darth_ender said: I will never understanding how someone can feel so passionately about women's rights that they feel justified in removing the right to life of another human.
while I am not pro-choice, I'll try to explain the logic used by the other side. It's as simple as this: they don't believe they are taking the right of life away from another human. They don't believe the fetus is a human yet. They believe you become a human when born, therefore to them the fetus is not human life. Since, to them, a fetus is not human life, it does not have human rights.
just to be clear I believe the fetus at sometime before birth becomes human and therefore acquires the human right to life before birth. I am not sure exactly when it happens, but I believe it happens sometime before birth and after conception. Probably leaning closer to conception. I therefore am more on the pro-life side. I do believe abortion is ok when the life of the mother is at stake. I am not sure about rape. It is a dilemma for me.
CP3S said:
darth_ender said:
How can we protect the lives of endangered animals and plants, yet treat unborn human life as trivial because we are not endangered? I'll never understand it. But you're welcome to try to make me. I'm ready to be outnumbered, but I assure you I am will not cop out on this topic.
Because we are selfish, and they take a lot of work and get in our way, and each one of them is pretty close to a 20 year investment.
It doesn't have to be a 20 year investment. I am sure you've heard of adoption. It really only needs to be a 9 month investment.
CP3S said:
There are fates worse than death, to use a cliche.
perhaps there are, but do you want others deciding that for you? Do you want others deciding for you when your fate is worse than death and therefore deciding to do away with you? I say we can't play god. If we have to choose for another person, I we should assume life is always preferable to death. The only person who should have the right to decide if death is preferable to life for a individual is the individual themselves.
CP3S said:
The developmental childhood years are extremely pivotal in an individual's life. You screw those up, you screw up the person. At this point we have layers upon layers of screwed up people in this country, prepared to make layers and layers of more screwed up people. If some of these people chose to "opt out" of at least one of their contributions to the screwed up masses...
I've seen some kids in some really heartwrenchingly awful situations thank to parents who were never fit to be parents. There are so many situations like this we can't even track or contain them all. If they are willing to undo what their irresponsible behavior created, by all means, let them spare that poor child from that fate.
Would you rather millions more children be born to parents who didn't really want them in the first place and who are not willing to make the sacrifices it takes to be even the lousiest of parents?
again, you are deciding for the child, that the child is better off dead than alive. You are playing God.
twister111 said:
So I thought about the whole side of the debate of "a fetus is undoubtedly a person from the point of conception". Well then lets look at that from that perspective completely. Yes it being a person affords the right to live. Though the right to live comes with certain consequences to your actions. A starving person doesn't usually get away with stealing food. In spite of plenty of people treating their pants as food theft 'r us. Still without eating a person will die. Then what right does another individual have to force another to eat foods they don't normally eat, force bodily changes, cause them to throw up, force them to carry them around for 9 months, and kick the inside of their body? Essentially stealing nutrients from her to live. Now if it's that woman's choice to let those things happen then hey congrats! New life! Yay people are happy!
so you are comparing a bum on the street stealing food from a stranger to fetus naturally taking nutrition from the mother? I see that as a good comparison. Neither a baby nor a fetus can fend for itself. They need to be taken care of by someone. As for the bum on the street, there are charities and food stamps to use. Just what do you expect a fetus to do? I don't think we have the medical knowledge needed to remove a living fetus from the mother and provide it with the necessary nutrition it needs to survive and develop into a baby. Until we do, I think it preferable that the fetus remain inside the mother until born.
twister111 said:
However if a woman doesn't want a kid for various reasons why force her to go through all that? Yes a life will be lost, but shouldn't she have the right to self defence?
a fetus taking nutrients isn't what I'd call an attack needing to be defended from.
twister111 said:
What I mean about that "self defence" point is that in a way that's what abortion is. It's protection from the injuries incurred during childbirth, the bodily changes, the weight gain, getting sick.
things that the fetus can't help from doing. Things that the fetus made no conscious decision to do.
twister111 said:
The quality of health for that person is a lot better aborting early. Hypothetically you hear a story on the news where a Woman had to get 20 stitches, or another story with a huge cut across her abdomen. Then you hear that she could've avoided such injury. It's hard not to instantly jump to the thought of "well why didn't you stop that?!" Isn't it? Even though you know I'm talking about a baby being born.
your last sentence already answered your question as why you didn't stop that.
twister111 said:
All that said yes I realize a kid can be a wonderful, wondrous, and inspiring bit of joy to enter someone's life. I just recognize that the situation isn't completely black and white. There are too many variables to every situation to conclusively say "Yes you must keep the kid alive, because we say so!"
I wouldn't put it "because we say so!" I would put it: " you must keep the kid alive cause murder is wrong"
twister111 said:
I've only scratched the surface here. There's also the quality of life for the child after it's born, coming into the world unwanted already
again, when you talk about deciding whether the kid is better dead than alive, you are playing God. Also remember as for being unwanted, there is always adoption.
But I do agree with you twister111, is it a complicated question with many variables. I am not exactly proud or happen my with my stance, but I can see no other way.
theprequelsrule said:
There is only one question that should be asked when it comes to abortion: should a woman have the final say over the fate of something inside her?
in order to answer that question, you have to answer the real question: is what is inside her really human life or not.
theprequelsrule said:
I feel that the opposition to abortion, from the ancient world to today, is based on keeping women under control of men.
I don't wish to be rude but that is bs. I have no desire to "keep women under the control men". Also remember many people opposed to abortion are women themselves. This isn't about controlling women, this is about protecting the rights of the child(specifically the right to live). Now, you can argue the fetus isn't a human life, but many believe it is. That is why they are opposed to abortion and not because they want to control women. It was not my or any other man's decision that women would be the ones to carry the child to term. If it were men that were the ones that got pregnant, I'd feel the way I do about abortion. I think the argument that "people who are pro-life feel that way cause they want to oppress women" is just silly and stupid.
theprequelsrule said:
I think if you agree with modern Western values, then you must automatically grant women the right to decide if the child they carry lives or dies.
did modern western values have decided that the fetus is not a human life and therefore has no right to life?
(if you believe the fetus is a human life)did modern western values decide that a woman has the right to play God with their unborn child's life?
theprequelsrule said:
It is one of those funny issues right? Liberals and conservatives are often on the side of the issue opposite to what you would expect. Conservatives should want the decision to remain with the family, while liberals would be more likely for the government to interfere to "protect" the child.
I guess I am liberal that wants to government to protect the child.