xhonzi said:
DrCrowTStarwars said:
Hey I am just spitballing ideas here.
Er... maybe I'm campaigning for Vice Mayor of Crazy Town here, but I believe DrCrow is using a little thing called "hyperbole" to illustrate his point.
given his mental problems and his history of extreme and illogical irrational posts, I am not so sure you can conclude this.
I could be wrong, but I think he is saying "here are the alternatives in stamping out bullying- either you completely infringe on all human rights, or you teach people to stop empowering bullies by caring what they have to say".
Or you could take more reasonable steps againts bullies that don't infringe on all human rights. Do more to teach that it is wrong to bully. Do more to encourage kids to report bullying to teachers or other appropiate adults at school when they see it. Keep a better eye on the bullied and the bully. Do whatever you can reasonably do to keep bullies and the bullied separate from one another at school. Make sure that people that are supposed to watch kids at recess and or on the playground, do just that instead of just gossip with each other(which happened at my school a lot). When a kid a reports being bullied, take it seriously, more seriously than it used to be taken. Sure, teach the bullied to try to not to react to bullied and care what he says, but make sure you don't at like he is blame for how he reacted when the bully is to blame for bullying in the first place. Also punish to bully appropiately(and no, I don't me that bullys should be executed). I can't describe how much it upset me that I was treated that I did something wrong for how I reacted, and the bully seemed to be able to get away with murder.
Perhaps this comparison is apt: You will never solve "the drug problem" by going after the dealers.
the difference is, those that buy and take drugs, choose to do so, the bullied do not choose to be bulled.
Unless we move to a complete police state where every action is monitored and enforced. But NO ONE is suggesting we do that. Probably.
no I am not suggesting a police state. Never did suggest it nor come anywhere near close to suggesting it. A police state is not what I want.
Now, I think I am done with this. Perhaps creating this thread was a bad idea. This subject is a very sensitive issue for me, perhaps too sensitive for a discussion like this. Sorry.