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Torn.... To buy, or not to buy. — Page 2

Originally posted by: Master Skywalker
Also GL never gave a "real" reason why he didn't wanted to release the O-OT and "They don't exsist anymore to me" exept his "This are the movies as I intended them to be" (really, do you BELIEVE this sh*t?)

My sentiments exactly. All artists get ideas to "improve" their masterpieces. Spielberg wanted to get the tune for "When You Wish Upon a Star" for Close Encounters but he couldn't get the rights from Disney. He has the clout and capitol now to get it but he hasn't yet. Why? he made an alternate cut of E.T. but packaged the original version with it instead of pretending it doesn't exist anymore. Why? Why does Lucas do one thing while other directors from his generation do another?

To be honest, we may never know. We can only speculate about Lucas's actions compared to the actions of other artists. All we have to do is use our eyes, ears and brains.

The Special Editions are different, true, but they are not much different. Little goes on that actually enhances the storytelling. I doubt that Lucas is so dumb as to thing that the storytelling is actually enhanced in the SE. The CGI Death Star Battle is not noticeably better than the original. I need to do a side-by-side comparason to actually see what is different. So, for the most part, the story remains the same, so it is not a storytelling need that brings them out.

After 20-or-so years, Special effects technology has come a long way, but I still don't find the SE effect that much better. moreover, the changes and addtions seem to be rather ham-handedly added to the SE. The famous Greedo scene looks like a still photograph (I could swear I had that Star Wars card, actually) taken by the set photographer that had minor animation added to it. It looks terrible. Which is stupid because if Lucas really wanted Greedo to shot first all it would have taken was a quick shot of Greedo firing and adding a black spot on the wall behind Han where he missed. Granted there is a debate over whether greedo should get to shoot at all, but if the change was handled with more art, then the debate would be moot as either way it looks good. So the changes are not fullfilling a technical nor artistic need.

So what is left? Money. I am sure that, marcia or no, a Special Edition was planned to "improve" the effects of Star Wars to entice audiences back, especially those who complain that the films have not aged well. Add a few scenes and stuff and suddenly people open their wallets again. Heck, that is what Spielberg did with E.T. (although I didn't bite) So, this explains why he made a SE, but that doesn't explain the desire to surpress it. If he is driven by money, then it only makes sense to have both versions available. Put out two versions of the same movie on DVD at the same price and the hardcore fans will buy both. He stands to sell more copies keeping the orignals available then not. So there must be another reason to surpress them.

The Marcia angle could be it. It is possible it isn't, but it is a more sound explanation that the whole "original vision" thing which smacks heavily of spin.