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Thorr's 35 mm Star Wars Trilogy SE Trailer WQHD Restoration (Part-Finished) — Page 5


Hi -1, yeah I looked into those, but they are very expensive and as you mentioned were limited to 40 frames.  I wasn't aware of the mods and I do have an Electrical Engineering degree, but I think I will just stick with what I have.  The scanning and aligning goes pretty quick now.  It's the post processing that eats up most of my time.  That wouldn't really change with the Nikon.  Thanks for the info though!  Let me know if you still need help with warping issues.  There is a time consuming but doable way to manage that.

LOL Harmy, love the new trailer!  Great job!


It's actually really old, I just want to redo it in true HD using footage from your scans when they're done :-)


Awesome footage thorr! Keep up the great work!


Oh, btw, is the print perhaps a little faded? There seems to be a bit of pink tint in all the highlights (probably most noticeable on the Falcon heading to Yavin shot).


Thanks esagrero!

Harmy - I am not sure.  It might be something with the scanning, or it could be in the print.  I don't have a way to project it at the moment, but I started looking into a Dukane Micromatic II.  They are pretty cheap on ebay.  I was thinking I could project it and take pictures with my DSLR camera and see how it looked, but then I decided that it would not be nearly as nice as my current method of scanning.  I also have an old slide projector.  I might be able to find a way to run the film through it but haven't tried yet. Some of the darker areas are pretty dark and if I try to lighten them, I get too much noise (like the left side of the trench run).  That might indicate that it is faded, or maybe my light source in my scanner is too dim.  In any case, it is good enough for me and I am not going to worry about it for now.

Also (one of my trade secrets, so thanks for exposing me, lol), when I scan, each frame initially has different levels of brightness and pinkness built into it, but I can't avoid this in the scanning software without sacrificing picture quality.  However, I found a great way around this.  By using Photoshop and converting the color profile to Photoshop 5 CMYK, it removes most of the pink and standardizes the brightness of the scan amongst the frames.  Then I convert it back to RGB.  I think the scanner provides an initial color profile that changes adjustments in each scan and by converting to CMYK, it removes those adjustments.  The resulting image still has a slight tinge of pink to it, but it is much better.  Maybe I can find a new color adjustment I can do to all of the frames to remove the remaining pink.  Again, this might be from the scanner or inherent in the print.  Not sure.


Got busy with other things and I haven't done anything with it until today, but started up again and it is going really well and fast.  I decided to focus on scanning and aligning for now and I am plowing through it.  Once that is all done, I will do the remaining steps (cropping, fixing blemishes, level adjustments, and resizing).  If I get around to it, I will post some raw screenshots later today.



Just an update, I got about 8 seconds more done yesterday (just scanning and aligning).  I am at the point where Lando's alien copilot is in Chewy's seat in the Millenium Falcon (just one frame of that so far).  It looks really good in motion (as seen in the preview window during the aligning process)!  I probably won't bother with screenshots or videos for awhile because it is a time consuming distraction.  I would rather just focus on getting it all done.  If I get sick of scanning and aligning at some point in the middle, then I might switch to post processing and might share a video at that point.  What's cool about scanning and aligning is I can do about one scene of scanning at the same time as aligning the previous scene and the timing is pretty good so both keep me busy.  It goes fast because I am always ready to set up the next scan since I am not overloaded with other post processing stuff.  If I didn't bother fixing blemishes, the rest of the post processing would be very fast also.  But alas, I am a perfectionist.



Is it possible to reupload those last screenshots? I never got around to seeing them, but it would be pretty neat to see some scans in 2K.



These aren't the same ones (don't know where those are).  This time, I just uploaded a couple of scans directly from the scanner with no processing at all.  Eventually they will be cropped, bad spots removed, levels adjusted, aligned with other frames, etc.  They look better after the post processing is done and they are in motion.

I haven't made any progress since my last post.  I have been super busy with work and haven't been motivated lately to work on this.  It will eventually be done. 


After a four month hiatus, I finally started working on this again.  Here is the latest.  I used sendspace because mediafire makes you login now.  It should be blu-ray compatible, although I didn't test it on a blu-ray player.




Thanks a lot!  It is very rewarding when I finally get to the part when I encode it to a video and it looks nice.  Working with all of the frames is a lot of work until then, but then at the end I get that nice reward.  ;-)


The look of the scenes in that trailer makes the blu-rays fade in comparison.


Nice job! I really like the look of your sample, Thorr. I can only hope that negative1's versions will be of similar quality.

It's great to see film-like SW again.


csd79 said:

Nice job! I really like the look of your sample, Thorr. I can only hope that negative1's versions will be of similar quality.

It's great to see film-like SW again.

our 1080p trailer should have given you an idea.

good work thorr.. very nice looking.




[no GOUT in CED?-> GOUT CED]


This is fantastic work.  Unbelievable.  

Played great through VLC, but my Sony Blu-ray player didn't like it.  VLC said it was running at 48fps, perhaps that's what the Sony didn't like.

If anyone comes across any old DTS cinema trailer discs from late 96-97, check to see if this is listed on it.  If so, I can rip it and we could get 5.1 for it!  I'll keep my eyes peeled.  I have quite a few old trailer discs, but they all date after the year 2000. 




“Alright twinkle-toes, what’s your exit strategy?”


Thanks everyone!  I tried making a blu-ray disc, and on my PS3 it shows up as a data disc, but I can play the file in the stream folder just fine. Not sure what why it doesn't just show up as a avchd disc.

For anyone with a 2560x1600 resolution monitor, here is the WQHD version:
