drag this back on topic, Total Biscuit does indeed have cancer.
Get checked.
Keep Circulating the Tapes.
(It hasn’t happened yet)
I'm sure he will recover.
People mentioned on these boards have a good track record, best of luck to him.
Much love to anyone suffering uncontrolled cellular growth of the improper kind.
Something we call all agree is in fact, worse that WOW radio.
A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em
also related. hope this is worth a bump :P
A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em
Very good...!
I was once…but now I’m not… Further: zyzzogeton
“It wasn’t the flood that destroyed the pantry…”
TV's Frink said:
Oh man how I wish C3PX still posted here.
Me too...
CP3S!!!!! Welcome Back!!
CP3S said:
TV's Frink said:
Oh man how I wish C3PX still posted here.
Me too...
My long-time friend/nemesis!!!!!!
I hope this means we will be seeing more posts from C3PS. I PMed him. Although I know he read it, he has not yet responded.