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Thorr's 35 mm Star Wars Trilogy SE Trailer WQHD Restoration (Part-Finished) — Page 7


The U.S. LD SE trailers are the "this January, February, and March" ones.  I CAN confirm that the "20th Anniversary President's Day" trailer IS on the 2004 DVD Bonus disc....I just checked.

I'll update this post after I check the DTS audio later today..... 


Thanks - I have been using the 2004 DVD Bonus disc for my audio source.  It sounds good, except a few things...  I have a feeling that I have the other Jabba version of the trailer, so when I get to that spot, this audio source won't work anymore and I will have to either mix in the other Jabba part, or use the audio source from youtube instead.  Also, it is stereo, and DTS in 5.1 would be awesome.  I am looking forward to hearing what you have!


thorr said:

Thanks - I have been using the 2004 DVD Bonus disc for my audio source.  It sounds good, except a few things...  I have a feeling that I have the other Jabba version of the trailer, so when I get to that spot, this audio source won't work anymore and I will have to either mix in the other Jabba part, or use the audio source from youtube instead.  Also, it is stereo, and DTS in 5.1 would be awesome.  I am looking forward to hearing what you have!

I'll reply here instead of updating the other post.  I've listened to ANH/ESB DTS trailers....it sounds like the same audio from the Laserdisc trailers. 

I can probably pull the audio in .wav format for you to listen to yourself.  The ROTJ DTS disc does not have any SE trailer audio.


Great!  Then we should be covered with high quality audio either way once I find out which version of the trailer I have.  I can use the DVD bonus disc audio or the DTS audio.  Is the DTS version stereo or 5.1?  If it is in 5.1, can you send the wav's in that format?

Thanks, and looking forward to hearing the .wav's. :-)



Is there a high quality 1080P version of this that i could burn to a DVD and watch on my HDTV with my PS3?

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.


Not a completely finished version.  I released several clips throughout this thread to show the progress.


No major updates.  With holidays and lots of travel lately, I haven't had any time to work on it. I have more scanned than I released so far.  Maybe I will just finish the whole thing before releasing any more clips.


Jetrell Fo, you sent me some audio for other trailers, but not for this one.  You last mentioned you might have a Laserdisc with this trailer that you could possibly rip the audio from.  That would be fantastic.  Right now I am using the audio from the DVD bonus disc, but I am thinking that when it gets to an earlier part of the trailer, I will need the slightly different version with the different Jabba talking part. 

This is the audio I have from the DVD: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39J2zBB-AyU
This is the audio I need: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRwG9xyQmIE&feature=related

Listen to Jabba at about 45-55 seconds into it.



Looks and sounds like the generic trailer on the laserdisc and not like the rarer President's day weekend one that is on the DVD.

And i assume the youtube video is taken from the laserdisc as well because the quality is abysmal, if slightly better than the archived versions from the star wars site if anyone still has them.

No place in existence has any of the trailers special edition or original in blu ray quality high definition.  And seeing as such official versions don't exist, people only have what Lucasfilms furnished them with or fan made recreations.

I know considering we did not even get the real versions of the films on blu ray expecting them to have the trailers is asking for a lot.

Thorr as a fan is obviously scanning a print and restoring a trailer in HD, my comments are no slight on that work only that Lucasfilms is so lazy.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.


I have the audio you need. It's from an LD rip made by dark_jedi, which we will include as an extra on our 97 SE blu-rays.


I know I have the audio from those laserdisc trailers on 1 disc that I made for my self.  I will dig it out this weekend and get the audio ripped.



Thanks!  I really appreciate it guys.  Please PM me if you can get it to me somehow.


thorr said:

Thanks!  I really appreciate it guys.  Please PM me if you can get it to me somehow.


I've got all 3 trailers ripped, uncompressed .wav. I will zip them up to send you. This way you'll have all 3 from the laserdiscs along with the 2 DTS ones I sent you. Cheers

Oh, that's probably better. I only have them with ac3 audio.


Thanks again guys.


Jetrell Fo:  This is the one I need specifically: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRwG9xyQmIE&feature=related

It's possible I have this version of the trailer, but I don't know yet.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39J2zBB-AyU  If you have a higher quality audio than the 192kbps AC3 audio from the DVD, that would be great too!

I am not sure what the third trailer is that you have.  The previous DTS tracks you sent were from different trailers than those mentioned above.  Just want to be sure you send the right ones.  Thanks a lot for your help!




thorr said:

Thanks again guys.


Jetrell Fo:  This is the one I need specifically: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRwG9xyQmIE&feature=related" target="_blank" title="www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRwG9xyQmIE&feature=related">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRwG9xyQmIE&feature=related" title="www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRwG9xyQmIE&feature=related" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRwG9xyQmIE&feature=related

It's possible I have this version of the trailer, but I don't know yet.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39J2zBB-AyU" target="_blank" title="www.youtube.com/watch?v=39J2zBB-AyU">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39J2zBB-AyU" title="www.youtube.com/watch?v=39J2zBB-AyU" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39J2zBB-AyU  If you have a higher quality audio than the 192kbps AC3 audio from the DVD, that would be great too!

I am not sure what the third trailer is that you have.  The previous DTS tracks you sent were from different trailers than those mentioned above.  Just want to be sure you send the right ones.  Thanks a lot for your help!


The audio from LD I have is 16/48 uncompressed .wav.

I am only sending you stuff that came straight from the laserdisc capture I did. I did a lossless transfer in Vdub of the trailers with their audio. The DTS ones I sent are from trailers in the theater. I thought they "might" match ones from the laserdisc. The first trailer here announces the SE Trilogy starting with ANH. The second one is for Empire and announces Jedi, the third is for Jedi.

I hope this helps some.



It doesn't sound like those are the right ones.  I am confused by what you mean by "The first trailer here announces...".  Are you talking about the LD versions or the theater versions?  The trailer I am working on talks about all three movies and is not specific to just one.

You said the first trailer announces the "SE Trilogy" starting with ANH, so that may be the one I need if it also mentions Empire and Jedi.  You can click on either of my links to see if they sound the same.

At one point you mentioned this to me, and it sounds like what I need "I do have a custom trailer disc I made that uses LPCM audio for the trailer you speak of....that is all I have at this point."

Thanks again!


thorr said:

It doesn't sound like those are the right ones.  I am confused by what you mean by "The first trailer here announces...".  Are you talking about the LD versions or the theater versions?  The trailer I am working on talks about all three movies and is not specific to just one.

You said the first trailer announces the "SE Trilogy" starting with ANH, so that may be the one I need if it also mentions Empire and Jedi.  You can click on either of my links to see if they sound the same.

At one point you mentioned this to me, and it sounds like what I need "I do have a custom trailer disc I made that uses LPCM audio for the trailer you speak of....that is all I have at this point."

Thanks again!

I apologize if what I said was confusing. 

The DTS ones I sent you are theatrical trailers from the theater.  There are 3 trailers on the U.S. laserdiscs.  The FIRST one starts with the T.V. intro .... I have sent you only 1 file which has trailer audio that seems to match the one you're looking for.  I did not include the other 2.

Again, I am sorry for the confusion.  I was just trying to help you out. Check your gmail.



Got it, thanks a lot!  This is exactly what I needed.


I am glad I could be of some assistance.  Every little bit does help.



I am curious were they international versions of the trailers in different languages? I mean for the 1997 Special Edition trilogy.

I also wonder if they might have the same footage or different.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.